Iranian nationals in Syria cast vote in Presidential election

Damascus, Jun 28 (IANS): Iranian nationals residing in Syria started casting their votes on Friday for Iran's 14th presidential election just weeks after their former president died in a helicopter crash.

According to Iranian Ambassador to Syria Hossein Akbari, among approximately 12,000 Iranian residents in Syria, over 6,000 are eligible to vote, reports Xinhua news agency.

Seven polling stations and a mobile ballot box for special circumstances have been established in Syria to accommodate the voters, Akbari told reporters at the Iranian embassy, one of the polling stations in Syria.

Voting is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time on Friday, with provisions for extending hours if necessary, according to the ambassador.

"The citizens are participating in these elections with full freedom to vote for their preferred candidate," said Akbari.



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