Dubai: 'Recession and Its Effects on Family Life'

Dubai: 'Recession and Its Effects on Family Life'

by Deepak Machado-
Pics: Vivian Pinto
Daijiworld Medid Network - Dubai

Dubai, Apr 5: A jargon for many, a headache for policy makers, a cyclical phenomenon for economists; ‘Recession’ for many has meant lost jobs, lower sales, lower bottom lines, an uncertain future etc. Keeping the current scenario in mind, it was an apt occasion to let people know what recession all about is and its effects on family life. Mangalore Konkans, Dubai held a seminar pertaining to – “Recession and its effects on family life” at India Club on 3rd of April evening at 7.

The speaker for the day was Royston Fernandes-GM of Lobo Management Consultants, Abu Dhabi who brought forward his thoughts on recession and its effect on family life.

Ivan Fernandes, Chairman of DUCONT was on the panel of experts who clarified the doubts and questions of the audience. He was accompanied by Royston Fernandes.

Valerian Peris and James Mendonca welcomed the gathering. Aboline D’cunha introduced the speaker. Tracy Rodrigues introduced Ivan Fernandes.


Rosyton began his address by clarifying the difference between recession and depression. When an economy is under recession production declines and if the GDP of the country is hit badly. He mentioned that before understanding recession it was necessary to understand market and market economy. Two factors of the market are demand and supply and two stages of market economy are growing and declining. The equilibrium in demand and supply decides the prices of goods and services.

In a growing market economy there is always a higher demand for goods and services, there is a higher liquidity and everyone seems to be happy and there is a general willingness to buy. But in a declining market economy there is less demand, and as a result production falls, companies lay off employees and there is a negative sentiment in the market and an uncertain future. Recession happens when the Market Economy has declined and when the supply is more than demand.

Royston mentioned that in the current recession all companies are not affected. Healthcares, FMCG are not as affected as much as Real estate, Financial services are. The current market scenario is such that cash has evaporated (credit crisis), profitability is severely hit, there is a lack of sales, mass layoffs etc. The worrying facts for a breadwinner are a family to manage, loans to pay, savings to be done etc. 

In such a scenario the don’ts for employees are ‘waste time gossiping, take too much vacations, resist salary cuts, resist transfers etc. Employees need to be open minded and  be prepared to take unpaid time off, working few days in a week, wage freeze etc.

The do’s for employees are to be punctual to office, ensure to pick up new skills, do something innovative, take training programs, work hard and save money for your employer etc. He further added to be cheerful because life goes on.

If a person is jobless, Royston gave few tips as to what should be done. A person who has lost job should not hold preferences regarding city, salary, designation, location etc when an opportunity comes along, you need to go through your references. Keyword employers are looking for is ‘flexibility’. Improving communication skill should be the top priority as per Royston. Investment in acquiring new skills would enhance the chances of landing in a job.

A family has to take a stock of its daily expenses by writing down the expenses. A clear distinction has to be drawn between ‘need to have’ and ‘nice to have’ expenses. All ‘nice to have expenses’ need to be done away with. Cash is king in times of recession and a high priority has to be placed on this. Royston mentioned that one should live as though one could lose his job tomorrow.

A family needs to check the services subscribed and whether they are necessary when it comes to mobiles phone, broadband etc. Royston reiterated to live within the means and expect no handouts from anybody.

Debts can not be cancelled in the UAE. Credit cards are not to be used for withdrawing cash. An individual has to consolidate the loans. People having home loans needs to look at whether it can be refinanced, if the property fetches fair value it is better to sell it.

Parents have to be honest with the children and make them understand of the situation. Children in turn need to understand the parents. 

If you are a businessman, you should look at selling non income yielding assets, improve your account receivables, discipline discretionary expenses, switch to energy saving habits, relocate to smaller premises etc said Royston. Cleaning up the balance sheet should be the top priority.

Wealth management: This is the right time to get into investments in stocks as the shares of several companies are quoting fraction of their peak values and many are undervalued. Investing in SIP(systematic investment plan) in a mutual fund scheme is a wise investment. 

Should you invest in a property? First preference of investment should be land, second land and house, third preference should be an apartment.

The living principle in recession is: “Happiness is inversely proportional to expectations/ desires.” The more the expectations/desires, the less the happiness and vice versa.

Royston gave some suggestions to live a great life. Spend time with family, exercise, walk a lot, drink lots of water, listen to radio, watch some TV, visit libraries, Read books you purchased but never read, go to friend’s place for a dinner, enroll into a hobby, join laughter forum, meet interesting people etc. 

Finally Royston asked not to worry, what goes down will always go up, markets will rebound.

