I am leaving BJP because of Third-rate Leaders - H T Sangliana

I am leaving BJP because of Third-rate Leaders - H T Sangliana

Business Standard

July 24, 2008

Former Bangalore police commissioner H T Sangliana, the man who arrested stamp scam kingpin Abdul Karim Telgi, won the Bangalore North Lok Sabha seat in 2004 on a Bharatiya Janata Party ticket. He defied the party whip and voted for the United Progressive Alliance's trust motion on Tuesday.

He speaks to Nistula Hebbar on why he did so, as well as his plans for the future.

Why did you defy the party whip?

From the day the special session dates were announced, I made up my mind that I would vote for the nuclear deal. This deal is good for the country and I felt that the BJP was just opposing it for the sake of opposing it. The party was just afraid to share credit with the government. I kept my own counsel and at the time of voting, I cast it in favour of the government.

Did you defy the whip because you had a problem with the state unit?

Why should I have a problem with them? May be they had a problem with me; I don't know.

We saw how the party leaders, Ananth Kumar, Sadananda Gowda and MP Siddheshwar, surrounded you after the seat-wise vote was revealed, and you voted again on paper. What exactly happened?

My vote machine misfired and my vote did not register. These leaders came up when they noticed it and asked me about it. I told them that I have to vote with the Ayes. I went up to the secretary general and asked for a yellow slip and voted for the Ayes.

After that they surrounded me and roundly abused me. They also asked me to sit on the side of treasury benches, and gestured with clenched fists. I simply saw and listened to all this and flatly said "I am leaving the BJP because of people like you". My vote is not your private property. The way they behaved was a like a fish market.

What problem do you have with the party?

I don't have a problem with the BJP but I am leaving it because of third-rate leaders.

You sat through the division with a lot of heckling from the BJP and were staring straight ahead. What was going through your mind?

Nothing was going through my mind, I was just looking at the board where the electronic voting scores were displayed. There was a sign of peace in me, in my heart and my mind. My confused conscience was resolved, and I finally did what my heart had decided.

There is talk that you are against an anti-conversion Bill the Karnataka government is allegedly mulling over?

I am against wrongful conversion and I would be the first to complain if any such thing happens. However, our Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. Every Indian should be free to choose their religion. There should be no interference. Such conversions should not be considered religious or even political poaching. Rather it is important to encourage every Indian to seek God and religion and be god fearing.

What about you future plans? Have you been in touch with the Congress high command?

I am not yet fully in touch with them (Congress). As for the future, I will continue to work for the poor and the marginalised, as I did as a policeman and later as an MP.

As far as politics is concerned, there are two possibilities: either I fight in Mizoram -- my native state -- or Bangalore, the city I gave the prime of my life to and with which I identify myself. In fact, I may even stand as an independent candidate, preferably from Bangalore Central.


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  • Harishkumar Sangliana, Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 07 2008

    The so called secular Party BJP utilized Dr.H.T.Sangliana’s name for their party’s victory in 2004 General Election, but today they don’t need his service. There was and there is no hero in the history of BJP who could defeat Congress Veteran Mr C K Jaffer Sharrief…

    But the Supercop did it by joining the saffron party. Once the Congress veteran had told “Sangliana is the right person, in the wrong party”. It has come true today. The protests which took place in his absence in the city, is all masterminded by the persons who are not fit enough even to clean his shoes - Sadananda Gowda, Prahalad Venkatesh joshi, G.M.Siddeshwar, Ananthkumar hedge.

    The people of our state would not forget this, they will teach these people a good lesson. The main key person who is behind the scene, doesn’t have enough guts to stand before Dr.Sangliana, so everything is commanded by him to these people, who mishandled him in the Parliament house. The Supercop fears only to GOD, BEWARE OF HIM.. LONG LIVE OUR KING DR.H.T.SANGLIANA TO SERVE OUR NATION.

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  • B.S Shankar Rai, Kinnigoli / Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Well Mr. Pai. From all this it appears that you are agreeing with the Fact the BJP is a communal party huh?? where as your PM in waiting( million DOllar ?????) is preaching that its a Secular one.... maybe the BJP likes changing colors like a chameleon huh???? "Tri color" before elections and "SAFFRON" after elections???? Sangliana is a man of dignity and a true mass leader who believes in transperency he thinks about the welfare of his country not about a few misled people in BJP who want to hog the lime light. I do feel bad about Mr. Sangliana because he has been a pawn in the hands of the BJP who had USED him when they wanted him the most. He is a man of great stature and integrity..unlike the power hungry "PM-in-Waiting"(???????)

