Philip Neri Rodrigues

Born:  25 April 1940
Joined the Lord:   03 March 2011


It’s your 83rd Birthday my dear Philip

Would have been great to celebrate without a flip

Oh! how we miss you everyday

Especially on this special day.


Would have been a milestone in our lives

The joy and happiness it brings

With all beauty and shines

As you are the center of our lives.


You are missed each and everyday

For celebration to get away

Destination place for a holiday

Would have been a beautiful awayday.


You are the loveliest person we have ever known

Great pleasure, You being our own

You were the best even to unknown

With the closeness we all have grown.


Friends and relatives would have been here for the celebration

But missing that great union

You are celebrating with angels and saints in heaven

Can never be forgotten.


You are always in our hearts

With thoughts, words and deeds

The love and care that never imparts

Dear Philip, Your name is always on our lips.



 Fondly remembered by

Jessie Rodrigues and family