Nilgiri, Mar 31: In a bizarre tradition followed by Toda tribals in Tamil Nadu, marriage of a couple is solemnized only after the bride successfully conceives the baby of her husband.
Toda tribes, residing in Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu in the interior forests near the state's Udagamandalam area, have been practicing the traditional marriage style where celebrations take place not at the time of marriage but when the bride is pregnant.
According to the tradition, the bride after marriage stays with her husband for a month or two and then goes to her parents place. And when she becomes pregnant, a joint ceremony takes place called the bow and arrow ceremony.
The groom goes to the forest and makes a bow and arrow from the tender stems of the tree and presents it to his bride. If the bride accepts it, that confirms that the baby in her womb is his and she accepts him as her husband.
"My son got married one and a half years before. Now my daughter-in-law has conceived fifth month. And we are doing big ceremony. We are very happy that a new member is coming to our community," said Vasamalli, mother of bridegroom.
The ceremony organised at the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy, is marked by traditional dance and songs by members with the clan wearing colourful shawls.
The ceremony which is conducted a day before the full moon day also fascinated some of the foreign tourists who witnessed it.
The couple later take the blessings of the elders.
Some of these marriages are also arranged when the two are still children.