First Death Anniversary
Rodney Ambrose Lobo
Born      : 07 – 12 – 1967
Married  : 26 – 01 – 2001
Died      : 03 – 09 – 2009
Dearest Rodney, you left us without a goodbye,
We prayed for you, but God did not heed our cry.
God’s ways we really do not understand,
Coz, as we were praying for you, He snatched you from our hand.
You have left behind a void that no one can fill,
We have to learn to say, “Lord, it was your will”,
We find it very difficult to accept your absence even today,
Although an entire year has passed away.
We pray that God may grant you eternal rest,
The Lord wanted you in His garden and thought it the best.
Tribute of Love from

Wife, Children and Family Members