Lilly Christine Madtha (89), wife of the late Mattthias Madtha, mother of the late Ronald/Flavia Madtha, Rosaleena/Henry Noronha, Flossy/Melwin DSouza, Ivan/Nancy Madtha, Mable/John DSouza, Naveen/Elveera Madtha grandmother of the late Hencil, Aaron, Aurin/Melwin, Avina/Rohan, Ryan/Lisa, Aston, Hezil/Marwin, Sohan, Joswin, Elma, Elena, Erline, Sonam. great grandmother of Brendan, Rovin, Eva, Rolph, passed away on January 8, 2025.

Funeral cortege leaves residence at 9:00am on Friday, January 10 for Sacred Heart Church, Madanthyar, followed by Mass at 9:30am.

Contact No: 9740848488