Mangalore: Angry Public Teaches Lesson to Reckless Bus Driver

Mangalore: Angry Public Teaches Lesson to Reckless Bus Driver

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network- Mangalore (SR/AF)

Mangalore, Aug 11: They are like angels of death threatening the lives of commuters and pedestrians. Of late, their self-proclaimed dominance over the busy city roads and highways has increased two-fold, thanks to the concreted roads. Bus drivers that cross speed limits are a menace to the traffic, but on Wednesday August 11 the citizens finally decided to teach a lesson or two to one such reckless driver who almost killed two bikers.

The incident took place near AJ Hospital, Kuntikan here. The driver of the express bus 'Samatha' plying from Kundapur to the city drove on the wrong side of the road and almost lost balance because of the high speed at which he was driving. In the process, the bus just missed ramming into roadside potsellers and two bikers.

People gathered at the spot and reprimanded the driver, however, seeing that he was unrepentent as well as indignant, the people lost their cool and beat him up. The Kadri police arrived at the spot and took the driver away to the police station, thus saving him from further humiliation.

Bus drivers have caused havoc in the city with their high-handed attitude, with no respect either for traffic rules or for the police, let alone fellow commuters. They have known to intimidate other commuters with their incessant, unreasonable honking, and for pedestrians they are a constant nuisance.

Only a fortnight ago, two churchgoers had been killed and some more injured owing to the recklessness of the driver of the bus they alighted from. They were definitely not the first victims of speeding buses, and if stringent measures are not taken immediately, they may not be the last ones either.

Where law failed, people's power has succeeded in teaching a much-needed lesson to one such bus driver. Hopefully, the lesson does not stop with him, but others too would take a cue and correct themselves. But what one hopes for even more is that the authorities take notice and issue warnings to other bus drivers too.


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  • Kusuma Wilchayan, Nellore/Kundpura

    Mon, Jan 31 2011

    Bus drivers especially from Kundapur are reckless drivers We should just rough them up and teach a lesson so that they dont repeat this anymore.

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  • Stanley D'Cruz, Mangalore, Sydney

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Hi Kevin
    Your comment on bus drivers was good. We have a M'lorean Catholic Asscn In Sydney.
    See our or call me on 0412 922 179. We have a function for Nativity on 19 Sept.

    Stanley D'Cruz

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  • Gampa, udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Hey guys ,first think what made drive fast?to best of my knowledge they r not cold blood killers .

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    Mostly it is young, small children who are victims of negligent driving. The drivers know very well that even if they kill someone they will come out by paying a meagre amount on bail. just two days back a drunk rich young woman in Delhi drove recklessly seriously injuring the pedestrians. Many of them may be the breadearners, if these people are unable to work who will take care of their families, they will easily come on the roads. The girl should be made to pay lifetime compensation amount for the injured and if she doesnot she should languish in jail. It is high time the Govt. should impose strict punishment on rash and negligent driving.

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  • Alden, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Its not about reckless driving its all about time.. v should first blame the RTO for this they have to reach on time o else the timekeepers in the stand won't allow them to board the customers.. where they'll go if they don't have collection the bus owners will blame the drivers they also have to risk their life for the sake of their living no one is thinking about it.. But the govt bus drivers r hopeless they don't have time nothing they don't care for anyone they'll drive as they like because if anything happens they are employed by govt no one can do anything to them.. They don't pay road tax but the full road is theirs they drive as if they are driving in their compound..

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    I have heard horror stories of legs and hands being amputed to gain public symphaty which in turn gives them more alms - Mr. Bhat, as mentioned by you, this is true. These so called parents and guardians know very well that we are generous in helping a child in need and hence they take advantage of our sympathy and even go to the extent of amputing and blinding small innocent children so that they can get more money. That is why I say to stop giving money automatically the criminals will see that they cannot earn through the children and they will stop using them in begging. This is the only way. We cannot depend on our Govt./politicians they will never help. We have to help these children ourselves. Pls. educatate max. people u come accross as I am doing.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Dear Judith L, Mumbai
    I appreciate you, your motto and support you wholeheartedly as you have a noble heart and good intentions to help out poor kids on the street, who ideally should have been in school instead of the facing the real life hardships. But its difficult for me to stop giving money to child beggars as i feel very sorry at their condition and hungry stomachs. but will try.

    Its very difficult to educate them, as most of them are born to uneducated parents of large families etc.
    The Government needs to tackle this problems in two ways first identitfy the reason for begging on street. whether they are kidnapped kids or born into poor family which has forced them to beg on street. Attack the first evil first, thats kidnapping of the children for begging.