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  • Joseph , Bannur, Puttur

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Dear Ashwin Pai, Your leaders like L.K. Advani, and others are repeatedly telling that India will remain secular and you being supporter of BJP is not secular. It means you are defying the party. Remained losing of deposit money, which elections only will decide and your astrology is useless.

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  • Veneet Shetty, Bangaloru

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Voting against the whip is equalent to voting against a MPs conscience/nation. Whip system in the parliament resembles 'Dictatorship in Democracy' This system need to be abolished in our parliamentary system. If whip system prevails then why there should be a compulsion that all MPs to present in parliament for voting? Party leader can just give the figure of number of members in respective party, that should serve the purpose.

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  • Maqbool, Dubai

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Mr.Ashok Pai .it is beacause sometimes we do not see things right from certain distance ..and we can correct our mistakes when we realise them..cheers

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  • Ashok Kumar , Udupi

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    There is no right or wrong in politics, bottom line - it is all for power, money, money and money.....

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  • A.D'Cunah Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Mr. Srinivas, Thank you for clearly noting some excerpts of the nuke DEAL. I did not bother to write in detail as many would not understand the intricacies. Yes , I have read some excerpts,whatever is available for public, and belive me it is one sided and "damning" on India. The more fine damninig deatils are still secretive and perhaps convincing the public to oppose the deal. The opposing political parties helm perhaps know the details.

    Yes, "Singh is king under Bush's(America's) wing". Our PM has basically sold the soverignity of India. What next, indirectly forcing India to sign CTBT deal? Open its military bases? Choke India's progress? Or hold India at ransom by USA? I think people of india educated and uneducated have been kept in the dark by the PM.

    Now bush is trying to push the deal through US Congress leaving aside everything else. Why? The US "got India", $ 100 billion US in the first year alone,just like they got Saddam and "hold on the oil supply" in the so called rat hole. We got him was US's announcement. Now, US got India, and will be hanged just like they did to Saddam. Everything else only time will tell and ignorent Indian's eyes opened.

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  • Naveen, Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Joel, Yes, I am an Indian.

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  • vernon, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    hi why dont you contest from mangalore on a congress ticket we dont have a winning nor a able candidate to counter the bjp you adopt mangalore

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    at last mr.sangliana has thrown away his khaki chaddi which would never suit a man of uniforms.better late than never,he has taken a good decision.congratulations.

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  • ashwin pai, udupi

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    It is not the mistke of sangliana or manorama.It is the mistake of bjp which gave them ticket.Sangliana has shown his true colours.He was a preacher of secularism.Then why did he join bjp.He could have independently contested the election and surel would have lost his deposit.It is sure that he has taken money from congress.

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  • praveen Martis, Udupi

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Well done Sir, You have shown to the country that in matters of National importance party does not matter..Hope all the politicians take your example ..

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  • Violet Pinto, Manglore,Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Hats Off to you Mr.Sangalina, May The Almighty God bless you and keep you strong and healthy to work for our country and for the poor people. We definitely need a leader like you.

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  • CLEMENT, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    Mr.Srinivas, This is a known fact to All Indians, when BUSH visited INDIA in 2005. Being known only, India is signing this "123 TREATY". That's why "THE POWER GENERATED BY THESE NUCLEAR PLANTS WILL BE USED FOR CIVILIAN PURPOSE ONLY and not for producing BOMBS". Remember, INDIA IS NOT SIGNING "CTBT" and India's Sovereignty remains as it is.

    Dont' worry. Naturally, US will put forth these conditions on the fear that, INDIA may use this nuclear reactors for "PRODUCING NUCLEAR ATOM BOMBS". Therefore our few Plants will be under the scanner of "IAEA".

    US has already told that, "INDIA BEING A FAITHFUL NATION, WE ARE SUPPLYING THIS NUCLEAR DEVICES". When PAKISTAN putforth same demand to US to supply nuclear, they utterly rejected their plea, fearing that, PAKISTAN DEFINITELY WILL HANDOVER THIS IN TERRORISTS HANDS (You know pakistan scientist's "A Q KHAN'S STORY" providing the Formula to Terrorists). Why do we need Atom Bombs,now, when world is begging for peace.

