Gerry D’Mello
Daijiworld Media Network, Toronto
Canada, Nov 4: ‘Veni Vidi Vici’ is defined in Latin as ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’. It is the famous victory statement made by Julius Caesar to the Roman Senate. I can relate this statement to NRI Entrepreneur, philanthropist and a great community leader - Ronald Colaco’s recent visit to Canada. Although this was his maiden visit to Canada, I can say without any hesitation that Ronald came, Ronald saw, and Ronald conquered the hearts of Canadians.
An amazing personality like Ronald Colaco does not need any introduction. During his stay in Toronto I had the unique opportunity to toss a few questions at him as the representative of Excerpts from the interview:

Q. On behalf of, I am privileged to interact with you. Tell me how it feels to be in Canada for the first time?
A: Needless to say, I’m extremely happy. For my wife Jean and for me this is the first trip to Canada. I’m grateful to Gilbert D’Souza, my friend since my Abu Dhabi days for being constantly in touch with me to ensure I make this trip. He used to call me 2 – 3 times a day to remind me so that I don’t forget about it. Also, I am thankful to Vincent Machado, my good old friend for initiating this trip through Gilbert. I am sorry to say I’ve a very bad track record in this regard. Many a time despite my accepting the invitation as a courtesy, I fail to turn up at the event due to my preoccupation and other priorities. But here I proved it wrong. I’m really happy having come here and I’m sure it will be a memorable trip for us.
Q. We have seen you twice having breakfast with the American President, Donald Trump. We have seen you receiving several National, International awards and accolades from across the globe. You must have travelled extensively. Then how come you delayed your visit to Canada?
A: There is no particular reason for having delayed my trip. As I said earlier, due to my preoccupations I had no other alternative but to postpone my visits at the last moment. I do remember I had one or two invitations on earlier occasions. Besides that, in 1991, I had planned to come on tour to Canada with my wife and son Nigel. Unfortunately, due to unexpected and sudden directives from the Indian Consulate to the tour operators we were not allowed to enter Toronto through the U.S. border which was beyond my control and thus our plan didn’t materialize. However, as far as I see there is no particular reason for the delayed visit to Canada.

Q. Because of your outstanding entrepreneurship qualities, we look up to you as the most successful NRI entrepreneur of our community. You are also a well-known philanthropist and a renowned social activist. Could you tell us the secret behind your success?
A: As an entrepreneur, I don’t know how successful I am, since I am not so great entrepreneur, but I’m content with whatever God has blessed me with. As far as my social and charitable work is concerned, it is mainly because of the commitment I made along with my wife at the Altar even before exchanging our wedding vows. Before we got married we took a pledge to set aside a certain portion of our income for the causes of the poor & another portion towards the social causes. Whatever I have carried out as a philanthropist, is just because of the great support of my wife. She has stood by me in all situations of my life. I have also learnt a great lesson from my father not to accumulate wealth but rather share it with the needy. Since I took a pledge, that money does not belong to me and I have to give it away. If I forget, my wife reminds me to do that. In the present world, it’s very hard to find a life partner sharing similar passion and commitment towards charitable work.
Q. I learned from various media reports about your unique Philanthropic Seven Records in India? Can you please share some of them with few details?
A: Yes! First of all, I never knew that they were records. My Contributions in those respective fields were purely on need basis and their approach. Somehow, they turned out to be “First Time in the Country” To name a few:
1.Turned out to be the First pioneering individual in the entire country, to donate a State of the Art, fully furnished and well equipped, 8000 SFT, Modern Police Station to the Capital Bangalore at Frazer Town in 2003.
2. Turned out to be the First Christian in the entire country, to build & donate a Hindu Temple of Other religion during 1999 (Lord Muneshwara) at Navarathna Agrahara of Bangalore North
3. Turned out to be the First Laity in the entire country in the modern era to build a complete and fully furnished Church of Our Lady of Holy Rosary with 1000 seating capacity at Yelahanka, Bangalore
4. Turned out to be the First citizen in the entire country to donate to the Judiciary Department with a state-of-the-art Advocate Bhavan in Bangalore/ Devanahally
5. Turned out to be the First citizen in the entire country to donate the Revenue Department with a fully furnished modern Taluk office at Devanahally.
6. Turned out to be the First Indian individual to construct and donate to the Government with 2.5 KM of Double Road Of 4 carriage way with central median and Street Lights at North Bangalore
7. First individual in Karnataka to contribute to furnish Mini Vidhana Soudha near Bangalore International Airport.

