Simon Noronha (60 ) H/o Juliana Noronha, F/o: Sanjoy/Prima and Joel Noronha, Grandfather of Sophie Noronha.
S/o Late Joseph and Santhan Noronha, B/o Late Rita/Lazarus, Late Mary/Ashley, Lawrence/Pressy, Br. Philip and Late Wilma Noronha, brother in law of Jerome/Mercy Saldanha.
Passed away on 25-03-2017
Funeral on 29-03-2017, Wednesday. Mortal remains will be brought to St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Bejai for viewing from2:30 - 3:00 pm. Mass at 3:00 pm followed by burial.
Contact numbers: +91 94495 07882 +91 95353 22244