Tribute to an Angel

Melissa Goveas
Born: 12.01.1998
 Died: 14.10.2007

 Tribute to an Angel
Dear daughter Melissa, we close our eyes
Try to hold your hand with love in our dreams
And gently whisper into the dark spots of skies“
We still miss you in every moment of our lives”

Four long years moved away with your absence
God called you just to fill the vacuum of heaven
It was His wish to take you away from all of us
To bring us close to him and reveal the secrets unseen 

We trust in His mercy and say “yes” to His will
We see you elated  in the company of angels
We proclaim  “ your happiness is ours too”
Your intercession brings relief many trusting you.

Our dear Melissa, just close your sweet eyes
Right now listen what we simply say …….. 
”We still feel that you are with us darling..
We all still love more than we loved you before….” 
With loving memories
Michael Goveas (Dad), Nirmala Goveas (Mom) and Melina Goveas (Sister)
And Goveas family – Badyar and D’ Silva family – Bendoor