SURAT, Jul 29: Surat police on Monday released a computer-generated sketch of an accused, who had parked the red WagonR on Saturday evening near Heerabaugh in Varachha. The police found the car on Sunday evening loaded with explosives and four live bombs.
Surat police commissioner RMS Brar said the sketch was prepared after a detailed description was given by Udaypratap Singh Rajput, watchman of the Doctor House building nearby. Rajput even had an argument with the terror suspect about the car being parked there.
"At around 5pm on Saturday, an unidentified person arrived near Doctor House and tried to park his red Wagon R.
However, Rajput, who was on duty then, started arguing with him as the man nudged another car while trying to park it. Rajput distinctly remembers the face of the man," said prevention of crime branch police inspector K N Patel.