    As Mr.Sangliana said "Power is the lever to develop a nation" and he voted for it. He is right. At present, we want Power or Energy to solve our various key issues like unemployment, rising inflation, etc etc. You know, our Industires are suffering due to lack of continuous supply of Power, causing huge loss to the Nation. Ours is not a Gulf nation where plenty of Oil Deposit is there to generate power.

    Our great scientist Ex-President of Inida (DR. ABDUL KALAM) also in favour of the deal. Let us fulfil his dream "INDIA WILL BE SUPERPOWER BY 2020".

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  • Akshay, Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 26 2008

    The BJP has betrayed INDIA by not supporting the Nuclear deal. Their(BJP's) empty talk of Nationalism is rubbish. True Patriotic citizens of our country have supported the Nuclear Deal. SANGLIANA...You always have our support. Jai Hind.

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  • Dr Sartaj Ahmed Salih, Mangalore, Odessa Ukraine

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Atlest there is One Proud Indian among us, but there are 100 others to put him down, when he decides to do somthing right. looking at the events of the past few days..it is very clear that some political party leaders just look to benifit themself... they dont give a dam for the development of our country, or for the people. and the irony is we vote of such people to be our leaders. "TO CHANGE THEM WE HAVE TO CHANGE OURSELF FIRST" JAI HIND...

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  • Arun/Oman, Pangla

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Sir, you made every INDIAN proud. Our country needs leaders like you. Good luck.

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  • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    People like Sangliana should be supported so that more and more decent people can join politics.He is right in telling that it is not the party but some of the third-rate leaders are mischiefs.Where ever you are if you stand for justice and truth, you will be treated like a good human being. Keep up the spirit Mr. Sangliana, we are with you.

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  • PATRICK, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    The opposition parties were opposing the deal so that the deal can be postponed and when BJP or third front Govt.is formed, the deal could be signed so as to get the credit. Their dream was shattered because of people like Sangliana. Mr.Sangliana, whoever says anything, you have the peace of mind by not going against your heart's voice. That is important.

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  • Joel, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr Naveen, Are you an Indian?????

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  • F.L.Fernandis, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    After reading the news about breaking board and window panes and doing ugly things in the office of the karnataka B.J.P.M.P Mr. Sangliana, I felt why only B.J.P.people taking law in their own hands and take exreme steps like this.I am not finding other parties going to this extent. I also observed recently karnataka MLAs like Mr Asnotikar,a film actor Mr Jaggesh and Janatha Dal MLAs joined B.J.P as ministers.People have expressed their feelings in a democrative way and not taking law in their own hands. B.J.P picked up Mr Sangliana and given ticket considering his honesty and official track reccords and now all of a sudden he became "Desh drohi".Do not worry Mr Sanliana,people will remember you.You have acted according to your conscience.People have no thinking power.God only save this country.

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  • joseph d'sa, kallianpur

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Elected M.P on a BJP ticket, he should have obeyed the Whip issued by the party. Being a disciplined IGP, this indiscipline does not go well to his stature. He should have fought from inside the party and tried his best to cleanse it rather than leaving the same. He could have done more good being in the party than outside. What motivated him to vote 'Aye' at this juncture is rather anyone's guess.

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  • Arun Kamath, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    We are proud of you Mr Sangliana. It takes tremendous courage to rise and speak truth. BJP has proved itself that its no different from any other party. Its full of goons and thugs. Only a handfull are okay. Look what happened to Uma Bharti? Khurana? What BJP Unit in Karnataka is doing? It has bribed those MLAs from other parties offered plum posts and Yeddi has proved that he is sticking to CM gaddi.

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  • Shrinivas, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    I have read most of the comments posted here. And some people even suggesting the sms polls as the basis of their support to the deal. The fact is most of the people do not know what the deal is really about. Just few excerpts I am presenting here. I would have supported the deal if it is going to do good for the country. I personally feel its going to do more harm than good. whatever clause provided from the 123 agreement and hyde act which can harm our country i am providing here. And i allow it for the conscience of the fellow Indians. The things every Patriotic Indian citizen should know......... Nuclear Agreement between India - USA :MUST READ BY EVERY INDIAN There are lot of talks about 1 2 3 Agreement between India & USA and it almost led to the topple of Central Government.

