Hilda Madtha

 6th June , 2024


Seventy-five candles, a flame so bright,
It warms the room, a beacon of light.
Mom, dear Mom, on this special day,
We gather near, with love to say, 

Thank you for all the things you've done,
The battles fought, the victories won.
The countless nights you sat awake,
For every sacrifice, your love we take. 

A life you built, a haven of grace,
Where laughter echoed, a loving space.
You taught us kindness, with a gentle hand,
The strength of morals, that forever stand. 

Your heart, a garden, where values bloom,
Honesty, compassion, dispelling gloom.
These precious gifts, forever we hold,
More precious than diamonds, or purest gold. 

So raise a glass, on this joyous day,
To Mom, our hero, in every way.
May peace and laughter fill all your years,
Happy birthday, Mom, with love and cheers!




With lots of love from your loving

Children, In-laws and Grandchildren

Rayan / Shyla, Christopher & Christina Madtha,
Sunitha / Joe, Jonita & Joshua Almeida, Praveen / Suman,
Melina & Nathan Madtha