Mangalore - Dubai AI Express Drama : Two Passengers Offloaded in Mumbai

Mangalore: Air India Express Justifies its Action in offloading Two Passengers
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Jul 31: Air India Express has now come out with its official clarification on the incident in which, its Dubai- bound flight from the city that had taken off on Thursday July 30 at 9.30 pm was forced to land at Mumbai Airport due to the alleged unruly behaviour of two passengers, who are said to have posed security threat to the flight.

Speaking exclusively to, Mangalore office, Chellam Prasad, manager, Air India, said, "Prasad Shetty and Shanawaz Khan, the two passengers who had boarded the flight from Mangalore airport, were in a noisy mood even before the flight took off. When one of the cabin crew, Altaf Mohammed, requested all the passengers to switch the mobile phones off, one among the above passengers, who was still talking on the phone, abused the crew by saying, "I know better about the safety norms of the airline than you."

Prasad said that the captain had filed a detailed report on this incident with the Air India management, and the report says, taking the flight ahead was difficult, as these passengers were threatening the cabin crew, and were abusing them, using filthy language.

"These two passengers started demanding alcohol within a few minutes of the flight taking off from Mangalore, and even when the belt-fastening signal was still on," the report claims.

"Our crew members tried their best to convince them, but their behaviour turned for the worse and hence, the captain had no other option but to land the flight at Mumbai," Prasad added.

The report, which was written by the head of the crew Sapna Kamble, mentioned that the captain had asked them to give three warnings. Despite serving three verbal warnings, the crew found that Shanawaz Khan's behaviour was suspious and the captain had to make the decision to land the flight at Mumbai airport.

“In the final warning, Sapna Kamble, head of the crew, informed both the passengers that, the flight would be landed in the nearest airport if they do not co-operate, but the passengers responded arrogantly, by threatening that, they would jump from the aircraft, if the flight is not taken back to Mangalore immediately. Also they shouted that, they wanted the captain to come to them and discuss."

Meantime, the Mumbai police have taken the custody of both the passengers and produced them to the court for further action.

Daijiworld contacted one of the cabin crew stationed in Mangalore, who reacted to the incident, on the condition of anonymity, by saying, "We have been facing very rude behahviour from many of the passengers. This has been a daily routine. When the cabin crew makes mistakes, people quickly complain to the media or the management. How can we react when passengers do not understand the basic rules of aviation?, " she questioned.

"Switching on the mobile phone, even after requesting the passengers to switch them off, is very dangerous. Even when we request the passengers politely to switch off the mobile phones, they react very angrily, as if we are forcing them to do so. It is the global rule and every passenger has to follow the same. We need maximum co-operation from the passengers while on the air," she explained.    

Earlier - Daijiworld's 'on-board' report:

Dubai - Mangalore AI Express Drama : Two Passengers Offloaded in Mumbai

By Naveen Frank, On Board IX 811
Daijiworld Media Network

On Board IX811, Jul 31: Two unruly passengers travelling from Mangalore to Dubai by Air India Express IX811 were offloaded at Mumbai's Chatrapati Shivaji Airport after 45 minutes towards Dubai.  

These passengers were sitting on one of the last rows of the aircraft.
The captain announced that the flight will be diverted to Mumbai and the passenger handed over to the authorities.

Meanwhile our correspondent who was on the same flight spoke to the flight attendant, who said that the said passenger were agitated because alcohol was not served on this particular flight.

They demanded that they be served liquor which was refused.

The captain finally decided to divert the plane to Mumbai.  

Flight Landed at Dubai Airport at 4.30am, UAE time

IX811 finally took off from Mumbai airport at 0230 hrs IST and reached its destination Dubai after a 4 hr 30 minute delay.

What needs to be asked is, was the captain justified in diverting the flight back to India, and that too Mumbai a busy airport.

The flight took off smoothly  from Mangalore at aroung 2136 hrs and all was well until about 45 minutes of flying towards its destination Dubai.

The captain made a strange announcement stating that alcohol and food will not be served due to the behaviour of some passengers and the security of the crew, pssengers and athe aircraft was of absolute importance.
Not many understood the seriousness of the announcement as there was no commotion nor was there any sign of any argument or raised voices. Another announcement soon followed which suggested that we were heading back to Mumbai to offload the unruly passengers. Only then did all heads turn to the back to see what had actually happened. Again, there was no sign of any verbal fight or anyone showing signs of any agitation.
What made the flight attendants to complain to the captain and what made the captain take the ultimate decision to divert the aircraft to Mumbai and have the 2 passengers arrested. The 2 passengers in question were in no position to talk. The flight attendendants were tight lipped except that the 2 men demanded alcohol which was refused. They did not turn physical nor did they raise their voices.
Speaking to the passengers closest to the men in question, it was learnt that initially it started with a friendly verbal conversation between the passengers and the flight crew. Somehow the flight crew could not take the constant pestering and hence must have taken a stern stand that further agitated the inibriated passengers. Would it have died down if the cabin crew just ignored them and went on to serve dinner as planned ? Nobody really knows what the passengers talked to the crew that made them approach the captain.
Similar incidents are common in many flights. Normally the cabin crew pacify or control  the passengers . If it goes out of hand, they normally hand him over to the authorities at the port of call. Why did not the AIE captain do the same ?  Why could he not alert the Dubai authorities and hand them over on arrival ?  All the other passengers would have reached on time. Why did he decide to turn around and return to India. In fact he  took him more time to return and find a landing slot in the busy Mumbai airport . If security was his concern, then he ought to have headed straight to Dubai and land as quickly as possible.
At the end of the day, a flight full of passengers  with many small children were holed up on the aircraft for 5 hours with no food and water, limited air conditioning on the tarmac, overused toilets and a further  2 hours 30 minute flight to Dubai.  Air India Express is duty bound to tell their passengers as to why they took such a drastic step for what seemed to be a simple case of unruly behaviour !


