Wish You Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary

Ronald & Helen D’Souza

19.05.1993   - 19.05.2013


On this day, 20 years ago, you made solemn vow to each other, during the holy matrimony
“to have & hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to accomplish more than each of
us could do alone, till death do us part”
And you have been fully committed till this moment.

We sincerely thank you from bottom of our heart, for the upbringing, selfless love, affection, education,
values, for all the sacrifices, the pain you have undergone till date and setting an example to us all; We are truly blessed to have you.

On this auspicious occasion of completing 20 years of blissful married life,
We pray to Almighty God, to shower his
choicest abundant blessings on you, give you long life,
keep you in good health, peace and happiness, all days of this
year ahead and for many more returns of the anniversary.


With lots of Love, prayers and best wishes

From your Loving

Sisters & Brother in Law

Brother & Sister in Law

Nieces & Nephews


All the Family Members