Felix Lobo

Born : 30 May 1924
Death : 29 Jan 1997 


Upon a century's threshold, we pause and reminisce,

Your essence, a legacy, we eternally miss.

A humble man of virtue, in simplicity dressed,

Your life, a tapestry of diligence, truly blessed.


In quiet strength, your integrity was your speech,

A silent guide, your actions did lovingly teach.

Seventy-three winters, your presence we cherished,

In '97, you departed, but your memory never perished.


Now, as a hundred years of your birth we celebrate,

Your spirit, in our hearts, does resonate.

Your lineage, a testament to the life you've sown,

A family flourishing, your values the cornerstone.



Fondly remembered & missed by:

Wife :  Lily Lobo

Children :   Harry Lobo/Annette, Harriette Fernandes/Norbert,
Tony Lobo /Merline & Charlotte Furtado /Larry

Grandchildren:   Aaron, Ryan, Nikhil/Rini, Rhea,
Chris, Nigel & Dylan

Brother :   Shabi Lobo/Clara