Prashant Moras

Prashant Moras (35) Puttur / Dubai drowned near Ballehonnur while he was on a picnic with his wife and family members on 10.01.2006.

Words just can't express how sad are we
Never ever thought you would leave us
Still in a shock, never will our life same be
Without your smile, without your presence
                                                      amidst us

We met you on your second wedding anniversary (On 9th Jan 06)
But never imagined that soon will follow a tragedy
Death followed and snatched you apart
Shattering the little dreams in your heart

Perhaps we can never come out of this shock
As we know we'll never get to see you back
Our hearts and minds are filled with sorrow
For we know with you there's no tomorrow.

We will miss you forever Prashant....

Your ever loving

Uncle Melvyn Rodrigues
Aunty Averyl Rodrigues
Gavin Joshua Rodrigues
