Mangalore: Kharge Squarely Blames State Govt For Attack on Christians

Mangalore: Kharge Squarely Blames State Govt For Attack on Christians

Pics by Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (MM/SP)

Mangalore, Sep 16: Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president and leader of the opposition in the legislative assembly Mallikarjun Kharge visited the churches and other places which were targetted by the miscreants and also those where the police used force including caning and lobbing of tear gas shells, to disperse the mobs that were protesting on Monday September 15, against the attack on churches.

Addressing a press conference in the city, Kharge gave vent to his ire on the government, saying that the BJP is directly involved with the attack on innocent Christians. He also accused the policemen of having taken law into their hands and mercilessly beating up protestors. The government should conduct a judicial probe about the caning, through a sitting High Court judge.. The police who beat up the protesting Christians should not be allowed to perform duties until the probe is concluded. The government should take action against them, he demanded.

Kharge stated, that the government had, under the garb of Hindu outfits, unleashed terror on the Catholics and deliberately disturbed peace in the society. The former home minister also came down heavily on the state home minister V S Acharya for failing to take preemptive action in his home district and demanded for his resignation. He hoped, that the home minister will oblige, being a sensitive person.  The unfortunate incidents, which were triggered by the government which has sown the seeds of hatred to vitiate the atmosphere of the society and break it up, is not a good omen either for the state or the country, he added.

The policemen have arrested hundreds of protestors on Monday, but how many activists of the BJP and other HIndu outfits, who burnt buses and damaged property during agitations so far, have been arrested?, he wanted to know. Innocent people bore the brunt of the police atrocities. A judicial probe by a commission headed by a sitting High Court Judge should be ordered immediately into the attacks on the churches and subsequent use of brutal force to silence the suffering Christians, he demanded. Kharge also urged the state government to immediately trace the guilty, book them for various offences and ensure that they are not let off without punishment.

The organizations like Srirama Sene, Bajrang Dal etc., are out to disturb peace in the society. They should be banned,he demanded and condemned the government for targetting its own citizens in the name of some Hindu organizations. He also demanded for imposing of a ban on the organizations like Srirama Sene, Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishat etc. Kharge also ridiculed the chief minister Yeddyurappa, by questioning as to whether this is the 'Gujarat Model' administration he had been harping about, which lacks development but has only violence as its agenda. He asserted, that a police state will never be tolerated by the peole of the state.

He visited Permannur, Kulshekhar and Milagres churches and had a discussion with the bishop Aloysius Paul D'Souza, who is recuperating at Fr Muller Hospital.

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  • Betylda, Shillong

    Sat, Sep 20 2008

    What is there to be proud of such an irrational person, with no sense of reasoning at all. Because of such elements we have so much unrest in various parts of the country.

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  • Ramesh Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 18 2008

    Dear Bujangis,RSS,VHP,Sri Rama Sene's,as you are targetting other religions in the name of Hinduism,have you ever thought of your own Hindu brotherns all over India.There are millians of people,where as Orissa, Bihar,Assam,Jummu & Kashmir and all over india,suffering from pourty,illtreacy,unemployment & due to natural columaties.If you consider yourself as the saviours of Hindu's go to these places first & wipe the tears of your own brothers.if you are not able to take care of your own & if somebody is doing the work what you are suppose to,please let them do it.

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  • Brian, Udupi/ Ireland.

    Wed, Sep 17 2008

    Well said Mr.Baliga. The Home Minister should resign now accepting all the responsibilities for the situation in & around Mangalore.Its a great shame for the State Govt.

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  • Neil Rodrigues, Mangalore/ Hyderabad

    Wed, Sep 17 2008

    Our Homeministers Blog. Clearly shows what he thinks about Christians. This is enough proof for me to say he will never get the culprits arrested.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    I really appreciate the matured thinking of Naresh Baliga. I too have lot of non catholic freinds. We respect each other. Their thinking is positive. One of my Hindu freind called me today and said- Bhajrangadakulu Kudlad Hesike Maltheratta!

