Mathew John Mascarenhas

Dear all,
On behalf of our mother Sheila, we want to thank you for the sentiments expressed as we mourned the loss of our beloved dad, Mathew John Mascarenhas.  Our grief was lightened by your outpouring of prayers, sympathy, condolences, flowers and generosity.  Your expression of sympathies was not only a comfort, but a source of strength to us.   We remember with fondness the numerous ways he touched our lives and those around us, and take comfort in the fact that Dad is in a much better place now and watching over all of us.
We are deeply grateful for all you have done in our time of grief, and please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

With all our gratitude

Marian, Carol, Lester, Cloy, Carmen, Cheryl, Raj and our families