    The punishment for such kidnapping should be life imprisonment or more. Secondly create awareness amongst the parents of such kids not to force them to beg as it would expose them to world of crime. The parents too should be punished for forcing their kids to beg on street. I have heard horror stories of legs and hands being amputed to gain public symphaty which in turn gives them more alms. Oh God please be kind to this children too, why kind to politicians and wealthy people.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Dear Judith L, Mumbai
    I appreciate you,your motto and support you wholeheartedly as you have a noble heart and good intentions to help out poor kids on the street, who ideally should have been in school instead of the facing the real life hardships. But its difficult for me to stop giving money to child beggars as i feel very sorry at their condition and hungry stomachs.
    Its very difficult to educate them, as most of them are born to uneducated parents of large families etc.
    The Government needs to tackle this problems in two ways first identitfy the reason for begging on street. whether they are kidnapped kids or born into poor family which has forced them to beg on street. Attack the first evil first, thats kidnapping of the children for begging. The punishment for such kidnapping should be life imprisonment or more. Secondly create awareness amongst the parents of such kids not to force them to beg as it would expose them to world of crime. The parents too should be punished for forcing their kids to beg on street. I have heard horror stories of legs and hands being amputed to gain public symphaty which in turn gives them more alms. Oh God please be kind to this children too, why kind to politicians and wealthy people.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Right Mr.Bhat, This is my main motto in life to eradicate child begging, I do not know how far I will succeed, but I feel if one stops giving money to child beggars and instead give them food,clothing,shelter,education and take care of them automatically we see no child begging on the streets. If including me every common man puts this task to action, we will be able to ensure a secure future of our Children. After all boond boond se sagar bartha hai. Why not give it a try, we will definitely succeed.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Dear Judith L, Mumbai
    Thanks for your reply as we have similar views and share common concern about mistreatment of poor gullible children by slum mafia. To supplement the income they resort to kidnapping the poor children from rural areas and force them to beg at railway stations and near road traffic signals. Its really hurts me when i see small kids without clothes on begging on roads. We donate all used clothes not more than two years old but in good condition to street kids and force them wear it. But surprisingly you find them on the streets without clothes on very next day. Many auto drivers have told us not to be so caring and concerned about these street kids as they sell themselves to others to make money which is snatched away by local bullies and force the childeren to beg more.

    So this cycle of exploitation and mistreatment goes on and vicitms of such atrocites victimise the other kids when they grow up. unless we have very strict laws against child labour, exploitation and mistreatment and will to defeat such evil persons, i think it continues. Another area which causes great concern is the plight of small kids working in zari making units in Mumbai. They are forced to work for 14 hours a day with out rest. If you are a member of any social NGO take up this with them and see that these kids are released from the clutches of demons. Lets live for others too. Thank you.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Mr. Bhat, I too share the same concern especially for children who are vulnerable and cannot fight for themselves especially the children who are used in begging on the streets. The ADULTS so called parents and guardians donot want to work and live on charity. They know very well that we sympathise and give away money very easily, but by doing so we are spoiling them more. It is the most dreaded social evil and worst because little children come in this racket. Childbegging is one of the worst forms of childlabour.

    These so called guardians use the little ones for begging and it is we who help them by giving money, which doesnot go to the children but used to buy drugs and alcohol for the adults. The small babies are given drugs so that they sleep through the ordeal. First we should stop giving cash to the children, who slog for begging in sun, cold and rain. We can always give them food, clothing and education. Once this evil of begging is stopped. Less and Less children will be used for this trade and racket, which has a nexus of criminals and some policemen also involved. LETS TAKE A PLEDGE TO STOP GIVING MONEY TO CHILD BEGGARS. Na rahige baas no bajegi basuri. Please also, tell all your friends, relatives,wellwishers, everyone not to give money to children, this the ONLY AND BEST WAY we can stop childbegging.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 17 2010

    Dear Judith L, Mumbai
    When ever i hear and see atrocities being commited against children, poor and helpless people i flare up in anger but cannot do much as i donot have means to fight against this organised crimes. Only with change of heart ( a carrot aprroach) and with severe punishment and penal action against such perpetrators ( stick approach) we can can bring in some sort of disclipine in the society. Raj Thakery's people resort to violence to match themselves with shiv sena here. Can we do any thing to them ? Do we have means to fight them? NO. We are just mute spectators to this atrocities. We have noble intentions but helpless to fight against these creatures who thirve everwhere due to spine less lethargic Government.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Mon, Aug 16 2010