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  • Daniel Steve Lobo, Muscat

    Sun, Aug 16 2009

    Gurudath, Mumbai/M''''lore Sunday, August 02, 2009 "Using mobile phones can not be dangerous to the aircraft. "  - What can one say about people who give such loose comments? Mobile Phones have proved to interfere with Navigational equipment.

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  • Tanveer, Baikampady/Melbourne

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    A person may be king to the village,but in flight he is a passenger.

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  • jeevandas, Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Dear friends, Airindia express is the worst airline I have come accross in recent years since my 30 years of flying expeerience! in Europe australia and New Zealand and have taken the budget airlines too. would I rather take a bus if it takes into the sky instead.

    Look I am diabetic and Air India expreess shut the toilet doors 90% of the flight? I would ask the airindia express crew they never have any hospitality and lack respect towards the passengers.

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  • Nelson Dsouza, Karkala\Riyadh

    Mon, Aug 03 2009

    Hello Jeevan, I agree totally with your point of view. Most of the comments were passed without any knowledge of the "Ground reality". Why can''t you and like minded passengers of this flight file a claim in Air India Express office in Dubai for "Passenger Inconvinience Allowance" or an uncondiatioanl apology from the Air india Express Management?

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  • Samuel, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    If you are a Mangalorean or brought up in Mangalore, you know the answer!!! And half the passenger are not from Mangalore district and why anyone wants the mess? The service of AI is worse the may be an exception but in general, I dont have an option then to travel in this.

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  • Manu, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    Mr. Jeevan. My question to you is why other passenger not supported them. If you think AIE was doing wrong you all passenger would have opposed to that. I think all the other passengers were not bothered, this is the real fact.

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  • Raj, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    One should understand the rules of aircraft. If u do not want to follow then better not travel in it.

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  • Joel Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    I was flying AIE to Mangalore from Abu Dhabi via Muscat on 13th June with wife and 2 kids below 6yrs old. While the departure time from Abu Dhabi was around 12:30PM and reached Muscat and then took off from Muscat around 2PM and the first thing they were doing was serving Alcohol to the selfish drunkards rather than serving meals to the people which included so many little children.

    AIE is least concerned about passengers, it is about making money at any cost. No sooner a different airline starts service to Mangalore, I''ll be the first one to switch.

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  • Gurudath, Mumbai/M''lore

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    Using mobile phones can not be dangerous to the aircraft.

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  • A.R.Ibrahim, Jeddah

    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    To derive at a ruling, one must hear both sides, we have AIE version and some information from passengers. Flight delayed by four and half hours and cabin crew did not serve even water to infants as mentioned by a passenger of the same flight points finger at AIE. On the top of that diverting flight to Mumbai? there must be some serious piece of information missing here....Only those two can fill in the blanks.

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  • Cyril D''Cunha, Mangalore, UAE.

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    AI staff should learn to give service to customers. Negligence and lack of professionalism is this is the matter. Verbal arguments caused the flight to divert! I am frightened to speak or deal with AI staff.

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  • Saleem GH,Amchinadka, Puttur/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Being the monopoly of AIE, somewhat Crew behaveing rude, what else to do? we have to tolerate them for few more months till other flights start direct flights to M''''lore. I am not supporting rude passangers, if they behave rude let them punish unless blame all passangers meanwhile dont'' praise AIE crew

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  • suhail, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    So funny and hilarious ... the crew are supposed to be trained to face terrorists and criminals... here... They couldn’t handle a drunken passenger.. Thank god they were not terrorists. Poor passengers who demanded their rights which they have been paid for.

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  • Nelson Dsouza, Karkala\Riyadh

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    We all agree the safety of passangers is the primary concern. However it seems that the Cabin crew in this case,could not handle the situation which was not that serious as fellow pasangers even didnt hear any big arguments or noise.If the passangers are off their seat and threatining to harm the cabin crew then the decision of diverting the plane could have been justified. Just a verbal arguement does not at all warrant such an action by the captain. Passangers of this flight should demand inconvenieance damages from Airindia Express!

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  • Mohammed Ali Kulai, Jeddah, Kulai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    This is a lesson to all future passengers travelling on AIE. Please behave! If these two passengers wanted Alcohol and five star treatment, why did they choose low budget carrier AIE? Some passengers do not understand the reality and behave as if they were the Royals! May be these two could be the first time travellers! The AIE Captain did the right thing in diverting the flight to Mumbai. Being a capt. of national carrier, and as an Indian citizen, he thought it right to handover them to Indian authority rather than giving them to a third party (UAE). I would suggest following : 1) Maximum punishment for these two as per the Indian Law. 2) Training the AIE crew how to behave with the passengers.