    In this mail I am trying to explain the commercial & technical aspects relating to this Agreement which I have read and sharing with you. What is 123 Agreement? This is called 123 Agreement because this comes under USA's Atomic Power Act Section 123. Let's see how India's (Indians?) Sovereignty & Independence are pledged...

    (1) After this Agreement USA will supply all fuel, machinery / equipment & technology to India for producing Nuclear Power.

    (2) All these days from about 22 Nuclear Power Plants, India is producing power as well as Atom. It's a high security / secret that from where which is produced, how much is produced, where it is supplied, what research is being done with that, etc. to anybody. But if we sign this Agreement, we have to disclose these secrets and also agree to 14 of our Nuclear Power Plants to be under the scanner of International Atomic Power Organization.

    (3) The fuel utilised to produce Atomic Power can be recycled for reuse and this plant will be under direct supervision of IAPO.

    If India does nuclear test, this agreement gets canceled. But,

    (1) USA will take back all the machinery / equipments / technology supplied to India thus far.

    (2) Those 14 plants will continue to be under scanner irrespective of the status of the agreement. On the other hand, if any of the commitments given by USA is breached by them, then there is no clause for canceling this agreement. The agreement is apparently like this... USA can either hug India or slap India. India will not ask why are we hugged or why are we slapped. On the other hand, India cannot hug or slap USA for breach of agreement. This is only capsule so that easy to read and digest.

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  • Abdul Sathar, Uchil-Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr.Sangliana, finally you identified the real face of BJP. They use People like you who is having immense credibility as pawn to cover their communal elements. Good luck in the future and your fight against evils of the society and people always with you.

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  • Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    If Mr.Sangliana thinks he and his concious is above the party,then he should not have contested from BJP in 2004,thus making a 'TAMASHA' in Lokh Sabha on 22nd July,in the trust vote.When you are in Rome,be a Roman.When he is in BJP,he should bind with its policies,otherwise he should quit BJP MP post on which Mr.Sangliana won the elections.

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  • Jude Manoj, abudhabi-mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr.sangliana we are proud of you.we are with you

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  • B.D. Shetty, Barkur-bombay

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    This is what entire countries honest citizens think like' Mr Sanglians concience is of all upright persons. In the loksabha money scandal drama is like bollywood masala. Bollywood masala it seems is enacted , I guess from the vedeo clips, is by Mr Munde, hon past dy chief minister who promised Enron project will be dumped into Arabian Sea & later when Rabeca came with briefcase or suitcase everything was alright

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  • Tathagata Mukherjee, Bangalore/Calcutta

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr. Sangliana: Indian Supreme Court has time and again upheld laws enacted by different state Govts (first enacted by Congress Govts of Central India, Orissa in mid 1960s). As an IPS officer, we expect you NOT to play politics, but respect rule of law and court's order.

    Religious conversion is not a issue in India alone- its banned, severely restricted in many countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mayammar, Vietnam, Combodia..........and many SE Asian countries because of organized christian groups who are using religious freedom to push their political agenda, not religion. Whether its father of the nation, or any nationalist leader - all opposed religious conversion.

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  • Ashok Pai, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Why did he joinBJP in the first place if what he claims now is true ? Sangliana probably was promised a plum seat in north east where Congress is strong. he had his political career started with bjp, now the time was right to make a jump. what better opportunity to make it in the name of interests of the country!

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  • Sathish Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Sanglian is a real leader. All Bangaloreans will stand by him in next elections irrespective of his party credentials.

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  • Nurya, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Well done Mr. Sangliana, you have shown the spirit of freedom and the way you commented are wonderful. Let BJP learn from you that we are in a country of freedom and our dealings must be in democratic way. Not to go after the party and to hold Advani's tail, but to keep our noble right for the good of the nation and Indians.

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  • Fr Maxim Rosario, Valencia

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    I admire your courage and straight-forwardness. You are a person of integrity and honesty. Better you come out of the corrupt and communal party and contest as independent. No doubt, you will win the elections by the popular vote. Congrats!

