Alma Ursula Pinto (Lulu)
Born : 21-10-1986  Died : 25- 09-1998 (U.A.E.)

Ten years have passed by since you left us
We still remember you with tears in our eyes
We no more hear your sweet voice saying 'Dad' and 'Mom'
It just vanished, giving us severe shock             

Within minutes death snatched you
Our joy turned into grief
When we think of that tragedy
We call upon God for His Mercy               

Dad remembers you in his daily prayers
' What God has given, God has taken away' says Mom 
' How can I console' says your dear sister
And our relatives who are grieved by your sudden death                    

We know now, you are an angel in Heaven above
Where there is no more pain or sorrow
Pray for us on earth here below
That one day all may join you in heaven above                       

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon her
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.                     
A Tribute of love from  :

Dad: Alwyn Pinto   Mom: Precilla  Sister: Magna (Dubai, U.A.E.)
and all near and dear ones