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  • umeshchandra, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Think about the problems faced by other passengers/airports,because of these justv2 passengers. I am also not saying that crew was correct .

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  • Anand, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Dear Raymond P.D''Souza I fully agree with your valid comments, if a person is not following rules & regulations of any mode of transport,he is not fit to travel.

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  • K.Shenoy, Sooda

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Dear Reader, It is very nice story to read and pass comments. Same Air India Express flight to Mangalore from Dubai delayed for more than 6.30 hrs (Feb 19/2008) for very Simple and silly reason. We were all waiting for the flight in the Airport longue And POOR Crew  on board the flight were  waiting for the Pilot to come on board. Who will pay for this Loss Of Time  . Can Civil Aviation Ministry give reply to this?.

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  • salvador Noronha, Omzoor/Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    It is a shocking news for most of the gulf travellers. We come across lot of people. We cannot think the crew of the plane is our maid/cook or driver one has to respect them.

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  • Jeevan, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Well, it is time to stop blame game. Air India might be justifying the action taken by them. But I being a passenger in the same flight absolutely disagree with them. What the manager stated is entirely a cooked up story. Neither did the two passengers threaten the cabin crew nor did they use filthy language. Rather it was the cabin crew ''Sapna Kamble'' who threatened the passengers that she will divert the flight to Mumbai. I was sitting couple of rows ahead of these two passengers and the only thing I could hear when the head cabin crew told them of diverting the flight to a different destination was "Thank You very much". How can the AI staff and manager create some story and misguide the public? I personally had the experience of not being allowed to use the toilet!  Most of the people who comment are not passengers on the flight and they appreciate AI!!! Serving liquor is entirely a different thing and cannot be co-related with this. What has to be questioned is the attitude of the cabin crew and worst is that, they behave as if they are doing a favour to the passengers. I totally agree with the safety measures to be followed on board. There is no compromise on usage of mobile seat belt fastening etc. But AI staff are undoubtedly unprofessional, illtrained . I request the Aviation minister to intervene and make an enquiry into this and revive the entire system of loss incurring Air India. It is the call of the hour.

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  • Siddiq Bk, Baikampady

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    For the silly reason pilot diverted flight to mumbai and made passengers to wait for 5 Hrs !! I think it is better to remove the word "EXPRESS" and put "SHUTTLE" .

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  • Raghav, M''lore / Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    One does come across rude passengers , but then we cannot ignore the arrogant attitude of the cabin crew . Working at 36000 feet above ground, sometimes make them feel they r from heaven . I have personally exprncd this agony . One of the probable ways to find reality is to install cameras in the cabin !!!!!.

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  • Navid Sheik, Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    These are small problems but the cabin crew has to handle it.Usually service of Airindia & Airport authority very poor compared to other countries.

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    Sun, Aug 02 2009

    I agree with Mr.Daya''s comments.First of all we have to thank all those who worked hard behind these direct flights to mangalore from gulf destinations.Still some people dont want to enjoy their flight home saving the valuable 7 hrs transitting through a busy Bombay airport.Its human nature...look for all the comforts while forgetting they are with other passengers and paid the same price for the ticket too.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Some Passengers think that THEY ARE THE OWNERS OF THE FLIGHT when they are flying.I don''t understand the logic behind it. These people keep quiet like a cat when they travel by city bus !! There are many incidents like this. Hope those were offloaded in Mumbai will be kept in custody for a month .

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  • MAQALFA, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009


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  • Raymond P. D''souza, Mumbai / Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    They should be given treatment of their life, first by the police and then by the court of law, this should be an eye opener  for others passangers. Better stop hard drinks on the flights.

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  • RON , dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    We should behave well while we are flying on any aircraft. As a citizen of India , these two guys simply created mess in flight, so many people suffered due to rude young boys. Please use ur young age in good deeds , instaed of spoiling name like this..

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  • Ivan, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    I totally agree with Taranath Rai and others. The AIE crew are not trained well. Last time I was travelling with my 3 yrs old son, he wanted to go to the toilet. I asked permission with one of the crew, but she refused telling that, let all the passengers come in then only u can go. But I saw so many people were going to the toilet without asking them. My son started crying. After all the passengers came in, I asked her, can I go now? Rudly she said, no after the safty announcement only u can go. It is a rule. My son was crying bitterly. I just ignored her and took him to the toilet. So she said, why u went to the toilet, i told u not to go? I told her nicely, ya but my baby can not understand. After the flight started flying the baby was feeling cold. So I asked her for blanket. she dint give me. But until the flight landed here in kuwait she dint give me the blanket. All of them are so rude. BUT WE HAVE NO CHOICE, WE HAVE TO TRAVEL BY AI. ONLY ONE DIRECT FLIGHT :(

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  • Ganesh Rai, Coorg / Sharjah

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Mr. Daya Bangera Your comment is educative and eye opening suggestions to the passengers. Cabin crews behaviour with passengers also some time not fully acceptable.

