“So thy are no longer two, but one flesh,
Therefore what God has joined together,
Let man not separate”
Suraj Glan
Son of Stanly & Rosy Mary Dias, Shirva
Sharon Carol
Daughter of the Late Charles D’souza & Severine D’souza, Mudarangady
Married on Wednesday December 28, 2011
in the Church of Our Lady of Health , Shirva.
“He is a half part of a blessed man
Left to be finished by such as she:
And she is fair divided excellence
Whose fullness of perfection lies in him”
Congratulations on your Wedding
Wishes from:-
Family Members
Relatives and Friends
Contact: - 91 820 2554344
Email Id: - diassuraj@gmail.com
Pics by Arul Crystal Studio, Shriva
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