10th Wedding Anniversary
Nigel & Sharel D’Souza

Dearest Nigel & Sharel,

May the good Lord bless you on your, 
Anniversary day.
May He always be your companion, 
And guide you on your way. 
May your bonds of marriage strengthen, 
Holding strong amidst all fears.
May the memories you cherish 
And the joys that you recall 
Help make this anniversary day 
Your very best of all, 
And may these truly happy years 
Of seeing dreams come true 
Be a promise of still greater joy 
In the years ahead of you!
Wishing you the very best, 
A wonderful day, good health, good luck, 
and happiness that never ends !


With love & best wishes from,

Loving son: Daniel
Dad & Mom: Denis & Lily, Mom: Mabel lobo
Newton / Meena & Adrian, Neethan / Lynette
Shanti / Soter & Kriya, Shefali / Arun & Alton
& Santosh