Mumbai, May 22: It would be an understatement to say that Deepika Padukone is busy. The actor has half a dozen films lined up, from this year to the next. However, in spite of her busy calendar, Deepika has agreed to do a Konkani-English short film that will be directed by Homi Adajania. The last time the two of them worked together, the result was one of the biggest grossers of 2012 — Cocktail.
Titled Finding Fanny, the short film will be set in Goa. Deepika says, “I don’t like using the word offbeat, but it’s different from whatever I’ve done before in my career. Homi has wanted to make this film for a long time, and I’m happy he’s finally put it together.” The director, of course, made the critically acclaimed non-mainstream English film Being Cyrus in 2006.
With commercial ventures like Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (YJHD; her upcoming release) in hand, why is Deepika opting for a short film? “I agreed to do it for two reasons — my faith in Homi as a director, and the fact that I found the script exciting,” she says.
“Homi narrated the story to me (while shooting Cocktail) with no intention of casting me in the film. He was simply talking about an idea. It was me who told him that I want to be part of it. He was surprised, because it’s not a regular feature film,” says Deepika, who will be seen with Ishaqzaade (2012) star Arjun Kapoor in the venture. The movie will be produced by Saif Ali Khan’s Illuminati Films.
As for YJHD with ex-boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, she says, “I’m happy our film is being talked about. But just to clarify, there is more to it than just Ranbir and I coming together.”
It is a lesser-known fact that Salman Khan offered Deepika Padukone her first-ever film, even before she did Om Shanti Om (2007). The actor said so herself in an older interview.
Of late, she has expressed her desire to act with Salman. Now, Deepika reckons that Salman is a “romantic at heart”. “I could be completely wrong, but I really get the feeling that Salman is an extremely romantic person. The impression comes from the few times that I have met him and through his interviews,” she says.
So is a film with him working out? “Nothing concrete right now, but as I’ve always maintained, I’d love to work with him,” she says.