Mangaluru: Kalabhi Rangotsava held at Town Hall

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 13: Kalabhi Rangotsava was held at the Kudmal Rangarao Town Hall recently.

Centuries ago Kannada theatre was rich enough to provide entertainment using camels and elephants in the company plays, today, using simple techniques, plays are set to engage the audience. Kalabhi Association, Mangaluru was very successful in recreating and reminding the spectators of the old tradition by presenting an elephant on the stage in Mangaluru.

Unique drama 'A friend beyond the fence' directed by the famous stage director Shravan Heggodu, created a new sensation in Kannada theatre, featuring skilled artists who have learned the Bunraku puppet show technique of Japan, the play has attracted a huge audience with its excellent staging, wonderful music and many special techniques and special lighting.

Yathish baikampadi, the campus director of Amrita Vidyalaya Mangaluru, chief guest of the programme, congratulated Kalabhi Institution for taking steps to organizing such a stage festival, as plays are essential in developing imagination and sense of taste among the children of today's generation.

Arehole Sadashiva Rao, director of Arehole Foundation was another guest, who delivered a note of generosity.

J P Tuminad, K Tejomaya, actor, director and writer, Vijay Kumar Kodialbail, director Tulu theatre and film, Muralidhar Shetty, Lakshman Mallur, Arjun Rao, R J Kiran , R J Abhishek Shetty and others were present. 




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