1st Birthday Wishes

Caleb Luca Peris 



Darling Caleb

A year ago, we welcomed you
A baby of our own.
Nervously and sleepily,
We took you to our home.

A year has gone so quickly,
Yet we have learned so much.
We've felt a love so strongly,
In a baby's gentle touch.

 You're as cute as a bug
So precious to hug
A darling child
Who's nice to be near.

So, hope turning one
Is happy and fun
And takes you along
To a second great year

Your birth brought happiness and joy and today your birthday reminds us of how lucky we are to have a cutie like you in our family.

May God bless you with good health and keep you always happy.

Happy 1st Birthday Sweetheart

Kisses and Hugs from:
Vijesh & Charlotte Peris (Parents)
Valerian, Leena, Mathias & Pamela (Grand Parents)
Vanessa & Charlene (Aunts)
Cecilia Peris (Great Grandmother)