Q. That’s incredible. Now you’ve broken yet another record in Canada by receiving honour on the 15 October 2018 from the Ontario Premier Honourable Doug Ford, the first visiting Top Mangalurean to receive this honour at the Ontario Parliament House with a certificate of appreciation on your philanthropic works, in the presence of the President of Conservative Party of the Government in Power, Jag Badwal. You were also invited earlier on the 9 October by the Member of Parliament, Honourable Rudy Cuzzetto and honoured you with specially framed certificate of appreciation on your international humanitarian works. What was your feeling while having a fruitful meeting with the Premier?
A: First of all, I was not anticipating this sort of invitation to the Parliament of Ontario nor to the gesture and honour bestowed on me earlier by the Member of Parliament, Honourabele Rudy Cuzzetto and later by the Premier, Honourable Doug Ford. This really proves not only their concern towards humanitarian services but also their great quality of appreciation of such humanitarian services no matter who has done & which part of the world he / she has done. The fact that this being my maiden visit to Canada, there was no need for them to show so much interest in my social & charitable works to mankind not in Canada but elsewhere.
I really had a fruitful and meaningful meeting of business interests between both the Provinces, Ontario & Karnataka in particular as well as Canada and India in general.
I also took the opportunity to laud the Federal and Provincial policies helping the entire immigrants irrespective of their origin to settle in various ways like providing free medical, free educational support until 12th grade, free food bank, free clothes bank for the needy and having centres for helping to obtain jobs for the newcomers and settle down in Canada. While responding to my statement, the premier said the Government while upholding the human values above all aspects and having collected taxes, considers as its responsibility to provide such facilities for the good quality of life to all citizens. Therefore, according to the Premier nothing is free since there is duty bound consideration in whatever his government is doing.

I also offered the Premier to sponsor 3 Chartered Accountants / Consultants to visit Ontario with the help of his office to study various policies of both Federal and Provincial Governments in respect of Industrial and Labour policies, minimum wage rate, ease of getting government approvals and doing business, buying of properties to establish themselves and more importantly various types Taxes such as VAT, GST, Income Tax and other Taxes if any and come up with notes and guidelines for Indian investors. The premier assured his full support and at the same time, he explained that his government is very keen in cutting down the red-tapism by bringing sweeping reforms in bureaucracy to simplify the government process in all matters of approvals and sanctions.
I invited the premier to the State of Karnataka and offered to make necessary arrangements to meet not only the Heads of State and the respective secretaries but also the Captains of various industries and business groups who could be the prospective investors in Ontario. The premier responded that he would consider his trip after the New Year since his party has come to power after 15 years and his government has completed only 100 days in office and he has got a lot to do in reforms and development.
During the meeting, the premier explained about the size of Ontario’s business with various countries, and its’ GDP as well as the provincial debt and showed keen interest in having business relations with the government of Karnataka as well as India. I proposed to create an environment of attraction for the business community and investors from outside Canada by giving them a Tax holiday for a period of 5 – 10 years in certain selective strategic sectors which can create large employment and in turn to attract more immigrants to occupy the vast vacant land for its effective development which in turn will augment revenue to the exchequer.
I am extremely thankful to Vijaya Dante for facilitating the meeting with the Premier of Ontario through the President of the Ruling Conservative Party. I also am thankful to Nelson D’costa for facilitating the meeting with the Member of Parliament of Mississauga.
Q. I know you are very uncomfortable with the publicity related to your charitable contributions. Is there any specific reason for shying away from publicity?
A: Whatever I’ve done so far, it is purely out of my true sense of bounden duty & bonding to the society from which I have benefitted from, the society that I have born and lived in and the society that I’ve grown up with. I don’t do it to earn any name, fame, titles or accolades. When recognition comes, that too from the loved ones from different parts of the region, then I have no choice but to accept it with all humility. Since 1983 onwards I am involved in charity. Initially I was very shy and whatever I did, I did not want anybody else to know as I felt there was no need to publicize it.

