Media Release
Mangaluru, Feb 6: Fr Onil D’Souza, the parish priest of Moodbidri parish inaugurated the nine days novena in preparation for the feast of Relic of Saint Anthony by hoisting the flag of Saint Anthony on February 6 Saint Anthony’s Shrine at Milagres Church Mangaluru.
In his inaugural message he wished that St Anthony many perform many more miracles to all the devotees who keep their trust in him. This was followed by the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Mass was offered for the special intention of families. During the homily Fr Onil D’Souza, stressed upon family values that have to cultivated in each families.

At the end of the Holy Mass Fr Larry Pinto, the asst director of Ashram conducted the novena in honour of Saint Anthony during which intentions of the people for various needs were placed before the great intercessor. Fr J B Crasta, the director, Fr Rupesh Tauro, the assistant director participated in the mass. Large devotees had gathered.