    Most of the hindu's are unhappy about attack on churches. Why people feel Kharge is taking political advantage. He need to condemn the atrocities commited with the support of BJP and the guidence of home minister who repeatedly talk about conversion. Does he not aware, conversion is not an issue? Jelousy & politics is the issue. Why he is not talking about people talking law into hands!

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  • Edwin Dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Dear Vinay, Your comments are noteworthy. You have a point to say and with due respect I would like to shed some facts. As per you “It is the missionaries you are provoking BD activists”. Who are BD activists by the way? Are they the religious police of India? Have they got a license to attack anybody they please? You are born and raised in Dakshina Kannada. You migrated to Mumbai for a better life.

    Few years back ‘SS activists’ (Shiv Sena) launched a tirade of attacks on the South Indian community and particularly the prosperous and enterprising Bunt community terming them as outsiders because of their success in the hotel industry. Did you like it? Did anybody provoke them? Do you think what SS activists did was right.

    Today one more wing of the Shiv Sena the MNS activists are ruthlessly thrashing north Indians and asking them to leave Mumbai calling them OUTSIDERS. Why I am giving you the example is for you to understand that miscreants have no religion. Today BD may have targeted Christians but tomorrow they will target people of their own religion too when they find they are doing well in life and they themselves are not.

    Catholic institutions indeed have Religion as one of the private subjects (although nobody liked it including myself) for Catholics and you must appreciate the fact that non Christians were not forced to take this subject. It was only for Catholics but for non Christians there was Moral Science too.

    In other words Catechism was not forced upon non Catholics but the problem happens when somebody tries to force a religious subject in the curriculum. Now this is the difference between saffronisation. You say due to poor knowledge of Hinduism, missionaries take advantage and offer admissions in school so as to convert them.

    As of now we have not come across even a single poor hindu who has converted to Christianity in various institutes of Mangalore. So this must be your imagination. Infact, as far as I know there were lots of illiterate and poor peons, maids, labourers etc in Christian run institutions who have worked all their life and retired without conversion.

    I wont give you proof you can go and find out for yourself. So you say that in your colony in Mumbai low castes have converted. Do you consider this as a justification for attack on Christian worship places in Mangalore? I will tell you that these sects are a bigger threat to mainstream Christians than anybody else. All mainstream religions are normal as they are followers of their religions from ages.

    Newly converted people (even within their own religions who switch sects) are over zealous and try to prove that their cult is better than the rest. You must know to differentiate between cult and religion and not club the people you encounter at railway stations with mainstream. There are hundreds of Godmen and God women in India like Amma, Sai Baba etc. They have not hundreds but thousands of Western an

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  • Lancy Saldanha, Bendur

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    I am refering to Mr.Vinay from Mumbai and others who support his views. Catholic schools do not have Religion as subject but Catechism. For the rest there is Moral science. It does preach about God and existence of God. We also have an exam that is conducted at Diocese level. so subject is not a subject but a learning and an exam.

    Similarly it is for the moral science. Forget about catechism in school - even if that subject doesn't exist at school, we also get the same teachings in the church on every sunday till 10th/12th. So 45 mins of a class doesnt make a difference when we spend one hour at chruch followed by eucharistic service.. So having a subject on religion at school doesn't make a difference.

    Consider Government school till 7th standard and there are lot of catholic students who are enrolled there and studying. so do they have a subject on religion? no they dont... until and unless its run by a church or if such exists in church premises. We also have holy communion and confirmation. These classes are conducted for a period of one month and our prayers are taught thoroughly.

    We are made to mug up of prayers so that we dont forget it all our life. In Hindu schools catholics and muslims dont get seat and as far as I am aware there is lot of discrimination. Correct me if I am wrong. Go to UK, There are now Hindu schools in Harrow run by Gujarati community and Hinduism is taught in schools. Will others get admission, I have no idea but yes you can think something constructive like that and work towards that goal.

