First Death Anniversary

Pascal Fernandes
Since your beautiful life came to a sudden end
We have felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness in our lives.
You left us a void that can never be filled
And we miss your loving, caring and thoughtful ways
Of bringing social and financial security to the family.
We had felt reassured and protected when you were among us.
Though you are not among us
We know that you will always show us the way to lead
A good and meaningful life.
This is our loving tribute to a saintly man on his first death anniversary.
You had a unique way of touching the lives
Of all of us at home and others around us.
You were always a great source of strength and inspiration for us.
We learned many lessons of life from you.
You had taught us how to live life with dignity and a sense of purpose.
We will always be guided by the values you stood for and worked for.
Though we used to fear you, we had always adored you and appreciated Your efforts to bring happiness and comfort to our family.
We had a great regard for your methodical approach to life.
This had helped maintain our family prestige and standing in society.
Some of the happiest moments of our life
Were spent when you were with us.
That was because of the strength we all derived from your Commitment to making everybody around you happy.

Deep in our heart you will remain fresh
And we will always cherish the memories
Of the silent love and affection
You showered on the family.
A Tribute From

Mother: Catherine Fernandes  

Wife : Winnie Fernandes


Ronald Fernandes, Rohini, Ruth & Ruben
Lynet Rasquinha, Arun Rasquinha & Luke
Norman Joy Fernandes & Laveena Fernandes.
Kulshekar, Mangalore


James Fernandes/Jacintha Fernandes
Robert Fernandes/Stella Fernandes
Thomas Fernandes/Lora Fernandes

Sr Mary Prema
Agnes D'Souza/Lawrence D'Souza