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  • Mathew, Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    AI crew thinks we are at their mercy and people travelling Gulf sectors are treated like beggers. They must change this attitude or we must change the carrier.

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  • hema bhandary, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    To a ban on liquor on the flights is very essential.

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  • surhoor, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    I wonder If after all these years of flying experience how AI was not able to train their cabin crew to deal with difficult passengers like this...

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  • Damodar Samani, Thonse, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Dear readers, here is a frightful but interesting quote on UNRULY PASSENGERS.

    " Unruly passenger behavior continues to be one of the biggest issues facing airlines and the severity of the problem continues to increase. Although much has been said about dealing with these cases there has been little reference to the causes. Sarah-Jane Prew, the publisher of "Cabin Safety " examines some of the factors involved and talks about how cabin crew can identify at an early stage when all is not right. A few of the most recent examples of unruly behavior include a woman passenger who knifed a flight attendant in the neck because that crew member was trying to get the passenger''s daughter, a young girl, to sit down and strap herself in for landing. Another incident involved 60 Italian passengers on-board a UK registered aircraft at Gatwick Airport who began screaming and shouting at the crew because a mechanical fault had delayed their flight. So threatening were the passengers that the UK Police had to escort the crew away from the aircraft the flight was then cancelled. Two more incidents involve alcohol. On a European flight, a woman who had had only two drinks went berserk and began attacking crew members around her. It was later discovered that she had taken drugs prior to the flight and the mix with alcohol was enough to set her off. Another case was very similar a woman began attacking cabin crew and threatening fellow passengers after she, and her two companions, were refused any more alcohol. The passenger began screaming and kicking and had to be restrained. It transpired that both she and her companions were US forces personnel on their way to drug and alcohol rehabilitation! In another case, a female flight attendant was sexually assaulted by a male passenger as she tried to serve his meal.  All these cases illustrate the increasing need to do something about unruly passengers. Not only are incidents like this unpleasant for the crew and fellow passengers but they are also potentially dangerous. The threat of injury is obvious the underlying threat is in the amount of attention needed to watch one passenger, with the risk of turning valuable attention away from other aspects of passenger safety. Dealing with the passengers and punishing them after the event is one thing the industry''s aim has to be to prevent these incidents from occurring in the first place and the only way to do this is to try to understand why passengers are unruly."

    After reading the above, I think the AIE Captain did not leave it to chance but divert the flight to Mumbai.

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  • Matheen Ahmed, Moodbidri

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    hi guys i was a co passenger in same flight What I have experienced is totally careless behaviour of cabin crew. the problem could have been tackled easily instead of diverting the flight to Mumbai.The cabin crew unnecessarily fuelled the miscreants and boosted them instead of attending their requirements at proper time.

    Forget about serving the liquour to the passengers, the Cabin crew did not bother even to serve glass of water for children and infant carrying passengers. Since the passenger was local Mangalorean, Cabin crew could have taken the assistance of co- passengers to calm down the heated issue instead of taking flight to mumbai We may have to tolerate all this in future also just because we dont have any other option until we have any new competitive service provider.

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  • Clifford Fernandes, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    I was on AE flight from Dubai to Mangalore and there were 2 passangers using their phones inspite of air hostess warning them. One was using one as the plane was landing in Bajpe. These idiots put others lives at risk

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  • ashwin, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Service provided by air indai staff is not good compare to other airlines.There is no other option,we have to tolerate them.

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  • kevin, mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Aug 01 2009

    Some of the Passengers expect royal treatment on a flight and here we are talking about a budget Airline. In this case it was just frustation that has led to these events. . These unruly behaviours are common on flights and can be solved if handled in a professional manner by trained staff. Cannot expect too much from Air India Staff.

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  • S.Kumar, mangalore/dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I think what the cabin crew did was right. If the flight would have gone to Dubai and the crew handed the passenger to the Dubai Authorities the said passengers would have been arrested and their VISA would have been cancelled and they would have been behind the BARS as the Dubai Authorities are very strict as per the Aviation Security is concerned.This is a good lesson to the passengers who voilate the aviation security and disturb the co passengers while they travel.Thanks to Daiji world. Jai hind

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  • Anthony Lobo, Mangalore, USA

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    These are the people who never get to drink in gulf either because they can not drink in that country or can not afford to buy. So, they want alcohol the minute they enter the plane and drink till the last minute of landing with the expense of other passengers. I have seen those ugly and unruly passengers. This behavior of half educated/ knowledged about aviation rules and regulations plus alcohal addicted Indian brothers flying in any airlines, I feel ashamed to fly with our fellow Indians. So we do not get respect in any foreign flights as they think all are poor and uneducated. Do we think - is Air India Mangalore City Bus? Some may agree the crew members are fit to work in buses rather than aircrafts. I hope here in after no-one dare to ask alcohol in the flight and if such kind of behavior repeats they should hand over them to the gulf police where they will get better treatment than AI.