However, lots of my well-wishers and friends said, “You are too selfish when you do good to the society and keep it as a secret without sharing with the public”. They convinced me that if others know about my charitable endeavors and if they are convinced why I am doing this, probably more people will be inspired to involve in charitable work. So, I was forced to give a serious thought to it and I realized later on from the positive comments posted on social media that many people have come forward to sponsor the education of economically backward children from rural areas taking the lead from my social work. That is when I changed my views. I felt that if my charity work inspires others and benefits the society I should not have a problem with that kind of publicity that comes with it. Whenever I pay any donation for worthy causes I try not to attend those functions, since I do not want to create an impression that I have paid to buy a chair on the dais and get praised, which is quite embarrassing. That’s why I always avoid attending such programs that I sponsor.
Q. We have seen you as the driving force that encourages able candidates to take an active role in Indian politics. Being such a great leader how is it that you’ve not ventured into the political arena?
A: It is very important for a community to be politically strong and active. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not my area of interest to pursue politics. However, I wish to reiterate that involvement in politics for any community including the Christian Minority community is important. If our voice is not heard in the Parliament or in State Assemblies, we cannot make our presence felt at the state & national levels. Political representation for our community will help to protect our interests and also to secure the deserving recognition, positions, privileges and benefits that all communities including our community are entitled to from time to time. As a matter of fact, due & adequate representation in the field of politics, administration & judiciary is important for every community so that they can live in peace and dignity.

Like every other community, in order to build-up political representation for our minority community, I have supported candidates from our community and from other communities in coastal Karnataka like Mangaluru, Udupi, Karwar, and to some extent in Shivamogga, Hassan, Chikkamagaluru, Mysore, Bengaluru, Chikkaballapur & Devanahalli. Be it Gram-Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat, Municipal, City corporation, Assembly or Parliament elections, I have supported and encouraged candidates of the community irrespective of the pollical parties they belong to. In order to encourage the people of our minority community to actively participate in the electorate not only I supported in all respects but also, I invited all the contestants & have felicitated not only those candidates who won the elections, but also those who could not win despite giving a tough fight. These days we cannot treat any political party as pariah. We have to make sure that we are with everybody. Of course, money has to be spent if we want to contest and win elections. Many candidates whom I supported have become Ministers and in return they have supported the cause of our minority & also that of the backward community. In return, I don’t expect anything, and I have never approached any of them for any kind of personal favours whatsoever!
Q. You have generously supported the Annual Charity Event organized by the Canara Canadian Vision Inc. What motivated you to support such a cause?
A: As I said earlier, with a true sense of my responsibility towards the society, I have done charities throughout my life. When I witnessed that a group of 10 directors consisting of Arun and Jennifer Mendes, Albert and Josephine Soosay, Boniface and Sharon Viegas, Flavian and Miriam Pinto, Gilbert and Janet D’souza, Martin and Vinalini Menezes, Maxim and Nancy Mendes, Nelson and Veena D’costa, Peter and Werrel Lobo, Ronald and Dorothy Rego working diligently for the serious problems encountered by a number of Mangalureans and Goans in Canada I thought it is my duty to support them. These community leaders have supported our community people providing financial assistance especially where there is death in the family and the family faces financial crisis due to exhorbitant funeral costs and expensive graves. I really appreciate their work and I felt during the CCVI’s program while addressing the gathering that I should encourage everybody to come forward in support of this mission undertaken by the above group. That’s how I ended up in extending my support for the cause. I am impressed by the CCVI’s initiative of arranging burial ground for the needy and also the plan of setting up of the Cultural Centre for the Community. It is really a noble deed to stop thinking about ourselves and show empathy for others by helping them in whatever way we can.
Q. CCVI presented the Award to you through the Member of Provincial Parliament Hon’ble Rudy Cuzzetto. Tell us about your experience of interacting with him.
A: Truly it was a great pleasure and privilege to meet a member of parliament and a true representative of the people of this region and to receive the coveted award from him in the presence of the August gathering of our fellow Indians on Canadian soil. He was very cordial and expressed his appreciation for my social services both privately and in public. The meeting enabled us to exchange our views on the subject of common interests, especially regarding the recent move to legalize certain drugs like marijuana in Canada and discouraging the illegal drug mafia. But in my opinion, this move from the Federal Govt., is detrimental to the wellbeing of the youth and their future quality of life and services to the society as I am well versed with the dreadful effects of chemical substance abuse, especially when it is legalized & readily available, since I run the ‘LINK’ Counselling and de-addiction Centre to deal with the Youth getting addicted to various types of chemical substance abuse from the year 1991.