    Nice to know Mr. Bhat, you have taken the initiative for the helpless innocent children who lost thier lives becos of pandher, who is still enjoying life. Even our CBI is useless. I do not know how the children can get justice.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Sun, Aug 15 2010

    Dear Judith L, Mumbai  It seems you have mistaken my views for handing over the rash driver to police instead of bashing him up in public as denial justice for vicitms of all kind of atroities. I am with you for justice for every kind of victims, but we should not take law in our hands. Thats my view. Probably you might have been a vicitm of such rash driving anytime, hence advocating public taking law in thier own hands. FYI i had written a letter to then Governer of UP to arrest all culprits including the police officers who are resposible and connived witht the rascal pander. Even CBI has colluded with him and exonerated him.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    Mr. Bhat, so you agree rama sena had vandalised the churches and yet the law has not given justice. what about those killed in road accidents the reckless drivers come out on bail whereas the family of the victims loose their loved ones forever. Is there anything called has law in this Country, has justice been given to Ruchika,and the scores of children killed inhumanly by the rascal pandher who has political connections ?????

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  • Jimmy Noronha, Bellore, Lucknow

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    From the very first day, way back in the late fifties, one common feature that has conspicuously come to my notice is that the bus is always on the run and if one has to get into the bus must also run. The conductor will blurt out his usual slogan, “bale, bale, bale, jaldi bale, jaldi, jaldi” and hardly one steps on the step, there goes the whistle, and the driver kicks the accelerator and the poor commuter has to balance to protect his life which is in the balance. As a result of this piquant situation, recently my wife while stepping into the bus ended up rolling on the bus step and the public ran with me to save my wife who almost killed herself thanks to the tantrums of the conductor.

    This common feature of all these buses to be on the run has some motive behind it, and will someone find this cause and put an end to it?

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  • Chris, Bombay / USA

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    I had visited Surathkal on Sept. of 09
    i was terrified by the traffic rules. the worst of the lot are the bus drivers, who are glorified by those stupid public, a bus drove off touching me and the fucking people in the bus instead of stopping the bus were amused by this, at very moment i wished i had a gun.
    i think the best thing is hang these low life dogs to the lamp post, show no mercy.

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  • siddhanti, Mangalore/Washington

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    Hi folks,
    Please, please do not compare Mangalore and Karnataka to Bihar and insult Bihar. Those who have followed Karnatak and Mangalore over the past few years know that Mangalore and undivided SK district has degenerated to a level much much worse that Bihar is or ever will be.

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  • shaan paul, balmatta

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    have u seen the pics in this article..
    wit all due respect if u were that pedestrian who wer barely missed wen bus crashed the point u wer making would hav been differnt.. think before u comment

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  • clement, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    Yes Traffic polices are getting Hafta so thye dont bother. When uyou complain a traffice police he says reove the car the traffice is getting blocked or he says the bus timming is getting delayed.
    Pls. someone atleast catch hold of No.15 bus driver & No. 60 bus driver who drives recklessely on the valencia / kankandy roads &15no buses on Jeppu Kankanady roads. the polices appionted on these roads are blind.

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  • Lohith, Kadri / sharjah

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    No use of taking the driver to the police station , he will be released by 30 minutes.

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  • Subhas bhai, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    The public has no rights to take law in their hands. What if tomorrow there is a real accident due to a faulty brake? Will the bus driver be killed by the public.

    The traffice police is not doing their job. Protest and get them to do their jobs.

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  • mohammed ibrahim, shiroor

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    nahin yaar phle dekho ke kya problem hogaya o bus ko us paar legaya kyun kuch bus me bhi problem rahega ?

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  • Prem, Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    It is sad that driver was beaten up. Agreed that these drivers drive recklessly. The reason behind this rash and speedy drive is the timing issue.Time gap between express buses which travels between Mangalore to Udupi is hardly a minute. If the driver delays and other bus overtakes him, his job is in danger.System which grants permits to buses without giving proper time gap should be blamed here and people should raise voice against the system and poor road conditions rather than beating up the poor driver who works for his livelihood.

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  • subhash, mangalore

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    I work in Abu dhabi UAE, Here the rules are so strict especially for heavy vehicles, offenders are sent to jail until the driver pays blood money(diya) or he'll get a life sentence, public dont punish here, its left to police & court. as the govt is under rule of one shiek.