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  • Moinuddin M, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Well done air india express, drinks should not be served in the flight Such passengers must be black listed and not allowed to use any flight for 2 to 5 years

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  • prem, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Being one of the passengers in this same flight i would like to share my experience. The language used by these two travellers was very bad and they were not allowing the flight crew to perform their duty by abusing them. The behaviour from these two was absolutely unforgivable. They behaved in an uncultured manner and created a  nuisance. Meanwhile i also feel that flight crew also added fuel to the fire, by arguing with them, they could have dealt with this matter in a more polished and sophisticated way. Just because of these two passengers everybody had to suffer.The crew was not even serving the water during this drama. Definetly air india express has to improve their service and facilities. It is so sad that none of the passengers objected the behaviour of these two even they were talking over while the flight was taking off and could have caused a serious security threat.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Safety first.

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Whatever may be the reason, the passengers who put other passengers life in danger by using telephone or any other thing which may put flight operation in difficulty shall be punished and shall not be allowed to board any aeroplane in the future..!!! SUch guy's shall traVel only in their private vehicles, whereby they can be kings..!!!! You cannot be a king in a public carrier...!!!!?????

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  • Amrith, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    First of all Travelling by AIE itself is disgusting on the top of that their crew are very rude and behave as if we are at their mercy! What else to do? we have to tolerate them for few more years till other flights start direct flights to M''lore.

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  • stan, dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I think AirIndia and passengers are both wrong. We i.e. Gulf people act/behave in India like Gulf Shaikhs and AirIndia give bad treatment to gulf Indian that they are thinking that all gulf Indians are beggars like them.

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Yes we should follow global rules. Discipline is more imp, if we are in public place.

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  • john, dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Well done AIE for maintaining flight safety

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  • Pearl, Sharjah

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Here is what i have to say, before accusing the airline staff, i think we all need to understand.. how these men have behaved..totally not acceptable. there is a limit for acting unruly. well no one wants people drunk or threatening the crew. on the other hand, flight attendants should have thought about other people travelling. but its not their fault that they could not manage the men. how do u expect the crew to handle, it can be scary for them.

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  • Dayanand Bangera, Katapady / Abu dhabi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I have been travelling from Air India since 20 yrs. ( Never used other airlines from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai ). I never experienced any bad incident from Air India Crew. But, I have noticed Crews behaviour is totally based on passengers behaviour. I fully support to AI Crew. I have seen bad behaviour from passengers and timely I have given right dose to those passengers ( alchohol related ). If you are travelling once in 2 or 3 years, you can not start enjoying from flight itself. Behaviour like calling crew very often / rudely. I have seen many a times passengers not following Aviation rules. 1. Even after take off, passengers still talk over the phone. I have observed these talks are normal and its just show off. Where was these phones few years back ? 2. Immediately after landing passengers get up from their seat and try to take their luggage and want to be first to get down. This is just a poor knowledge about travelling by Air. 3. Immediately after take off, passenger remove their seat belt within no time. It is always better to have seat belt fasten. It helps during planes in altitude ( I had very bad experience while travelling to Malaysia. Plane has ed more than 10000 ft. We were having food and all food plates were thrown all over inside the plane and it was very scary) and bad weather. 4. People who are travelling outside from Mangalore and not used other international airport before are very lucky. We should be grateful to Air India / Govt. We know, what difficult to go to Mumbai and catch international flight. Dear Mangalore bound passengers, have patience for 3 to 3.30 hrs - enjoy yourself in flight - reach safely to our homeland. I feel great travelling from Abu dhabi to Mangalore direct and my sincere thanks to all who are responsible for this and specially Air India.

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  • Stany lobo, dubai-Derebail

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I always found AI staff  very rude in their behaviour.We pay and drink on the flights, why they didnt give any alcohol to the passengers.I was on the same flight and I found the crew was very rude.

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  • roshan, mulky

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    AI Xpress have taken  correct action .

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  • Raj, Udupi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    If it was New York bound flight they would have not treated passengers like this AI always treats gulfy''s like this.Do you think AI staff don''t have attitude???

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  • Fernandes Francis , Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Rudely beahaving passengers need to be disciplined . Well done AIE for maintaining flight safety. Cabin crew to be trained well to handle such situation.

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  • KS Bhat, Peruvai-Bantwal Tq. / Kazakhstan

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I partially agree with Manohar''s statement, "Air India is anyway running huge losses" and hence instead of shutting it down, it should be handed back to TATAs from whom Govt acquired this Maharaja and after acquisition it has become the white elephant for tax payers'' money. Or call for open bid. Then even Mallya may buy this ill-managed airline, run it profitably, he would groom the cabin crew to behave professionally than arrogant, train them to handle unruly pax & arrange to serve even wine on board which he is trying to do even on domestic routes by urging Gov''t that it may help the interests of grape farmers ! I fully agree with views expressed by Mr. Agnel Rodrigues, Bejai too.

    What I can gather from the 2 eye witnesses, one reporter of Daijiworld, Naveen Frank who had talked to nearby passengers and another Taranath Rai, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi, "There was no verbal and physical confrontation between any of them. AIE crew for their fancy had done this. This is purely due to the incompetency of AIE crew and they should be penalised". My overall experience with our national carrier is that the staff have high degree of job-security and hence very arrogant . Hope everyone remembers how the IPG [Indian Pilot''s Guild] was going on flash strikes on the drop  of the hat, when MAHARAJA had the monopoly over Indian skies. The biggest reason for the inefficiency & losses of this MAHARAJA is that it is controlled by the inefficient Govt machinery. Margaret Thatcher had stated long ago that Govt machinery is UNFIT to do any business. And it applies more on the service sector. The earlier this MAHARAJA is handed over to pvt sector, the better for INDIA.

