Speaker Somnath Chatterjee Expelled from CPM - Media Reports


NEW DELHI, Jul 23: According to media reports, Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee has been expelled from CPM for violating party discipline.

Earlier in the day, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) politburo met on Wednesday amid strong indications that disciplinary action is to be taken against Somnath Chatterjee for not resigning as the Lok Sabha Speaker ahead of the trust vote the government won overnight.

A former member of the CPM central committee, Chatterjee refused to quit the Speaker's chair after the Left parties withdrew support to the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government following differences with the ruling Congress over the India-US civil nuclear deal.

Chatterjee presided over the special session of Parliament in defiance of CPM general secretary Prakash Karat, who did not want Chatterjee to be in the Speaker's chair after the Left stopped supporting the government.

The CPM central committee, which met July 19 and 20 to discuss the political crisis emanating from the nuclear row, had authorised the politburo - its highest decision making body - to take action against Chatterjee.

"The central committee had authorised the politburo to go ahead," said a CPM source.

The Speaker is scheduled to leave on a 10-day trip to Kuala Lumpur on August 1 to attend a meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

Chatterjee, a Cambridge-trained barrister, took to politics in 1968 and was elected to the Lok Sabha for the first time in 1971.


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    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Long live Mr. Somanath Chatarjee. We all with you go ahead

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    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    My favorite president candidate of India MR. Somanatha Chatterjee.

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  • Moosa Kunhi, Kakkinje/Dammam

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Mr.Chatterjee is one of the able candidate for President Post.He is straight forward and knows the present needs of India.

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  • Willie, USA

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Instead oflabelling and expelling Somnath Chatterjee and others who cross-voted in the recent CONFIDENCE VOTE, let the party leaders bury themselves in some cold storage. The cross-voting MPs havefollowed the dictates of their conscience and questioned the authority and moral strength of these leaders. It is an indication that their leadership is neither authentic nor effective and not efficacious.

    Such leaders are stripping Draupadi (Bharat Mata) off her saree (Maryada) and insulting the children of India by their dirty politics. This is not good for a healthy and strong democracy. Let us work and spare no effort to build a united nation beyond the party political lines and boundaries and selfish motives.

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  • Mark T. Pereira, Naravi / New Delhi / Qatar

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Sh. Somath Chatterjee is a high distinguished person in the parliamnet, and he should not bow to any political party. Well done & Congrats to Mr. Som da.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    This move was anticipated with the Karat mafia running the CPM show. But i am sure that other members in the CPM will see reason soon and expel Karat himself before he destroys the party completely. With the recent happenings everyone has lost faith in the left as secular parties. Mr Karat's one point programme to bring down the government under orders from China thereby aligning the left with the BJP has led to all this. The best thing for a honourable and respected person like Mr Somnath Chatterjee would be retire once the current Lok Sabha ends and play the role of an elder statesman. He could be the iedal candidate to be the next President of India if age permits.

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