Rita D'Souza (78), daughter of the late Marcel Menezes & the late Pauline Menezes, wife of the late Edwin D'Souza, mother of Alwin, Melwin/Sharmila, Godwin/Prajwal, Shobha/James, Macklyn/Apsara Grand Mother of Melisha, Sohan, Swati, Nikita, Sharol and Joyal, passed away on January 6, 2025.

Viewing will begin at 2 pm at the residence, Al Mac – Cottage, Jeppu Bappal. Funeral cortege leaves residence at 3:30 pm, followed by mass and burial at 4 pm on Wednesday, January 8 at St Rita's Church Cascia Cemetery Chapel, Jeppu Road, Nandigudda Mangaluru.

Contact:  Sharmila - 94824 53686, Macklyn - 90350 16290