Merlin & Renny Lobo - Kudupu / Abu Dhabi




Marriages are settled in heaven
However  celebrated on the earth
God gave you two a special love
For He knew you would cherish it.

Twenty Five years you spent in love

All these years you held on to your vows

Life was never easy in those years.

Yet your love continued, warm and bright
Your tender bond grew with passing time

It’s a remarkable feat only few can achieve

May your love flourish as more years go by


Today is your Silver Wedding Anniversary

Golden Jubilee should be the next goal

May you be warmed by each other's smile
May happiness ever surround you two
May your love ever shine like a beacon
May your love  remain strong and true

May your bond ever keep on growing



Wish you both a Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary


These wishes come to you from

Your loving Daughters

Melissa & Gisselle

Along with Family and Relatives