The presentation was followed by question and answer session which was handled by Ivan Fernandes and Royston Fernandes. Ronald D’cunha proposed the vote of thanks. James Mendonca and Santhosh Nazreth felicitated the speakers. The seminar was followed by a dinner.


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  • sanjeeva shetty, udupi

    Fri, Apr 10 2009

    Only those who have lost their jobs will know the pain of how how to run  a family . Many can talk but no one will think about the poor labourers working in the gulf countries.

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  • A.D.Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    I feel like laughing when people throw and when people attend such kind of seminars. What has happenned to the basic concepts. "Dont spend from the dont have" and that is only drives people in the red. The "haves" are those who think. and those "have nots" are those who forget to think. and whatever they have make them to make more with high risks and fall in the trap. The credit crises only occurs in a borrowing world. The equity world there is no credit crises. The medern era of mortgages, borrowing and spending, spend now and pay later concepts are all sound good but the repurcussions coming out from these hell hole concepts are driving people nuts and into bankuptcy. And finally playing with stock market is purely greed hypotheses. Look at America and Americans- they live on credit and the banks financed them for the assets which are not worth as much. They have houses, cars, furniture but most do not happen to OWN them.

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    Wonderful efforts by Mangalore Konkans, The content of the seminar was useful for some and may be useless for some others but the efforts are commendable. my observations are as follows.

     1. Common sense is uncommon with the common people, so many a times we are puzzled to take some major decisions and that's when the wise inputs help us to arrive at a  conclusion. These kind of seminars will definitly help many people.

    2. There are great number of Books like Think and Grow rich by Napolean Hill, Magic of thinking Big by Dr David H Shwartz, Tough times never last but tough people do and many more which will help us not only during tough times but even otherwise to build a Positive mental attitude.

    3. Knowledge comes from education, seminars and books but wisdom comes from God as many stated rightly place god first and he will take care of the rest

    . 4. No expert can give 100% solution to the present problem, but can share his or others experience so it may boost our courage, Keep us vigilant and build our confidence to face the world. So be positive and live with the same spirit.

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  • Pius Dcruz, Belman Dubai

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    Thanks to Mangalore Konkans for organizing this valuable seminar. I believe it would have been ideally suited for young couples who are just embarking on their careers and married life. We find that the current generation couples are too preoccupied with their careers and social life, where home cooking and housekeeping take a back seat.

    As both the partners have a career, the food is mostly “take aways” , and a new car for each is a must. To beat the stress, they also need to indulge in the annual “well deserved” foreign holiday. As a result large part of the income is spent on paying off credit card bills and loan installments.

    A person has to learn to live within your means and always save for “A rainy Day”, a habit to be inculcated in children at an early age. If you have developed this habit and live a life of contentment with what you have and confidence in yourself, I don’t think “Recession” can affect you much.

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  • Baptist, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    Good initiative and good piece of advise. Please assist our Mangalorean brothers, who already lost their jobs to take in your companies where ever possible or assist them to find a suitable job

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  • Stephen Menezes, Bangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    Alexander Menezes reminds me of Kuvempu or Puttanna Kanagal. I am not pescimistic, however you will agree with me that by working for couple of years you will not be able set aside enough money for education, house purchase, retirement etc. This seminar is useful for those who have/had good professional job and now either have lost or uncertainty or salary downgrade etc. and to remind oneself as to how best to readjust under the current circumstances. Pundits like Alexander are few!! and most people do rely on financial pundits for optimising returns from investments, everyone is not a doctor and many a times doctor's err, that's why I am saying repose your trust in God always, consult God first. I fully agree with A. S. Mathew, you are spot on, God makes way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isa 43:19). It's never too late our God is of another chance, unfortnately we always forget God when things are bright.

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  • Kenny Fernandes, Mangalore/Toronto

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    Common sense is the main ingredient for a happy life. 1. Never depend on a single source of income. 2. Dont save what is left after spending. Spend what is left after saving. 3. Dont be a slave. The borrower becomes a lender's slave. 4. Beware of little expenses. A small hole can sink a ship.

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  • Pinto Dubai, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    According to me this seminar is of no use to any person who has lost his job or who is in search of job... is anyone gona help or guide the way to get anyone job....

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I do agree with Mr. Stephen Menezes " One thing I must admit in times like these it is very important that you trust God, who is the ultimate supplier of all your needs". For the last four decades (the start of the oil boom in the gulf), it became the norm of most everybody to have more wealth: so the unsatiable pursuit of creating the idol god of wealth became the ultimate and sole goal of life. The rich became more richer, while the poor people was discarded by the society. There are plenty of "financial pundits" giving solid sermons how to escape the current financial storm. The finest economists of the world can't agree on, how this can be solved. This problem is far beyond human wisdom and leverage. We were landed in this lion's den due to ruthless greed in all sectors of the society. We must first repent for our greed and selfishness. The whole world is caught up in this recession, and we are in a mire of fear, only God can change the mindset. When I read this passage from the Bible " He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into waterspring" Psalms 107:35, that gave me victory over fear because our God is a miracle working God, in times of drought. Let us all, look to Him for helping us in this dire situation.

