Delhi Girl in Coma after School Punishment Dies


New Delhi, Apr 17: An 11-year-old girl, who was battling for life for the past two days after being meted out corporal punishment allegedly by her school teacher, died in a hospital on Friday.

The girl slipped into coma after she was allegedly hit by an MCD schoolteacher and made to stand in the sun for over two hours.

The girl, Shannoo Khan, studied in Class 2 at ND Primary School in Narela, north Delhi.

Union minister Renuka Chowdhury said action will be taken against the teacher. “We need to do more than just a knee-jerk reaction,” she stressed.

Vigilance inquiry has been ordered into the case, said the Delhi mayor. The police have not registered a case yet.

"We have not registered a case in the matter as yet. We are waiting for the medical report," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer Delhi) Atul Katiyar told IANS while confirming that the girl had died.

MCD has denied the incident. An inquiry has been ordered and the principal and teacher placed under suspension.

Shannoo's father, Mohammed Ayub Khan, said: "Police have not yet registered a complaint in the matter. The MCD has suspended the teacher who punished Shannoo but this will not bring our daughter back."

The incident allegedly occurred on Wednesday when the girl failed to recite the English alphabet in class. Angered by this, the teacher allegedly hit Shannoo's head against the table and made her stand in the sun for over two hours. Unable to stand the heat, Shannoo fainted and was found unconscious by her younger sister, who studies in the same school. The girl then informed their mother, Rihanna, who rushed Shannoo to Maharshi Valmiki Hospital.

The girl’s father, who works as a waiter in a catering company, was away in Haryana for work. "I returned at 9.30pm when my younger daughter told me about the incident.

The 11-year-old was shifted to the paediatric ICU of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan Hospital on Thursday afternoon. "The child was admitted in with severe seizure and her condition further deteriorated before she slipped into a coma. She was shifted to LNJP in critical condition," said Dr K K Deuri, medical superintendent of Maharshi Valmiki hospital.

MCD officials, however, denied that the girl was punished and said she suffered from frequent seizures. Chairman of the MCD education committee Prithiviraj Sahni said: "The girl has been detained for shortage of attendance. She has been irregular with her classes because of fits. On Wednesday too, she had fits, following which her parents were informed."

Municipal commissioner K S Mehra has asked the director of primary education to conduct an inquiry and submit a report in three days. MCD has already suspended the principal of the school (identified only as Dhanpati) for dereliction of duty and the teacher (identified only as Manju) for alleged corporal punishment.

The latest allegations highlight the MCD's poor record on corporal punishment. In the March 19 incident in New Ashok Nagar where 10 students were thrashed for making noise during mid-day meals, the MCD has held the teacher, Rajpal Sharma, guilty of corporal punishment and suspended him. 


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  • abdullah, Delhi

    Wed, Apr 22 2009

    The school teacher must be given the same punishment and tied to a pole with his hands up and should be in the sun naked. he should not be left to die,but this treatment should be given alternate days for two weeks. IT WORKS VERY WELL

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  • santhosh, tamilnadu

    Sun, Apr 19 2009

    I am totally upset when I knew this. no one has the right to punish the children. I request the education council and education minister to take severe action for this and bring rules for the punishment for the school children.

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  • Walter Miranda, Karnataka/INdia

    Sun, Apr 19 2009

    I hope as we all aware in the ancient history and we heard and read about ASWAMEDHA YAGA so like here for this incident we can call it as NARAMEDHA YAGA!!!! while looking at all the incidents now a days happening arround the world it is a clear evidence that the end of the world is come closer. As God predicted when the Worlds end will come that time one nation will rise aganist another nation and the human beings will start eating each others Flash like this from all these happenings we can imagine the World will going to end soon. The teacher commited a very serious crime against human being by funish the girl of 11 years in such a way so that the teacher must panalies for the loss of innocent life and the Govt. must cancel the license of the school and also must close thtr school.

    Also the Govt. must make such a cruel and merciless teacher also to stand in the hot croaching sun atleast 2 or 3 hours to understand how the croaching hot sun will act upon her and make her to realise and admit her mistake of comitting brutal murder of a young girl of 11 years. If the girl is not properly attentive in her lessons then time the tracher must send a word to her parents even after the alarm to the childs parents the student is not improve then the teacher as to leave the student a side or rusticate such student from the school instead taking law in the hand by way of panish the student in a cruel way.

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  • Jovita D'silva, Manglore/Bahrain

    Sun, Apr 19 2009

    Let her soul rest in peace.And the Indian gov. should make sure that such incidents must not happen with school children,even the teacher must be severly punished.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 19 2009

    Like ragging, the corporal punishments by merciless teachers to the young students are equally condemnable. All children will not have same IQ & grasping power. Other than that there are many, many other reasons why a child is not doing well.

    Hence making an 11 years old child stand in the Murgi position in the hot summer sun with bricks on her back is not punishment but a third degree torture. More over, when the child pleaded for water, the heartless teacher kicked the child so hard that the child’s face hit the ground & her nose started bleeding. Such rough teacher deserve severe punishment.

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  • anis, mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    What kind of school teacher is she ? She  teacher should be punished .

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  • judith, mumbai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    May the Child's soul rest in peace. I doubt any action will be taken considering the child belongs to a poor labourer. If she was a politician or some influential person's child the punishment would have been meted out even before the news was released.

