First Death Anniversary
Charles Santhumayor
Neerude / Bangalore
Born : 10th September 1925
Died : 19th June 2008 
A year has passed...
I will never forget the day, 
when my brother called to say, 
that you had gone away. 
Dad, if I could only turn back time,
and once more hear your voice;
I'd tell you that out of all the dads
you would still be my choice.
God took the strength of a mountain, 
The majesty of a tree, 
The warmth of a summer sun, 
The calm of a quiet sea, 
Then God combined these qualities, 
When there was nothing more to add, 
He knew his masterpiece was complete, 
And he called it ... Dad. Yes, my Dad.
Please always know I love you
and no one can take your place;
Years may come and go
but your memory will never be erased.
                                   - Maureen
A tribute of love from

your ever loving wife Dulcine
Children: Alwyn & Karen, Maureen & Ron,
Lorraine & Felix, Brian & Ashrita, Ivan & Priya,
Grandchildren & Family Members.

Remembrance Mass will be offered at Our Lady Star of The Sea Church,
Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA on 20th June, 2009 at 4.45 p.m.