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  • jane, Bijai

    Sat, Aug 14 2010

    This is ridiculous, these moral policing individuals need to go behind bars.Mangalore is fast deteriorating into a modern day Bihar it seems like. The cops are but mute spectators to the rowdy ruckus the goons are causing. My sympathy is with the poor bus driver overworked and under payed not with the reckless two wheeler motorists, who beleive two wheels on the tarmac means the licence to fly a jet plane. A ridiculously illogical middle class is growing in our country!

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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    I can say it is one has a right to punish anybody...we are not in democratic country ... here is a depatment and law...yes it is reckless driving may be due to the circomstance...many of the acciedents takes place because of druken driving....any body is bothered...?I think day is not far to bring the teacher under shows a goondaism...

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    As the saying goes 'PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE". What lesson have learned from this episode? Some time ago it was said that public vehicles would be installed with GOVERNORS to control the speed of the buses and lorries and no doubt there was an outcry. We should wake up and ensure that the public are protected from this menace. Buses and mostly City Buses and rickshaws are the worst offenders.

    Some months ago I was driving from Mangalore to Kalianpur and I was literally pushed out of the road by the speeding buses and the drivers concerned have no respect for lives or property. Our Police Force is not adequate to keep crime under control.

    I strongly recommend to The Law Enforcement Branch to enlist the cooperation of the public and introduce the system of WARDENS to work in conjunction with the Police. It will work. I have a fair amount of knowledge with regard to this concept in U.S.A. and I have no hesitation in volunteering my support and cooperation to The Police Department.

    Joe Gonsalves

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    Fri, Aug 13 2010


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  • Aravind Kamath, Sullia

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    Well, is it ok to kill someone to earn ones bread? If you observe, he was driving in the wrong lane - not on the left side of the median - driving head on with oncoming traffic. Imagine the impact of a collision with unsuspecting motorists who cannot see the bus coming in the wrong lane at high speed. This in itself is criminal behaviour on the bus driver's part! I agree that people should not do impromptu justice if he was driving in the correct lane and some mechanical failure or any other freak stuff caused the accident. This is wilful and reckless endangerment of innocent lives!

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  • Vinod R., Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    Mr/Ms. KT - "Shame on us. What would you get by beating a driver" ? Good question!
    So there's no shame on the driver for endangering the lives of the public? I guess you want to congratulate him on a job well done. If someone from you family was injured would you take it lightly?

    Someone also mentioned “the driver has to answer to the owner if the collection is low”. So if a life is lost is the driver not answerable to the victims family?

    I do agree, we do not have good roads or a sensible system implemented to ensure that these buses are not a public hazard. So, in such situations it is imperative that the public the any means to ensure that something sensible and concrete is in place to ensure our own safety.

    We have only been passive bystanders so far, just shrugging our shoulders and still continuing to watch these buses mow down pedestrians and causing several other accidents every day. It is time we do something. Let us not wait for the administration to do anything – that miracle will never happen. The onus is on us and the time is now – we must make ourselves heard and felt.

    Beating up the driver under these conditions I feel was well justified. I also agree with Ruchir Agarwal saying “ the police should have come a little later”. To the people who cast the first stone, KUDOS and keep up the good work.

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  • dayanand, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    Traffic police are getting hafta from the bus owners that is monthly Rs. 500/- from each bus and it is shared by SP also.why blame the politicians,first tell me my dear friends do we pay tax to the govt then what is the point of blameing the system.

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  • Ajith, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    I was travelling in the express bus from past 3-4 years from Manglore to udupi.
    The driver just do his duty for his bread and butter. I agreed the fact he was rash driving but the crual behavious by local gundas is really unbearable. No one has right to take law in hand.I feel bus owners are real culprit they shoud be punished.

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  • M.bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Aug 13 2010

    Judith L, Mumbai
    So you are advocating people to take law in their own hands?. How come you forgot so quickly the same thing ( vandalisng religious places in protest against new life publishing and defaming hindu culture and thier GODSl)was done by sriram sena 2 years ago to your religious places? There you cried and criticed by them from top of your voice. Comment logically. There are laws to punish them if found guilty. A stern warning would have been a right thing to the driver instead of man handling and humiliating in public.