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  • Michael D''Souza, Yellur/Canada

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I am sure Captain has taken a right decision in this case, It is not a good idea to hand over Indians to authorities in Gulf. I always fly Air India,they may not be the best, but they have better respect to us than in other airlines. If we are not treated well in AI it is because of our behavior. Respect the cabin crew, they will do anything for you!

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I feel the captain''s decision to divert the flight to Mumbai absolutly correct. First upon in the aircraft passengers have to co-operate with cabin crew. If a passenger on board distrub they should be punished. Also passenger during the board follow the aviation rules, During on board the flight avaition is responsible for safty of each and every passengers. One should not act he can do anything on the board. Some comments pointed that children & elderly peoples on board I agree, but flight safety is first.

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  • Anil Moras, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Disgusting action from the pilot! Why he/she made other passengers to suffer. With one sandwich,hours of waiting, flight delay and little leg space how the passengers can wait so many hours. Of course, the passengers who had done wrong should be punished but not at the cost of the innocent. Air India express smells..again but we have no choice. We wish Emirates and other flights operates in Mangalore and we see the difference in Passenger and cabin crew behaviors. Change the way see the world... Welcome Eithad Airways.

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  • rajesh bangera, manglorel/uae

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    As per my opinion passangers should know all rules & regulations before travelling in flight .  They have no right to disturb other people.

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  • irene, mumbai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Most of us giving our comments were not in that flight.First place I have noticed the flight attendants request people to switch off the mobiles still people keep on talking.Drunk persons are when they are high they behave worsE than animals..Let us not bring more shame to our country and to our dear Mangalore city.

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai/ Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It looks like these passengers were determined to create a noise to be noticed? Also we have another problem among travelers, just as they travel a couple of times in these routes, ( or any routes) they think they know everything & they can over rule aviation rules n regulations. Also that they think that if they do not adhere to announcements done, they are far superior to other travellers..!! false ego !!!! Airline should have tried controlling them till they landed in Dubai & handed over to UAE Authorities, where rule of the land n aviation is better n stricter than our Mumbai..!! Some how inflight hostesses should have managed to control them until landing in Dubai, so that other passengers were not inconvenienced. Anyways, we are in news, Mangalore is in Aviation news these days, for good, better or worse...

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  • Vinod Lewis, Uppoor, Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I agree with AI decision . There is no right for anyone to create fuss if at all drinks are not served on a airline .Some people just try to drink as much as possible without control on themselves .People who are supporting those two drunkards should think how they would feel if they are made to sit besides them when they vomit on them .These cases have happened in many airlines.

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  • Raghavendra Bhandari, udupi/dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Good work by Air India . Discipline is very Important if you are in flight or in house

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I completely support the decision of AIE to offload the passengers in Mumbai. I myself have experienced  irresponsible behaviour of the passengers from Mangalore who switch on (Or fail to swithch off) their mobile before the plane comes to a halt. The other behaviour which I found disgusting is opening of luggage cabin during the flight and rushing to open the luggage bags before plane comes to complete halt. Most of the people who travel to/from Mangalore are too dump to understand the instrcutions of the crew I guess. They are putting the lifes of the fellow passengers to danger including theirs.

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  • murugan pb, manipal, dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Whatever may be the reason,not providing food to other passengers including women and children is something which shows AIE style of treating/caring passengers. Jai ho Daiji..

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  • Abdul Rasheed, Perinje/Mudabidri/Sharjah

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I Think this is the right time to find out why Air India co is on a loss.This is the best example.

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  • John, Sharjah

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It seems like some people have lost their senses . Why must alcohol be stopped on flights ? If passengers disturb they should be punished.

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  • Antony Pereira, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I think clarification about the action taken by Air India Express for off loading the two passengers in Mumbai is appears to be acceptable to me. Passengers have to co-operate and follow the aviation rules on board the flight. Secondly, supply of liquor should be banned on board the flight by the Airliners if this type of incidents are reported frequently. Airliner is responsible for the safety of each and every passenger. Hence it is the duty of every passenger to extend their co-operation to the cabin crew. One should not act like dictators/high jackers.

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  • kumar Fernandes, Mudarangadi/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    If statement of the AE Manager is true, then unruly passengers deserve strict punishment  in accordance to International law of aviation.

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Well done Captain. We appreciate your bold action. Air Lines requires passengers as they are the customers to the airlines. But the foremost importance is safety of the passengers. Here the question is safety of 2 passenger’s verses rest. This should be a warning to all passengers in Air Indian and Air India Express flights who take for granted our air hostess. Many times we have seen in our own eyes inspite of announcement by the Captain of the air craft not to untie the safely belt before landing and wait until insturctions, our own people do not follow the safety measures. Suggest keeping in CCTV inside the air craft and punishing these rude passengers. This will change the attitude of our passengers. Once again well done Captain.

