Silver Birthday 
 Denzil D’Sa
September 25, 2010
Dear Denzil,
How very fast the time has flown
The years seem such a whirl
Since you were just a tiny child
A precious baby boy.

How quickly you have blossomed
Through those tender childhood years
When every single day had moments
Full of joy and tears.

But those nostalgic schooldays
Which have sped so swiftly by
Have seen you reach twenty five
All in the blinking of an eye.

So think about your future
Special things to see and do
New faces and new challenges
Just waiting there for you.

For twenty five is a milestone
And it marks another turn
Today's a day for celebration
See those candles burn.

Enjoy this special birthday
Feel the love in all you do
Nobody deserves it more than you.

Wishing you a very
Happy 25th. Birthday

Best wishes from Mom and Dad ( Jessy & Elias ) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Sister and Brother-in-law ( Dolly and Kevin ) USA.
Grand mothers.... Brigit D'sa and Lucy Pinto