    Please read this link and understand more. Britain's first state-funded Hindu school is all set to welcome its first batch of 30 pupils from Monday, promising to merge the best of British education with Hindu religious and cultural values. Similar schools for other faiths have been functioning in Britain, but this is the first time that a Hindu school funded by the British government has been set up.

    After three years of government approval and at a cost of 10 million pounds, the school, named Krishna Avanti Primary School, opens its doors in the London borough of Harrow, which has the highest Hindu concentration in any borough in the UK. More Readings

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  • sunil, mangalore/singapore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    well said Vinay.. we r proud of you ..

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  • Ashok, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Mr Kharge, Please stop taking advantage of all these problems.. Today it is you, tomorrow, Mr Devegowda.. If you politicians really want to solve the problem, go to the root cause of it. Give an Strong Message to NEW LIFE MISSIONARIES not to indulge in CONVERSIONS. Also tell Bhajarangi's not to take any measures on their own and if taken, see that they are punished. Being Leaders you should solve the situations and not to provocate any religion or people. Also a request to all my catholic friends to strongly condemn the act of NEW LIFE MISSIONARIES.. Since it is the root cause for all these..

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  • Naresh Baliga, Udupi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Mr Vinay Kumar,Instead of justifying the terrible acts that have been committed by our fellow Hindu brethren, you need to do some not soul searching but maybe google searching.India is NOT the only country where Hinduism prevails.Allow me to enlighten your limited knowledge, so let me name some other countries where Hinduism is being practised. Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Fiji, Gayam, Bangladesh, Reunion,Singapore,Indonesia, Trinidad, and many more.So before you quote things next time, know the facts.

    And also, if Hindu children are not being taught Hinduism in schools, then its our problem, may be we never considered it important enough to enforce it our education system.So if christian schools want to teach Christian kids Christianity, why are you having a problem?

    Dont deny the fact that, all of us want to admit our kids in Christain schools, take treatments in Christian run hospitals. Dont you think we Hindus are being hypocrits then?We all move to Christain countries like USA,Canada, Europe for either higher education or jobs,If we were so worried about preserving our religion, we should stay back in our country and promote our religion instead.

    You say that Christian missionaries are taking advantage of the poor Hindus and dalits and luring them towards Christianity.This is because we have a fault in our religion, why do we have castes and cast systems then? We shouldnt forget that even now in many parts on India, the so calle Dalits ( name given by us Hindus) are not allowed to enter and worship in temples.

    So if these people want to escape this discrimination and become Christians, it is their will and wish,We being citizens of a secular India have the right to practise and follow any religion of our choice. What about the Hare Ram , Hare Krishna missionaries, they convert naive Western Christians to Hindus. This is accepted, but when the vice versa happens, we are on fire. Come on vinay, you are living in a bubble, come out of it and see the real world. Live and let live!! Cheers Naresh

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  • Asha, mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Good point Vinay, many of my Hindu friends have no idea why they do & what they are doing? Some see no meaning but do it out of habit. What the extremists could do which would be positive is to  look after their poor bretheren, educate them, teach them their faith properly.Give the SC people equality,

    his would be a better approach than vandalising and being destructive what say you? Nothing can justify violence. There is always a peacuful positive solution. Anybody can come and coax me to follow their religion but if i have my fundamental  right and know what I would like to follow, no one can change my mind.

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  • Balkur Ashok Poojary, Kundapur/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Mr.Kharge, please try to solve the problem instead of taking benifits out of it!!!

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  • vinay kumar, udupi / mumbai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    dear rahul if you read carefully i have written that Catholic institutions have “Religion” as a subject for Christian student only. Also let me clarify that i do not support the attack on anyone. my point was why provoke them by circulating derogatory stuff against their religion and go on spreading christianity when someone doesnt like it? so who is communally disturbing the atmosphere. Is it the christians ? or the BD activists? these activists are just a miniscule percentage. what if all hindus unite ? I repeat the majority are not bothered. and no religion says bad things its just the followers who falter.

    vivek, muscat i guess that you have not understood what i am conveying. and also please note that in India if someone tries takes up a Hindu cause he is termed as communal and fundamental. and you never let the opportunity of playing the minority card at the of the hat... have any body treated you as a minority ? Hindus do not trouble anybody unnecessarily, always ready to help thy neighbors irrespective of religion and have welcomed all religions into India as in the history of India.

