London: Aberdeen Konkan Association Celebrates Annual Day

news and pics by Maxim D'Costa
Daijiworld Media Network - London (SP)

London, Jul 19: Aberdeen Konkan Association, formed with the intention of uniting Konkans living in Aberdeen, UK  celebrated its first anniversary on 11th of July at St Marys Cathedral hall, Aberdeen.

Association president Prakash Benis welcomed the gathering. Fr James Morrow, Fr Andrew and Chaplain of Holy Family Church Margaret were the guests of honour. Outgoing secretary of the Association Juliana D'Costa read out the report of the association pertaining to the previous year, which highlighted all the spiritual and cultural activities the Association had organised in the year 2007-08.

The new committee that took over charge of the administration of the Association for the year 2008- 09, included President Dr Maxim D'Costa, Secretary Meera Quadras, Cultural Secretaries Meena Quadras and Venisa,  Spiritual Secretary- Alwyn Baretto and Treasurer- Lancy D'Costa.

Chaplain Margaret expressed her happiness about various activities the association had organised, and explained how the local community benifited spiritually due to them and called upon the members of the Association to continue the goodwork. Fr James Morrow blessed the gathering. Dr Maxim proposed vote of thanks and requested members to continue to support the association as in the past year.

Programme for the day included various cultural activities from the children, followed by a delicious 'konkan' meal.

Sonia compered the programme, which was well attended by many Mangalorean and Goan families.


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