Q. Many people from the Middle East are immigrating to the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. What is your opinion about this?
A: I am not at all in favour of people leaving the homeland to settle elsewhere. After working hard in Gulf countries and having saved substantial amount of their hard-earned money, I personally feel that our Mangalureans and Goans should have thought of going back to their motherland and invest their money and settle comfortably there. This would have contributed not only to the progress of the region but also would have resulted in a stronger electorate to elect rightful & honest candidates who care for progress, overall economic development and at the same time work to ensure communal harmony in the region. Instead of spending that hard-earned money from the gulf and investing & settling elsewhere in the world paying heavy taxes weathering harsh climatic conditions, trying hard to adjust to high standard of living despite their limited earnings (barring a few successful businessmen), children getting adapted to western culture much to the chagrin of their parents, I strongly feel that our people should live a royal life in our home country with all the comforts that are easily available.
Having immigrated to other countries, I have come to know that people are not so happy but somehow, they seem to have compulsion to stay on for various reasons best known to them! When I have set an example by settling down in India after spending few years in the Gulf and having established myself with success, I feel that I have the moral right to advise and encourage others. I think that I have this moral right as I have practiced what I have preached.
Q. What is your message for the people of west coast in India who are settled in Canada?
A: Canada is a great country which has embraced people from all regions and religions with equal rights, love and respect. Like our great country India, Canada is also known for its democracy and unity in diversity. During the dinner party hosted by Nelson D’Costa, I had an opportunity to meet Honourable Hazel McCallion, who has been adjudicated as the longest serving (36 years) Mayor of a big city like Mississauga (seems to be a world record). During this interaction I came to know that the federal and provincial governments and the laws of Canada provide equal rights and opportunities for people of all communities / races, irrespective of their earlier origin, but settled in Canada. According to her, Canada has created a favorable environment to ensure communal harmony and universal brotherhood. Here, even the so-called neighborhood enemies of their countries of origin are living in harmony by respecting one another and by participating collectively in regional and national sports and entertainment programs. Therefore, my message to my fellow Indians, my fellow Mangalureans is that they should make use of the opportunities and get recognized through social and charitable works and get involved in the local / federal electorate and contest elections of all types to prove their capabilities to uphold the name of the country of origin.
Since God has blessed everyone in one way or the other with some comforts and enough finance, we should care and share it with those who are less fortunate. We should not forget that God, by doing so, has given us this responsibility. We get only one opportunity to pass by this world and there is no second chance for any of us to come back into this world. Therefore, whatever we can do to the least of our brethren, we can do it now or never. Instead of adding years to our lives and celebrate birthdays, it is better to add a more meaningful and purposeful life to each year that we live. I always believed in that saying “Do not count your name, fame, greatness & richness by amassing and accumulating wealth for yourself but count your richness in giving away, sharing and caring for others. My advice to my fellow Indians / Mangalureans and Goans living in this part of the world is that it is not too late even now to take a pledge in life to keep a portion of your income or savings aside to help the needy of the people of the country of your origin to become eligible for God’s gracious blessings, before it is too late for your final departure from this world. Also try to retain your identity, language and culture no matter which part of the world you settle in by supporting the initiative taken by CCVI group to set up the Cultural Centre as well as the fully dedicated and the exclusive Cemetery for Mangalureans and Goans and also help and associate with other organizations established in Canada.
Last but not the least I wish to thank each and everyone for making my stay in Canada a memorable one. Especially I thank Gilbert/Jannette D’Souza, Vincent/Precilla Machado & Richard/Vandana, Maxim/Nancy Mendes, Arun/Jennifer Mendes, Flavian/Miriam Pinto, Nelson/Veena D’Costa, Ronald/Dorothy Rego & Vijay/Prema Dante for the wonderful hospitality and for showering me with love and affection and also for being a gracious host and for giving me company during my memorable tour of Canada.
Links to Awards and Honours Conferred on Ronald Colaco:
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