Kundapur: Locals urge for action to set right irregularities at taluk hospital

Silvester D’Souza

Daijiworld Media Network – Kundapur (MS)

Kundapur, May 24: Local resident Ratnakar Shetty and neighbors have submitted a written appeal to district health officers, accusing a total collapse of the system at the taluk hospital in the city. They highlighted that affluent water released from the hospital is causing inconvenience to nearby residents.

The residents pointed out that affluent water from the hospital is being discharged directly into the roadside drain without treatment, causing issues for the public. They also urged for repairs to be made to the public underground drainage system behind the hospital.

Additionally, the locals noted the lack of proper facilities in the operation theater and the absence of a Public Relations Officer (PRO) to guide patients visiting the hospital. They criticized the designated medical officer for failing in their duties, resulting in the hospital becoming a mess. They called for the chief of the administrative board of the hospital to be replaced.

The appeal emphasized the need for health authorities to recruit a medical officer capable of providing effective administration for the public. The residents warned of future protests if their concerns are not addressed.





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