Rathan Joseph Pinto
S/o Fabian and Late Judith Pinto
(Elizabeth Gardens, Pinto's Lane, Bejai, Mangalore)
(Died in tragic road accident in Mangalore)

Born : 01  May 1973
Died : 11 June 2006 

Quickly and suddenly came the call
Your sudden death shocked us all
Only those who have lost can tell
The loss of beloved one without farewell 

We did not see you close your eyes
We did not see you die
All we heard was you were gone
Without a last goodbye

O how much we loved you
Our hearts cannot express
But God loved you more
And thought it best
To take you to your heavenly rest

A tribute of love from Family Members



We sincerely thank our relatives, friends, well wishers,and the clergy for their condolence messages, telephone calls, floral tributes, prayers, Mass Offerings, invaluable support and assistance rendered during our time of despair caused by the sudden and sad demise of our dear Rathan Joseph Pinto who was called to Lord's paradise in tragic circumstances.We also thank the medical staff of City Hospital, Wenlock Hospital, Colaco Hospital, NGO's,  Police and Traffic Department  and Government Authorities for their assistance  and aid. 

We regret our inability to thank individually and request to kindly accept this as our personal and humble gratitude.

Family Members     