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  • kumar Fernandes, Mudarangadi/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    While reading Daiji''s report, I don''t think that AE has taken the wise step to divert the flight to Mumbai. If co-passangers are unaware of any incident between crew and unruly(??), it may be egosim on part of AE?. I will fully agree with Agnel Rodrigues. Cabin crew shall be trained to control these type (??) of incidents if any. Not to waste others time and make other passangers uncomfortable.

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  • Taranath Rai, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It was totally a rediculous step taken by AIE staff. I was the eye witness for the same. There was no verbal and physical confrontation between any of them. AIE crew for their fancy had done this. This is purely due to the incompetency of AIE crew and they should be penalised. Ofcourse, the two passengers can not be justified for their on board behaviour. However, it was AIE crew who added fuel to this, which could have been easily solved just by ignoring those two people. . Also it was totally unjustifiable from the AIE point of view to keep the passengers (kids/women/senior citizens) starving for more than 6 hours. There were couple of passengers who were further continuing their journey from Dubai to other destinations. Will AIE take the responsibilities for the inconvenience caused to the passengers? All the passengers were left starnded without providing them any information as what was happening. This is depriving people''s right to information. AIE should apologise and take corrective acion as the same does not repeat.

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    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    This is an appeal for those alcohol drinking people in flights Dear  freinds, just think that for 4 hours you are on duty and cannot drink aclohol. How about when you are traveling to saudi ,kuwait/oman airlines, think for yourselves and about others too.

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  • Piyush, Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It is an unreasonable article which questions the steps taken by the captain without stating anywhere what actually happened.  One needs to know what actually happened, before making a judgement. However, I support the captains decision to divert the flight to an Indian airport and that too Mumbai rather than a Gulf airport. The Gulf authorities treat such passengers inhumanly especially when they are laborers from India. Further Mumbai had adequate connectivity and facilities for the passenger who had been detained. He can ask his family/relative to come to Mumbai in case he needs a rescue. He himself can take so many alternate flights to Dubai, after he''s freed. He would have been in much more trouble if he was offloaded and detained at some foreign airport.

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  • jeet, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I too agree to a  ban on  liquor on the flights. I feel the decision to divert the flight to mumbai was very silly and that caused delay to the other passengers and without food &water who is acc0untable to this action.i feel they should publish both drunken guys along with the pilots name in the local newspaper. 

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  • victor menezes, udipi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Very sorry to say that Dubai bound flight landed in mumbai for the small reason of alcohol.  They dont understand the situation of the flight there are so many children/elder people are there and everybody is waited so long due to these two culprits. If not for daiji correspondent on that flight, nobody would have even known about it.

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  • vijay, dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    These are routine stories almost all flights,but here AIE has exposed  their authoratrian attitude on their passengers. It is trully  inhuman.

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Proper inquiry should be made about this incident. To me it appears that the flight was likely to have been diverted to Mumbai for other personal vested reasons than because of the two unruly passengers. It appears that the Air India crew are either inefficient/incapable or have not been properly trained to handle such simple situations. Air India is anyway running huge losses and should be shut but who will pay for the distress and inconvenience caused to the passengers. I fully agree with views expressed by Mr. Agnel Rodrigues, Bejai

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  • Austin Santhosh, Halengadi/Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    First of all, we should understand that many of us do not behave properly in our own country. Do we dare to argue in any of the Gulf Flights? Secondly, when the flight was diverted to Mumbai and the two passengers were arrested, any one among the passengers resisted? no.! We think that it is not our responsibility. Let us wait for some more years - Jet Air, etc will start direct flights to Mangalore. We can enjoy our travel at its best!

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  • EDMOND GEORGE NORONHA, Kirem - Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Who were these two unruly passengers? The names of these two are to be published in all local news papers. And, these are never to be allowed to travel again by any carriers. Also, should be made accountable for the loss incurred to the aircraft and the passengers at large.

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  • Samir D''Souza, Mangalore/Muscat

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It is still not clear as to whose behavour was unruly! . The crew responsible for the diversion of flight should be made accountable by the authority!! Will it happen. I don''t think so.

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  • ida, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Agree with people who say no liquor in airlines. But this is unfortunate to divert the flight to mumbai because of two passengers. If the crew doesnt know how to handle the drunken passengers, then they should not be in that post.

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  • sathish, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    well done air india express, drinks should not be served in the flight

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  • rehna, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    One of our friends was on the same flight. According to him there was no fight or abusive language was used.The 2 passengers were young and decent. the matter could have been resolved. Why should the other passengers should suffer without water and food. Its high time for all the passengers to go the consumer court and ask for justice.

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  • M.B.Anchan, Udupi/

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Alcohol Should not be Allow on any flights.Flight is Only for Traveling .Not Liquor Shop.Aviation depratment must take Action ASAP.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    As far as M''lore Dxb AI Express is concerned, Customer is never a king...he is no more than a slave in terms of treatment he receives...from the crew including ground staff.

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  • Mohan Frank, MANGALORE / MUMBAI

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It is very sad to know that the silly captian has taken such a foolish decision at the stake of so many people ,that too for a very silly reason.I also feel that it is a mistake on the airline to NO alcohol on the flight, they should have told them at the check in point itself.

