Daijiworld Media Network – Sydney
Sydney, Apr 26: Stanley D’Cruz was unanimously elected president of the Mangalorean Catholic Association of Sydney (MCAS) during the general body meeting held on April 20, '08 at St Gerard’s school hall at Carlingford.
About 100 members and prospective members attended the function, which was almost a record for any community association in Sydney. The programme comprised of Holy Mass, buffet and the AGM. Fr Lancy D’Souza, Mangalorean priest based in Sydney offered the thanksgiving mass. Raymond D’Souza, general secretary led the invocation prayer in Konkani and English.
A sumptuous buffet lunch with an assorted menu followed. Hubert Castelino, executive committee member then conducted the deliberations of the AGM. He introduced Stanley D’Cruz, social secretary who presented the 2007 activities report. Stanley informed that the first year of MCAS was an outstanding success, based on four major events and two other events. He thanked the members for their support and participation.
Stanley mentioned about the MCAS website, which is operated and maintained by Hubert. The website www.mangalorecatholicsyd.com is quite popular and informative. Stanley also informed about the logo competition of the association for the youth. He announced and presented prizes to the two winners with the first prize bagged by Symonne Torpy and the second prize by Marina Mondal. Stanley further indicated that activities would be planned for the youth and that Joyleen Moras was appointed as youth coordinator.
Caryl Dickinson, executive committee member then presented the financial report for 2007. She indicated that the accounts were sound and that a surplus was available at the end of the year. Elections were then conducted for the vacant positions, and the following persons were elected unanimously:
President: Stanley D’Cruz,
Treasurer: Alwyn Menezes,
Social secretary: Freddie Pereira,
Executive committee member: Aylmer Rebello.
The other members of the current executive committee are as follows:
General secretary: Raymond D’Souza,
Members: Hubert Castelino and Caryl Dickinson,
Youth coordinator: Joyleen Moras was appointed on ad hoc basis.
A lively question and answer session followed. This was deftly and well-conducted by Hubert, who replied to all the questions with full satisfaction. In his final remarks, Stanley D’Cruz thanked those present for electing him as president. He said that he will work towards strengthening the association further, and announced two new programmes for the youth, a toastmasters’ programme and a series of cricket matches. He thanked Fr Lancy D’Souza for his advice to MCAS and then thanked past president George Pinto for his service to MCAS. Finally, the MCAS officials cut the AGM cake.