5th Birthday Wishes
 Rhea Avishka Pereira
November 29, 2009
Darling Rhea

From morning till night
May your birthday be bright
And nicer than ever before.....
And as year comes and go
May your happiness grow
And your dreams fulfilled even more
You’re always very special
And you should know today
That you are wished the nicest things
That life can bring your way
Here’s wishing your 5th birthday
Pops and delight… bursts with joy…
And rings with laughter all through!
Happy birthday to you
With loads of love n hugs n kisses from

Mum & Dad  (Anita  & Ronald Pereira – Dubai)
Sebastian & Celine Mendonca (
Grandparents - Neerude)
Anjelin Pereira (
Grandmother – Bangalore)
Cousins, Uncles and Aunts (
Dubai, Bangalore, Neerude)