Carmine Mendonca, Kulshekar
26 - 04 - 1930
28 - 01 - 2006

You've left us precious memories,
your love will be our guide
You live on through your children,
and you're always by our side

Deep in our hearts you will always stay
Loved and remembered everyday
For each of us you have done your best
May God grant you eternal rest.

Tribute of love from:
Husband : Thomas Mendonca
Children: Severine, Celine, Urban, Daniel, Basil, Peter and Gretta
Sons-in-law: Joseph Pereira, Maurice Fernandes, Jerome Pinto
Daughters-in-law: Felcy and Hilda
Grand children: Rony / Ludy, Charlotte / Charles, the late Wilfred, Sunil /
Marina, Lavina / Rolwin, Br. Anil SVD, Jenita, Jeslin, Gladson, Glenita and
Great grand children: Donna, Deepthi, Reola, Baba Leonard and Baba Shawn

Relatives, near and dear ones.

The Month's Mind Mass will be held at 8 am on Tuesday February 28, in Holy
Cross Church, Cordel, Kulshekar, Mangalore.