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    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Very sorry to hear the passengers had to spend 5hrs without food and water, because of 2 passengers unruly behaviour, Flight attendants should have handled and handed over to dubai police and saved passanger time & flight fuel. after all 2:30hrs.

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  • Rajesh, Karkala

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    They do not have courtsey to talk nicely. Even soft spoken passenger can get violent,because they treat like that.

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  • Yancy Pinto, Kodialbail

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I don’t think anyone has the right to comment on why the AIE took action. They must have had a good reason to do so with an interest to protect the interest of other passengers. However, it would have been helpful if the full names of these two drunken passengers were announced to the world as a lesson to everyone that any facility given by anyone anywhere anytime should not be misused. I

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  • Dennis D''Souza, M''lore/ Bombay

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    This incident is one of the many stray incidents that occur now and then, such passengers who create problems should be severely dealt with. Naveen, you happened to be on the wrong flight at the wrong time. I strongly protest banning liquor on aircrafts. The pilots should be made to answer why such a drastic step was taken as to divert the aircraft to Mumbai, I am sure they are trained well enough to handle such passengers.

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  • Sandesh, Mangalore, Oman

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It is a matter of less than three hours. These two men from Mangalore could not survive without alcohol and put whole Mangalorean community to shame.

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    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    This is a good example for the people who are not aware about the law. I had seen many incidents that people from our country simply ignore the system. I had seen people using mobile phones despite the warning, I had seen the people roaming around even when the flight is flying with turbulance due to bad weather and the the seat belt indicators are on. These ignorant behavior of our people must be changed.  During the short span of flight, one has to control their habits and behave in a decent manner. These incidents are good for those ignorant people and as per the aviation rules the violators are really going to have a serious punishments. Thanks  to Daiji for the information.

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  • Rajesh Ageira, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    why once in a blue moon they supply liquor. I was served liqour on AI xpress from mlre to Dubai. why they change rules every now and then. as it is they demand a huge amt for air ticket compared to other flights

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  • Mathew Castelino, Miyar-Karkala/Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Only two persons, that also without any physical or verbal argument which the co- passengers doesn''t know anything of the matter and they couldnot handle. Dxb was their destination and they were aware of law and order over there still the captain made to suffer other passengers and other losses of fuel, time etc. No use of public comments. Atleast the aviation ministry and airline management should realise and take proper action.

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  • Mashabandri, Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Why liquour should be allowed on flights. I think it should totally be banned on flight.  Last time when I was travelling one young man was drinking continously as chain smoker. You can imaging someone who hates drinking and next to him drinking continiously. Please ban drinking liquour on flights. Otherwise worst problems will come in future.

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    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Well the incident amused me a bit. Flight attendent failed to manage them if they were drunk. On the other hand Flight Captain''s action was some what hasty.He could be justified for the safety of passengers and crew  but still there was a room to manage these drunken passengers which ultimately caused inconvence to other passengers.

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  • UMMER KUNHI MK, Perinje/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It is totally unjustified,because they(drunk men)are not terrorists.simply the captain should have handed over the drunk people to DUBAI police. He wasted fuel,valuable time of passengers. Well done AirINDIA exp??????????!!!!!!!!!

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  • Agnel Rodrigues , bejai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Very surrprising air india is forced to cut cost to survive and this captian is diverting the flight back after 45minutes .If security was his concern he could have wisely and quickly landed at dubai . It was not a big issue. The attendants should be taken to task. It is their job to tackle such problems. This shows their inefficiency and incapability . Very sorry to hear the passengers had to spend 5hrs without food and water

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  • jagadish k, manipal

    Fri, Jul 31 2009


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  • vashal, M''lore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    I fully agree with mr Edward & Nelson D''Souza. Ban serving alcohol in all flights

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  • Girish Kamath, Mangalore / Dubai

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Ever since flights from Mangalore have started - this has been an issue. Everybody expects Phenny on the flights which is spoiling the name of Mangalore. Probably Gulf work is influencing this I guess.

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  • Nelson Dsouza, Karkala/Riyadh

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    Job Well done Air India!!.It seems that Airindia staff are committed to bring down the huge losses being incurred by our National carrier. Regarding the passengers who are insisting alcohol, seems to be really of lower class and might have thought as it is free, why not have some sips before Joining the work again!!.Passangers need to remember one thing-"One cant have both things-Lower fare and Drinks together".It is lower fare, water and sandwiches only!!. If you want Drinks,Pay a bit more, fly via Mumbai, spend more hours flying and Enjoy!!

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  • Paul, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    What a shame? I hope the Sahar Airport Police take stern action against them

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    Fri, Jul 31 2009


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  • Antony Pereira, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    What is happening now a days in these flights? I understand that usually as per the menu on the particular day of the flights food/snacks/soft drinks including liquor will be served to the passengers. May be these two passengers may not be knowing the rules of the airliner or they may be under the impression that hot drinks are there but flight attendant are not supplying. Flight attendants should have convinced these passengers before further course of action.

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  • Ivan, Mangalore/UAE

    Fri, Jul 31 2009

    It seems like these passengers are out of their head.May be they were already drunk before boarding the plane.

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