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    Sat, Apr 18 2009


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  • davood abdul latheef, mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009


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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Teacher hit student's head against table !! What a punishment! Yes..let the judge give the same punishment to cruel teacher!! Beating is banned in U.A.E.schools.Same rule Govt.of India should implement in all schools.

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  • Kareem, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Criminal case has to be framed & teacher should be severly punished if found guilty. Manhandling should be completely stopped by law in schools.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Its very sad and culprits must be punished for having taken innocent life. But I am concerned about people like Mr Vedavyas Nayak playing politics on this dead girl. Why the dead people are not spared from these dirty politics. Why cant we stand  united against these atrocities and make India a better living place for our future generations??????????

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  • Alva, Udupi

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Its a sad incident!! The teacher should be punished severely if the matter is true

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  • reshma, mumbai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Very bad . Such teachers should not be in school .

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  • Ratnakar Sheregar, Kundapur/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    All teaching professionals are hereby strictly warned that you do not have any rights to beat / punish (in whatever way) any children. After all who are you to punish / beat children keep in mind that you do not know their destiny and you are paid employee. In this case strict legal action should be taken against the teacher.

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  • Imran, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajivoon...May Allah forgive the cruel act of teacher!!

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  • Mohammed Ibrahim, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Very sad to hear thie. The teacher should be severly punished .

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  • Barbara Bayer, Muscat, Oman

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Guru Devo Bhavah!!! Yes we are into our 40's, 50's & 60's too but to this day happily recall to mind our beloved teachers of those years who imparted knowledge and wisdom. We attribute what we are and who we are, to our parents and teachers. Today we feel very proud of those great people. Look at the education system today. Feel sorry for the children coz of the load and burden on one side & on the other feel sorry for the teaching community too for the poor wages they are paid. But that does not mean they show their frustration on the innocent children who come with great expectations to learn. Many incidents of the sort has been reported in various papers, it breaks my heart to read such atrocities on children. What is the purpose of education for children if the so called Educators themselves have lost value, self respect and respect for fellow human beings and a threat to the innocent children, a very sad situation indeed!!!

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  • austin, byndoor/mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    This is right time to change education system... the govt should take care these things should not be done again...

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  • Naveen, Udupi/UAE

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Renuka Chowdhary is busy in "Pub Bharo Aandolan" !!!

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  • Imran, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Inna Lillahi Wa inna ilahi Rajivoon....May Allah forgive teachers cruel act!!

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  • Vedavyas Nayak , mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Where is Renuka Chowdhary ??????? where is her voice ?????? Where is Mahesh Bhat ??????

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  • Rewati, India/USA

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    It is very sad that little girl is no longer with parents. Let God give the strength to the parents. I am sorry. There should be a law in India that no longer hitting in school. Teachers are only to teach the children. NOT TO HIT.

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  • imraan, mangalore/ abu dhabi

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    punish that cruel teacher...

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  • Harris Madani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    This News/information should be distributed to all schools  all over  India, Lots of such incidents occur that does not get media attention.Hope things will change now.

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  • reshma, mangalore, USA

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Would the teacher punish her own kid this way. The teacher has to be punished in some way. In USA the kids are disciplined without any punishments, hopefully Indian education will follow the same system. Different kids have to be taugth in different ways. All 5 fingers are not the same. My heartfelt sympaties to the parents of the victim.

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  • Joyline D'silva, Sanoor/Bahrain

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Strict action should be taken against the teacher.

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  • Melvin Dsouza, Surathkal/China

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Would you believe this is INDIA SHINING or whatever? SHAME,which ever way one looks at it, political or whatever. Helpless, is where we lie! Shall we defy the current scenario?

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  • Lavina Vas, Belman, Mumbai

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Feeling very sad to hear this kind of news.But the sadest part is,these kind of things are also happening everywhere. For small small mistakes teachers beat studets as if they are not humans.There are many schools who are recruting non trained teachers & due  to this such things happen.

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    Sat, Apr 18 2009


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    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    It is really horrific.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    What kind of teachers do we have !!!!??? If they do not have the basic manners can they be considered as teachers !!????

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, uudpi

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    This is too much. very sad incident.

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  • Margaret Thomas Dsouza, Gorigudda/Israel

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Have to suspend MCD school teacher for this cruel incident.and have to send her to jail.

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  • m.guthigar, suralpady-managlore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Really a tragic incident . This shows the insensitivity of teachers to the children's rights. If found guilty they should be severely punished as per the law.

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  • sandra dsouza, bajjodi/israel

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Very sad news. How can teachers give such a punishment, May her soul rest in peace.  I can imagine how the parents will feel.

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  • R J D'Mello, Mangalore/Ann Arbor

    Fri, Apr 17 2009

    All this for not being able to recite the alphabet? This is extremely unfortunate..

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  • M J shastri, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Time to change the education system. This British-German schooling system has only bred violence, hatred and snobbery inside the campus as well as outside. Open schooling and home schooling should be considered as options. Teachers basic qualification should be kindness not some professional degree or diploma. Teaching should be voluntary.

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  • majeed, mangalore/MALAR KODI

    Fri, Apr 17 2009

    oh god ... it's very sad incident .

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