Mary Menezes (90), wife of the late Ligoury Menezes, mother of Eliza Mathias/ the late Gilbert Mathias, the late Celine Noronha/ the late Charles Noronha, Alwyn / Nancy D'souza, Simon/ Anitha D'souza, William/ Lavina Fernandes, grandmother of Joyce, Johnson, Jovin, Glany, Abhishek, Amanda, Sharyl, Shawn, Briana and Brian, great grandmother of Eathen, Melony, Gianna, Savio, Johan and Jaden, passed away on janaury 29, 2025.
Funeral will be held on Thursday, January 30, at 3:30 pm from the residence, Menezes Home, Kudthamajal, followed by the mass at Our Lady of Health Church Shirva.
Contact : 73383 23869