From,Valerian Peris
Cyril Pais S/o late Casmir and Cecilia Pais, H/o Nancy Pais, F/o Ashok / Pramila, Shoba / Maxim, Nishanth
Grand Father of Melria, Melona, Mayola and Shaun.Brother of Valerian, Jerome, Charles, Richard, Franky, Leena Peris. Ida Pinto, Lancy, Rony & Johnny, pf Biyame Bajpe
Passed away on 21.12.14
Funeral cortege leaves residence Pais Compound, Biyame to St Joseph Church, Bajpe on 23.12.14 at 3.30 pm, followed by mass at 4.00 pm
Contact :
Maxim - 9880980324 / Nishanth - 8105975994
0824- 2251519 (Res)
9035630368 (Shoba)
9880980304 (Johny)