    So the basic thing is if the missionaries do not go around provoking the activists why would anybody attack your peace loving community I repeat, lets treat everybody equal and respect each others religion. everyone will be happy. If you respect other religion, the thought of calling non-catholics to church and try making them understand the greatness of christianity will not occur in your minds.

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  • Oliver , mangalore/canada

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    RAMAN - have you heard of DA VINCI CODE ?? did u hear about a billions of christain people attacking immigrant minorities in their countries ??? there is a saying in mangalore elephant dignity is not measured when a street dog barks at it , and elephant doesnt take it serious or gets offended christians , took it till they can take it , today they have entered churches tomorrow they might enter houses , there is a limit , Jesus Christ did tell us to offer left cheek when some one slaps the right , but he has not told us what to do when get slapped on both , and we christians did exactly the same

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  • Ravindra, Delhi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    I agree as well as disagree with vinay point's of views.I agree that there should not be any brainwashing of people for conversion.But to attacked peace loving christian community is totally unwarranted and should be strongly protested.If Hindu have any grievances let them peacefully protest.Let me also make one point clear that Hinduism is not a religion but way of life.It teaches us Love ,peace and respect.Let people understand that as all river empty in one ocean so also all religion guide to one single God which we call Ram,Christ and Allah.Let us teach our children the religion of Humanity.

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  • Fr HaroldC D'Souza, Pangala.

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    It is unfortunate that taking law into ones own hand is defended publicly. If this trend is allowed to continue law of jungle will spread and the principle of might is right will spread.It is due to the fact that poor people do not get any justice that naxalites are spreading. If some one has indulged in forced conversion they can always file a case against them.Is it alright to codemn all if one person who belongs to one religion does some thing wrong to blame all of that religion.We do not praise an entire religion if one one member does good.The protesters are arrested because they are easily available.But how many of those people who caused this trouble are arrested? I am not a defender of any culprit.But one who caused this trouble is more guilty.

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  • Sharan, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    WELL SAID MR VINAY KUMAR Unfortunately no one is interested in truth!!!!!!

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  • Rajesh Kumar, Bahrain

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    What is happening in our country? World is watching India, more specially its weaknesses. Where India is heading to? Does India need external enemy to destroy it? Nothing can be achieved unless there is unity among people. We have to understand clearly and consider ourselves as Indians first before anything else and remain united to face the world. No state, no religion, no language should be an issue at all when it comes to our Nation. Hope our politicians do their jobs with utmost sincerity respect the laws of the country and its people equally in order to make our country a peaceful one for the future generations.

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  • Rajesh, Bangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    In the month of June 2008 there was an article in Daijiworld about yedyurappa visiting the catholic archbishop after a week of electing him as CM and there were many comments from our daijiworld readers showering praises and thanking him for the visit.

     I think I was the only member who wrote against him and I think the readers will recall I wrote like this, “ After all he is also a politician, you will see his true colours in the coming days. Now see what happened, he was watching the fun.

    When Rome was burning, Nero was playing the flute. When Mangalore was burning, yeddy was chewing pan beda.

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  • Kadar Mohiuddin, Karkala/Bahrain

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Where is GERORGE FERNANDES now, He is a supporters of BJP. Why he didn't came forward to support the minority community?

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  • Gretta Dsouza., Udupi, Mumbai.

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    The damagae caused to our churches in Mangalore ane Udupi is highly shameful and condemable.We catholics work for the upliftment of the downtrodden people not with a view to convert them but to make their lives better.Due to poor knowledge of the Bajrang dal this all caios has taken place. Govt. should take strict actions against the miscreants and see to it such things do not happen in future.

