
Winners Gratification of Dasara – Diwali – Dhamaka 15th Nov’15

Mohideen Bawa, MLA of Mangaluru North Constituency, picking up the lucky winner of DASARA – DIWALI – DHAMAKA contest held at The Forum Fiza Mall, Pandeshwar, Mangalore. 

More than 6000 customers participated in this contest which was held between 13th October 2015 to 11th November  2015. 

The winner details are as follows : 

2 lakhs Gold winner - Mohammad Dawood

3 lakhs Gold winner Samith Shetty

Bumper prize winner Mizna Mariam Hyder 

iPad winner Dr Prashanth Mallya

R C Rodrigues  & Santosh Rodrigues, partners of Karnataka Agencies  (Auto Partner) felicitating Hyder, winner of Bumper prize. 

Guru Prasad Rao Centre Head of Bhima Jewellers, Mangalore (Gold Partner) felicitating Sumith Shetty & Dawood Winners of 1st and 2nd prize, gold worth Rs. 3 lakhs and 2 lakhs respectively. 

Nithyanand, Centre Head of Maple store (Premium Reseller) felicitating Anand Gurikar & Prashanth Mallya winners of Apple Mac book Pro & Apple ipad.