Sullia: Despite DC's Order, KSS College Continues Ban on Burkha

Sullia: Despite DC's Order, KSS College Continues Ban on Burkha

Daijiworld Media Network – Sullia (VM)

Sullia, Oct 12: The controversy regarding ban of burkha at Kukke Shri Subrahmanyeshwara (KSS) College, Subramanya has put the princpal of the College as well the students in a fix, despite the deputy commissioner's order to revoke the ban.

Though the DC had asked the College to maintain a status quo and revert to the previous rule of allowing burkha within the campus but not in classrooms, the Subramanya Temple administration, which runs the College, has sent a letter to the principal instructing him to follow the ban rather than revoking it.

The management contends that there has been no written order by the DC, and hence the ban cannot be revoked.

Principal Dinesh Kamath is now stuck between the DC's order and the management, not knowing which guidelines to follow.

As the ban was strongly recommended by the administration and as there was no written letter by the commissioner, the principal chose to follow the guidelines given by the management.

"Notices were put up in the College and in classrooms asking the students to follow the ban," said Vimala Rangayya, taluk panchayat member who is against the ban.

As a result students are compelled to follow the rule and remove the burkha outside the College campus. The students say that it is embarassing as people watch them and make fun while they remove their burkha on the roadside.

Commenting on the controversy, principal Dinesh Kamath said that he had followed the order given by the deputy commissioner initially, but later when the management sent a written order to continue the ban, he could not go against them.

When contacted, DC Dr Channappa Gowda said that by wearing burkha inside the campus, principles of equality and discipline in the institution will not be harmed. "As the decision is taken by us, we know when to give a written letter and when not," he added.

Speaking to Daijiworld, the DC said that the joint director of public instruction has given a written order on Friday October 12 instructing the College to suspend the ban.



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  • Cynthia, Moodbidri, Canada

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    Munthazir, Mangalore
    Those listed western countries invited muslims to live with them and given equal rights!! they never complain against muslims they just hate those terrorist. still hundreds of thousand muslims live peacefully in d WEST enjoying religion freedom.Those muslims never want to return their muslim majority countries. Image what would happen in gulf, if a christian or hindu did terrorism, they would have deported everyone in the every next day!!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Moodbidri, Canada

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    Munthazir, Mangalore
    Those listed western countries invited muslims to live with them and given equal rights!! they never complain against muslims they just hate those terrorist. still hundreds of thousand muslims live peacefully in d WEST enjoying religion freedom.Those muslims never want to return their muslim majority countries. Image what would happen in gulf, if a christian or hindu did terrorism, they would have deported everyone in the every next day!!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh Kumar, India

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    Few years back in UP daughter in law was raped by Father in law. Same Muslim community Burqa wearing habitates. Shariah law of the muslims judged that the father in law must marry daughter in law.

    Hindus promoting Hinduism is branded as communals. Christians facing xinophobia in Islamic nations. What in syria currently goning on is Islamophobia. Jews are strong. 1400 century massacres & tyrant facist hitler are dream now.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • radhakrishna, manipal

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    the college has not invited the burkha clad students to go there,didn't they ? simply follow the rules of the college and get an education...where in the quran does it say that women should dress in says to dress modestly...recognition of facial characteristics is vital for identity,attendance,exams...students should also be encouraged in sports and the arts such as drama,debating,leadership and in other extracurricular activities...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Munthazir, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    @ Santhosh Kumar
    Man u have gone a long way to get facts against muslims. The most important fact u missed out is that all the countries u mentioned have islamophobia which is being over extently supported by MEDIA. See ur frnds who r muslim or ur neighbours. Do they look or seem like extremists. u may have a few thousands out of 1.5 billion muslims who are bad. Black sheeps in the community. Dont give them the importance and they wont trouble u. This case of KSS college is in my view completely unnecessary and it has a potential case to incite hatred.

    DisAgree [32] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh, mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    a labourer in maharastra 19 yr old has raped a 13 month old child so what is ur explanation for this mr Bulsam , n by the way u want all women to wear burkha? its in the sick mind of the man not in the dress of the girl if u see most girls raped are dressed fully. only option is teaching the boy child in ones house to rspect women as individuls n not as a peice of flesh. if dress code was the sole criteria for rape then men who wear ungi should be raped since they show off their.. u know wht i mean. an educational institution should be for studies not to prove ones religion , n before one admits ones child into any institution first read thee rules n regulations .

    DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mera Bharath Mahan, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Dear Jessy,
    It’s no related wear burka or not to wear, but it’s totally related to law and order, if law forbid to wear then there is no issue, because as a Indian Citizen we should obey and respect the law. But above case totally vise versa.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jessy, Mulky

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Charles D'Mello, Pangala
    Come on its the burqa they romove on d road not d dress. if you are so much concerned donate some amont for muslim girls changing rooms at the comapus and also prayer hall, to do namaz 5 times a day

    DisAgree [20] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • vikas, dubai

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    It should be made clear well from the beginning of the school/colleges, about rules and regulation. and it must be signed bythe parents.Those who dont like the rules should not be admitted from the beginning of the school. Hence we all request you to make the rules and regulation from the beginning not in between the acadmic year. This is just to avoid communal feelings among the students. Who ever likes to wear the burkha, let them a college who allows this practice. Let the educational institution to follow their own and clear rules and regulation without harming the sentiments of any religion.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh Kumar, India

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    @Bulsam, Mangalore
    August 15, 2011 at 5:00 am
    The Pew survey shows that almost:
    60% of Europeans believe Muslims are "fanatical,"
    50% believe they are "violent" and only
    22% believe they are "respectful of women."
    In response to the question "Which religion is most violent?"
    90% of French say Islam, as do 87% of Spaniards, 79% of Germans and 75% of Britons.
    The poll also shows that more than two-thirds of Germans (73%), Britons (70%), French (68%) and Spanish (61%) are worried about Islamic extremists in their countries.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Making girls to remove burka on the roadside is too much. I agree in the class and campus no other dress than uniform must be worn. But at least give them a decent place to remove the burka soon they enter the campus.

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  • kaizer/acespikers, mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Dear Vallerian,
    Yes indeed india is a democratic country and thats the reason we are fighting for justice. Constitution says every man and woman has a right to practice their religion in INDIA. Inspite of DC's order college personnels are not withdrawing the new rule. It looks like DC has no value in MANGALORE.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • valerian, belle/dubai

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    First of all India is a democratic country, people should be proud to born in such a country. As par the institution concern we should follow the rules religion is secondary and not allowed to practice inside the campus. Living in India we should feel proud that there is no limitation of practicing our own religion in temples, church and mosque when it comes to public places we should respect the requirements of that place.

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  • kiran , mangalore/ delhi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    No dress code comes with 100% gaurantee for women. instead of asking women to hide their charm, We men need to change our mind set. Some get provoked even if galz r covered from head to toe... some dont spare even babies or senior citizens.... Men need to be blamed for this.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • a.v.a, mlore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Burkha is very much linked to religion than to society, anything private should stop at the gates of the college.

    DisAgree [25] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Non-Muslims may not be convinced that Islamic type of modest costumes can protect woman from harassers and attackers.
    Women Organisations in Europe indicates that 40-50%- of European women are harassed at educational institutes and workplaces. Similar organisations in USA indicate 31% women fall victims and a study on the students from eighth to eleventh class reported that 83% of female students had been victims of sexual harassments. Rape is a frightening phenomenon in America and one rape is reported every five minutes.
    A UN report gathered from various governmental sources in more than 65 countries revealed that more than 2.50 Lakhs rape cases, whether committed or not, were reported to police annually. According to the world statistics, 1.3 adult women are raped every minute.
    Therefore, we can assume that neither the educational level nor so called civilised life can prevent adolescent woman from being harassed or raped in such overtly mixed societies. We cannot even depend on self restraint to combat temptations and put an end to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in these mixed societies. If woman herself does not hide her charms in order to raise male instincts, nothing shall be accomplished in this regard. The only way to do this is through wearing Hijaab types of modest dresses that cover these charms. Otherwise, the adolescent students with exposed chest will always remain a vulnerable victim subject to the pervert male with destructive results.
    Jai Hind!

    DisAgree [45] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • uzair, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Such instituitions should be banned..