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  • Jane, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Dear Mr Raman!!! whatever the situation is... no one gives them the authority to destroy the churches.. break monuments of god.. destroy others property.... no one has the right to do it..... well now that its done...n the miscreants think they r not answerable to anyone...then they r totally foolish...they will have the same thing done to them one day... like how god said.. what u sow ,u shall reap!

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  • ansari , mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    I think catholics should not get carried away by these attacks. They should not over react. I think you have a lot of friends among the hindus. The right way is to approach them. Create more and more hindu and good muslim friends. I think from now on we have to put that extra effort to see that society is not divided on communal lines. If there are any genuine complaints from hindu groups regarding conversions, they have to be sorted out sitting across the table with an open mind. Forget we are christians, hindus and muslims. When we live together in a nation, peace has to prevail. Let us be Indians first

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  • Richard Menezes, Mangalore/ Bahrain

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Dear vimith, you said- "forgive them God" I didnt get you! You mean- forgive those people (Christians)who embrased Peace loving attitude inside them since the birth of Christianity till todate?

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  • Raman, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    These politicians pour their crocodile tears whenever they get chance. They fight with their opposite party activists like they are the only saviours of India. And here in this site, you Indians are fighting so as to decide who's right and who's wrong. I like Vinay Kumar's insight to the process of conversion. And Rahul D'souza, what should one do when his religion is being insulted by proselyters?

    You don't have any proof to call police in the matter. No religious person can sit quiet while his religion is under attack. Like you see, Christians are protesting all over Mangalore. Abhishek, Kharge is Abdul Michael Kharge. A true secular. He will be present in place whenever anybody attacks minority. He was not in Bengaluru when terrorists bombed Bengaluru..

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  • Vivek, Muscat

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    mr vinay has taken the most easy route to explain his point. The portuguese and british ruled India for 200 years. Christinanity has been in India since 1AD. Despite all that the percentage of the Christian population in India is 2.3 percent and perhaps with the help of the BJP will reduce further. Why are you so insecure? Do you think that with these statistics Hindus will be eliminated? If every Hindu thinks like you who do you think should feel more insecure? Hindus need to introspect- remove casteism, start more schools and have a subject called Religion. No one will object. Instead of facing these problems and finding a solution, the easiest way is to provoke violence and kill people. Please introspect before blaming Christians.

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  • sanjeev, doha , udupi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    well said vinay, hats off to u, its exactly whats happening in india

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  • vimith, pilar shirva

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    forgive them god.

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  • abhishek, mulky

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Mr kharge..i think you have an offer to become Michael suits you.

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  • rahul dsouza, mangalore/dubai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Vinay Kumar what you say is right according to you. my question is who has given the right to BD activists to enter a place of worship & destroy the cross. If the BD's are having a problem with conversion, there is something called law & order in this country.You just cant do things the way you like by taking the law in your hands. Just imagine if all people start fighting in the name of religion whats going to happen of this country. Which school forces a non catholic student to study the religion. if you know of any report it to the police. thats your duty as a citizen of this country. About volunteers asking people to be converted in malad station as you said, comeon people are not kids, let an individual decide what he wants to do. you dont like it report it to the nearest station.

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  • Vaz, Bahrain

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Dear Mr Kharge, Is the judicial law alive in india? how you will asked the judicial probe...U all politician are same. First do the amend the law and talk...i think gandhiji had made big mistake to give independence to india & people have take all advantages from i'm serious thinking of floating my own party...atleast i can make money from it.

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  • Stan, Udupi, UK

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Hello Vinay, check around the world, In UK there are Hindu schools where children study Hinduism. don't blame all for that.

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  • vikram, Mangalore/Doha

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Kharge is making this one political issue to gain some christian vote from coming election. for god sick Give some time to Police atleast one week to investigate. then make strike and all. Before giving time to police you people making strike, darana. then how police will arrest those bajarangis who made this unhuman act. If christian people also do like Bajarangis then what is the diffrence between you & Bajaragdal.

