Santhan D' Mello

Born  : July 26, 1939
Died   : May 24 , 2008

A loving mother you have been,
Many troubles you have seen,
For each of us you did your best,
May God grant you now eternal rest !

Upright and just in all your ways,
Loving and kind to the end of your days,
Sincere and true in heart and mind,
A beautiful memory left behind !

The Month mind mass will be held in St. Mary's Church,
Dubai, UAE  at 6.45 am on Tuesday June 24, 2008

A tribute of love from your Husband Vincent D Mello and children:
Alwin and Janet –Mumbai
Olinda and Merwyn – Mumbai
Oliver and Flavia - Dubai

Along with all your Grandchildren
Nisha , Nitin , Neha , Natasha , Priyanka , Olivia & Olisha