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  • Thomas P. Andrade, Valencia / Toronto

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Hats off to Sanliana for showing courage in defying his party’s whip and doing what his conscious felt in the interest of the nation. BJP, which tested nuclear bomb in 1997, is now opposing the deal with the US. Would they have opposed it if there were ruling the country? Their one and the only motto (and dream) is to pull down the government in order to have a new election and that they could rule the country. How power thirsty guys they are! It is heartening to note that some people like Sangliana, irrespective of their party, showed their party leaders and the general public alike that they are not against the progress of the country.

    A recent survey conducted by a news organization showed that an overwhelming 86% of the general public was supporting the nuclear deal and this public does not belong to Congress party alone but also to BJP, Left and other parties. When this is the case, how can those MPs, who were elected by the public, go against the opinion of the people elected by them? BJP or Left parties cannot sack those MPs who went against their party’s diktum it is only the people who can show these "rebelled" MPs a door during the next election.

    We elect these politicians to serve the nation but if they serve themselves, then our purpose of sending these clowns to the Parliament would not serve.

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  • Naveen, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr. Ashraf, can you tell at least two big achivement of UPA in last 4 years?

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  • Aziz, Manglore-Dubai

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr.Sangliana have no rights to say that BJP leaders are 3rd rate.did he realize this now,why didnt he realize when he joined the BJP.  OK I agree he voted for a good cause.but when you are in a party and elected through the BJP supporters,you should obey the highcommand order.respect the party descipline.otherwise do not join any party, be an independent and help the public.

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  • Anil Kumar, Mangalore/Dublin

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Hats off to Mr sangliana ...he did a right job by supporting the nuclear deal.....its better if he leaves that shameless party called BJP

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Dear Mr. Sangliana, You have not done anything wrong. Whatever you have done is in favour of the people and nation. You have saved taxpayers money from early election. You have foiled the dream of a nikamma from becoming a Prime Minister. We know you are a God fearing and a responsible person, and unlike many others you understand the need of the hour.

    Everyone should have the freedom to express their view and support what is good for India. Come-on gentlemen, we are not living in former USSR or in China. You are there in our daily prayer, and God will help you in all your good work.

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  • Ashraf Ali, Ujire/Jubail, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Dear Mr. Sangliana, you have done a great job by voting for the UPA’s trust motion, thereby supporting the nuclear deal. May be most of our MPs have no idea about the nuclear deal and hence they are opposing it. You, as a responsible public representative, have stood for the betterment of this country, despite being a BJP MP.

    These third-rate leaders of BJP (according to you) can do nothing for the sake of this country and your decision to leave the party for the sake of the country is really heart-touching. We have a great Prime Minister like Dr. Manmohan Singh who had launched India on the path of economic reforms in 1991 as the Finance Minister and again our current Finance Minister Mr. P. Chidambarm is well known for his critical analysis on economical matters.

    Indian need such great politicians with high qualification. You are the one to join this berth, who has a great track record of handling Bangalore Police as the Police Commissioner and you can serve this country with more dedication by joining the current UPA government, which is corrupt-less at present.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Well said Mr Sangliana. It is as you say not the party but the people running it who are the problem. You did the right thing by voting for the government. It was the BJP who first initiated the nuclear treaty with the US. Had they returned to power, it would have been signed a long time ago without fuss. It is just that they do not want to give credit to the present government for taking it to its end.

    The muck that they are trying to hit you with will not stick, as you have proven your honesty and integrity in your long career as a police officer. Maybe our country does not deserve leaders like you, and it is our fate to be ruled by crooks and criminals.

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  • Jagadish, Kundapur / K S A

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    Here it's shows that the Govt. Job is better service to serve the people..but not in worst politics....if you are a politician the problems like Mr sangliyana face is the common.. Also you would stick with party's law & Act..that is real politics...

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  • Rajesh Sequeira, Kulshekar, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    You are the person required to the community hatsoff to you.You are the true leader. May god bless you in your future endevours

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  • Mohan Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 24 2008

    I agree with Mr.Sangliana that both Karnataka BJP leaders are communal and shameless creatures. It is better for him to quit BJP and be an Independent.

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  • Prajwal Kumar, Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 25 2008

    Mr.Sangliana you have done right thing.BJP has no credibility.They play dirty politics.This communal party will be trown out very soon. We are with you,Mr.Sangliana.They are corrupt in every field.

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