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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    Firstly, we wish to congratulate Mr. Santosh Nazareth for taking up the new assignment as the President of Mangalore Konkan group. Secondly, we wish to complement Santosh for organizing such a nice and timely gathering and focus on the current ill-effects of recession that will impact many families in the Gulf region. The most important feature of the Conference is to remain vigilant on all the possible consequences that might arise as a result of recession, and remain determined that life has to go on with best possible compromises in our daily Agenda of life. Recession has hit everywhere in the world, including America where we have more than ten million without a job !

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  • Alexander P Menezes, Karkala/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I welcome the constructive comments made by couple of readers here on this forum. I keep it simple, I will afford to spend on a product only when I have enough buying power to buy a product. I can extend my legs until the edge of my bed, and the moment I know that I cannot extend further, I stop. ( Hasige iddashtu Kalu chachu) I never intend to imply that these seminars are no good. Offcourse the experts views matter the most but my view is that when one can easily understand these things by just being sensible in managing his finances. One does not need to rely on others to tell us what we should do with our money. Because we rely on these experts, today most of us have our money stuck in an investments that have become 10% of the value that we have invested. Don't you think this is the reason for the situation of most of the people around us today. In UAE itself, people thronged to buy freehold properties and make money by selling at a premium by taking loans from the Banks at exorbitant rates of interest. Today those people are cursing their decision and defaulted in repaying the EMI's. A man who has lost his job due to recession, will not gain anything by attending this seminar. The best thing this man can do is, use his comon sense to either try and find another job or go back to his home country until the time he gets a better job. Working hard, feeling happy with what you have, and keeping a low profile is the best practice in these times. Not to mention, to have faith in God.

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  • Stephen Menezes, Shirthady/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I am afraid Alexander's comments are bit rude. No doubt all have common sense but all have not experienced the current downward spiral and it's always good to hear from someone who knows better. In any seminar no one expects you to digest 100%, you have to take what you want and make best use of it. One thing I must admit in times like these it is very important that you trust God, who is the ultimate supplier of all your needs. It's sad the keynote speaker never made a mention of the creator and his plans for mankind in his advise.

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  • Shafi, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    These words of advise said in the seminar are sourced from the internet. Many have received as a forwarded emails. There is no originality here and is not appreciated here.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    After going thru above information one must carefully understand the speakers and follow it like commandments. Sometimes in life it is better to go thru this so that we will be able to understand others what they are going thru. Experience is always the best learning process in life, whatever may be the field.

    Dear Mangaloreans, do not forget always what has gone down had bounced back in same proportion in Dubai as well as in India. This experience is worth going thru to teach our children how to live during recession. Pray to god earnestly to give us wisdom where and when to invest this difficult time because this year ample opportunities will be available to those who is having hard cash. God bless you.

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  • Antony DS, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I disagree with the comments of Alexander. Common sense was needed before the recession started. Now what we need is guidance and this is possible like the seminars conducted by various groups and communities. Don't the Doctors also need treatment. This seminar will definitely cheer us up and take the recession and credit crunch as a lesson for the future. I fully agree with the tips given by Royston and add one more pray and meditate, to ease the tension. But Royston what you are saying "what goes down will always go up" but you see it will not remain there up permanently.

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  • Khozem Dilawer, Doha-Qatar

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I very much appreciate the efforts by the association to make people understand the concept and to guide a general process by which one can overcome such crisis, maybe at Work, maybe at Family or maybe on a individual level. I wish someone takes initiative to hold such seminars even in Doha-Qatar. Well Done! With best regards Khozema Abdulhusain Dilawer

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  • Hari, Vamanjoor, Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    It is good on Mangalore Konkans part to organise this event. Well done. As for the comment from Alexander P Menezes, please undertand that society is made up of people of different intellectual levels and hence it is important to encourage individuals/associations doing good work like organising a "Free" seminar for the benefit of the people.

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  • Alexander P Menezes, Karkala/Dubai

    Sun, Apr 05 2009

    I don't think there is any need for a common man to understand the term recession and its impact on families through this kind of seminar. It appears to me that the crowd that attended the seminar, are all well educated and must be knowing the basic concept of economics. Moreover, I am sure we all have a thing called a comon sense in us.

    It is just a matter of comon sense which is needed in these difficult days to over come the fear of recession.Invest wisely, stay focussed on your investments and spend and keep as much as liquid cash as possible. Postphone your capital spend as much as possible. This is a simple matra for wading through this recession time...

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