    DisAgree [46] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi Hemmady, Barkur, Muscat

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    If college management have decided not allow wearing the Burkha inside college.Is a very good decision they have is a educational place were all type to get educated, were there is no place for religious mind, by wearing Burkha inside college premisses you are giveing oppurtunity for religious gap.which should not be there in educational institutes.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    The management has decided to give some law lessons to the IAS Phd holder DC of Mangalore.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • ER, Manglore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    College will not have any objection if you wear bhurkha out side the campus. Inside one has to follow the discipline.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna Kant, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    why it is a big issue just find a school where they allow anything to wear...very simple.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse

  • kiran , mangalore/ delhi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    even i studied in a convent school... all galz had to wear knee length uniform and burkha or scarf was not allowed in school campus.... so all muslim students used to remove it near school gates... No one had problems with it.... still d same rule is followed. Even hindu boys who go to ayyappa swamy temple every year were not allowed to walk bare foot in school campus... they had to wear shoes n uniform lyk others.
    In school/coll all shud follow the rules... keep religious beliefs outside the campus n concentrate only on studies.
    it wud be better if institution provide a changing room for galz in the campus instead of draggin the isssue.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valli Danthy, Kanajar.Kuwait

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    In coming days may be resignation of the principal or transfer of the D.C. is expectable.Best thing is provide one room to change burkas to those girls inside the campuss rather than they were remove thier burkas at roadside infront of some mischievous boys.And it is more important to pay attention to safety and integrity of all the students so that any communal problems maynot be arise tomarrow.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mushtak, Dubai/Belthangady

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Till now people are not understand the principles of strict Islamic Law in protection of Women. They are wakeuping only when the females are molested, raped or murdered and they are commenting of implementation of Saudi or Sharia Law. If I am wrong read the comments of daiji world news of 17 year old girl raped and murdered in Belthangady.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    College Management's forced decision is provoking.It is common sense that to 'UNBURKHA' need some privacy which is a basic and genuine requirement.If College Management ('haves not in education')feels to block or dis courage minority women,well it is very sad and unfortunate.By the by are DK/UDUPI admin as per constitution?It is super constitution which controls everything!!!!Honorable Court is last resort....

    DisAgree [62] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aubb, Kuwait

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Either the DC is not serious about this issue, or disrespect of DC order by KSS College must be considered as contempt of law, and should be severely punished.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Edward C Maben, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Why this kolaveri in India? Sardars are exempted from wearing helmets because thier turban cannot be removed as per thier faith. So whats wrong in muslim girls wearing burqa in the colleges.
    yellarigu onde nyaya.......

    DisAgree [42] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu,

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    College is a public institution therefore all are equal there.Hence there is no need to have individual dress code inside campus so the burkha or other things.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rafiq, Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    useless decision.taken by dc

    Their act is against the Constitution of India and the ruling BJP Govt is soft on them and the sitiing MP from that region is not saying anything about it.
    Jai Hind!

    DisAgree [31] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • jacintha, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    When attention is given to miniscule things (burqa ban), larger things happen (rape and murder).

    This college I am sure, takes a class on constitution, government and the like, and they also are setting examples of dis-obedience.

    Sad, the principal has to suffer.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Devi, Sullia

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Good decision:

    Burkha was not there few years back anywhere in side college campus.

    All of my classmates used come with school/college uniforms from their home.

    Becaz of some fundamentalist now this has started, no doubt in that..

    After all college is not asking them to come with a seperate dress correct...?.

    Let India be united from schools and Colleges itself.

    DisAgree [40] Agree [78] Reply Report Abuse

  • Allen, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Why DC is hesitating to send his orders in writing??

    DisAgree [17] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    If an institute acts like a rouge knowledge centre, the university, the judiciary and the Ministry of Human Resource Development should act and take action against such institutions.
    Their act is against the Constitution of India and the ruling BJP Govt is soft on them and the sitiing MP from that region is not saying anything about it.
    Jai Hind!

    DisAgree [47] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tripti, Brahmavar/Dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Right decision taken by College.

    DisAgree [59] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

  • diana, mangalore/mumbai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Mr Kamath, please arrange for a room outside/inside the college to remove the burkha, so that girls won't feel awkward in front of other male students. problem too will get solved.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [82] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vijay Kumar, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Good decision take College, yellarigu onde nyaya.......

    DisAgree [52] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    The college is aided by the Govt and the principle is bound by Govt.rules.If the temple management believes in eqality of all students,let this equality start from the temple.Let there be no discrimination there also.Let the management edhere to the rules of the costitution.Let them not deny education to the minority community students in the name of local rules.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dev Sagar, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    After all the BJP govt. and the Sangh Parivar are much stronger than the DC.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • M H Rashid, Udupi, saudi Arabia

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    State is ruled by BJP, and we can expect the transfer of DC within short period as happend in case of Police commissioner Seemanth Kumar

    DisAgree [61] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Respectesd Principal Dinesh Kamath,give more attention to the safeguard for the students who are publically raped and abused rather than putting these type of notices on notice boards.

    DisAgree [75] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

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