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  • Vishwas Silva, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Dear Vinay, You have answered your question yourself. In the first place please ask yourself the question why these people are converting. Its because no one bothers to help them by giving them an education, employment, because they come from low castes. Also no person can ever be converted by force or coercion. Conversion is a process, it can never be spontaneous. Keep that in mind. Every Indian also has the right to choose his/her religion. For 200 years we had Mughals ruling India , then for another 200 years we had British ruling in India. And if you thought that large scale conversion was taking place during this time then tell me please why Christians and Muslims are still a minority in India.

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  • Vivek, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Well said Mr. vinay.

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  • shwetha, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    The two communities involved have been living in peace for years together now..they always had mutual respect for each other's what happened all of a sudden ..what is it that changed over night to unleash into this form of terror and deceit ...All this is nothing but a dirty game of politics of which the common men have been made the victims..Just think about it.. who has anything to gain from the whole situation..its neither of the communities but definitely the political parties involved..People please wake up..if you continue this attitude of blaming each other it will only lead to more destruction and misery..the need of the hour is to fight for peace and the only way to do it is for the two communities to come together and find the root cause of it and curb it right there..

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  • aryan, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Well done Mission Success public tensed, thank you politicians, in the name of minority there is no peace between hindus and muslim brothers and sisters now it was time to get the peace loving christians to road, well done you have made it happen between christians and hindu brothers and sisters well done and we being so educated are ready to dance in their tune There is no end for this................unless we all be unite and fight against the politicians

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  • Veera Almeida, Moodbidri

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Useless Govt,useless police force!

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Yes. Kharge is right. Home minister has to resign . He has demonstrated his inability by handling Padmapriya case and now Mangalore issue. Under his supervision for Modi Model, Police has brutally beaten women and weak. Almost every peace loving individuals of DK have started realising the future with BJP, with the track record of 4 months in power. Khakis who beat unarmed innocents should be suspended immediately.

    Finally, our CM & HM should watch the video of Police brutality which took place under their support & supervision. Next 4 years are bleak for Karnataka under these law makers. Shamelessly they say having no idea about Bhajrang Dal's attack. Unfortunately Krishna Palemar too in included. Thousonds of Catholics have voted and supported him. It is an eye opener for all voted BJP into power. BJP is responsible for this disaster.

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  • Lavina Moras, ,Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Police are BJP puppets.

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  • vinay kumar, udupi / mumbai

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Instead of cribbing about the issue, do some soul searching why such incidents are happening. Christian community has been existing peacefully and always enjoyed equal status, have prospered and have freely practiced their religion.

    It is the missionaries who are provoking the so called BD activists. India is the only country where Hindus exist. There are enough Christian nations. So please spare this one nation and don’t try to wipe out Hinduism is their appeal.

    There is no system where Hindu children are thought about their religion. All Catholic institutions have “Religion” as a subject for Christian student, But if some one talks about introducing knowledge of Hinduism in the curriculum it is termed as saffronisation of education.

    Due to poor knowledge of Hinduism among Hindus especially the poor & downtrodden and the existence of caste system due to which certain people are looked down upon, the missionaries take advantage of it and coerce them into conversion by offering admissions for children’s in catholic institutions, economical assistance etc etc.

    There are some Christian friends asking for proof of the above. Hey come-on guys. Don’t be blinded. Please don’t tell me these poor mostly illiterate people suddenly get awareness about Christianity and get awakened / enlightened by it blah blah on their own and get converted. They are persistently being followed up. For proof please go to Valnai colony, Malad (W), Mumbai. Majority of the colony consisting of Tamil low caste people mostly housemaids and vegetable / coconut vendors have been converted.

    For heavens sake try and understand Jesus Christ did not come into their dreams. It was systematically done and the same is going on all over India. In Mumbai, I have encountered volunteers in railway platforms pursuing people to attend some church program. For what? What is their final intention? Even if they are spreading knowledge about Christianity, we do not need it, leave us alone. We don’t do it to you in spite of being in majority. We respect your religion and happily bow our heads whenever we cross a church.

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