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/Sydney

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Can we know from the authorities what is the outcome after taking in the driver...most of the time the media fails to follow up on the case to its logical conclusion.
    Daiji would do well to ask the RTO and Traffic police what remedy measure have they taken to put an end to this menace. I hope there is a persistant follow-up, may be an undercover exposure of the RTO

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    It is high time people control the erratic and careless drivers of Mangalore. The traffic police are are just inefficient in saving the precious lives of Mangolreans.Million thanks to public for having taught a moral lesson to the reckless driver. The careless and killer drivers deserve treatment from general public and their Driving License should be cancelled for ever and present them a garland with old chappals.

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  • Inthu, Kundapura/UAE

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Well done...Keep it up....

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  • DD, Kirem/Illinois

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    In most of the comments, people have praised bashing of the bus driver. While I agree that the bus driver was at fault, civilians have no right to manhandle/abuse the bus driver. It's a shameful act. At most, the civilians, should have just handed over the driver to the police.
    Traffic police are at total fault for not being able to curb rashing driving on our highways.

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  • Ravi Kiran, Abudhabi/ Managalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    I think the reckless driving is because of the loose traffic rules and the corrupt official in the traffic department.There is no check on speed limit from our traffic department.

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  • vineet lobo, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    YANNA KADEDEDD NANA RADD PAADLE AAYEG. Hats off to the people of Mangalore. Well done friends. This the only solution, to save life of general public of Manglore.

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  • A.F. Roche, Brahmavar

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Different people have different opinion. Some comment that taking law in hand by the public is wrong. Whenever travelling by express bus, if the bus is run in air by the driver, should we keep quiet, and sacrifice our lives? Very often I have seen, if any pax raise objection for overspeeding, the driver, conductor and the agent start abusing and even giving bad words to that person and ask him to get off the bus, if he or she is so scared, and that time other pax, instead supporting their co-pax, behave like dumb cows. Once the lesson is taught to these kind of drivers, others will be little bit scared otherwise innocent people either die or hospitalize with serious injuries or permanent disability.
    Has anyone ever seen a traffic police controlling for over-speeding in Mangalore? When officials dont action, its citizens' to teach lesson. Why to feel pity on such rash and arrogant drivers?

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  • Ruchir Agarwal, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    The police shud hve come a little later

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  • Praveen, udupi

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    well done guys of mangalore...keep it up.dont spare these express drivers who dont care for others life.Am extreemly happy

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  • kiran, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    what the local people have done is right, atleast by this some of the drivers will be cautious,and i have seen some drivers,even after committing mistake,they act as if we have done the mistake.traffic police should have an eye on these drivers where they cross the speed limits and punish them with huge fines. atleast they will come to know of human lives.

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  • Salvador Noronha, Omzoor/Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    If people do not act & take law
    into their hands nobody will care for you & your life. I am very happy finaly people have risen up
    keep up the good work.

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    Thu, Aug 12 2010


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  • Sandesh, Mangalore, Oman

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    This type of treatment and lesson sholud be taught to all rash drivers, not just one skinny old driver by few herculis men. Do it to all the rash drivers if you have guts. I don't think they have that much courage, beause most of the bus owners have army of goondas.

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  • madav nayak, udipi

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    How many careless drivers will we be able to teach a lesson by manhandling them. What is the law and order doing ? All, if no most of the drivers drive rashly without caring or respecting the public. They have to be taught to follow rules of the road if implemented in the right way. Our lawmakers are busy earning a quick buck and are waiting for incidents to happen to earn something extra , what do they bother ? 1. They have to make a set of rules for the drivers to follow before issuing a licence which has to be strictly followed. 2. Or The RTO has to regulate their speeding to a limit so as to control speed. for eg: buses in city limit should not exceed 30 kmph can be locked by the RTO seal on the accelerator or fuel pump regulators etc etc. This can Be done by the law if needed can be implemented.

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  • prasanna, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    probably more than half of the respectable people have d their views. but another point to be seen is that most of them live abroad and have no idea of the actual ground situation. i have lost count of the number of times my vehicles have been dashed by these bus drivers. of course they have timings, and all. but who drives the buses, the guys themselves. its just a question of yes or no. a collective decision of not agreeing to such absurd timings would work. and the guy seems to be out of his teens.
    a tanker ran over a 5 year old in tamilnadu last year. the public caught hold of him and burnt him.

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  • Vijay, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Goondagiri is not right against any offender. I for one don't fault these drivers all they are doing is trying to earn a living. Competition is part of their job.
    On the otherhand we have RTO to control the traffic flow and see that drivers obey the Law. But Mangaloreans don't have guts to question their actions. Corruption is very rampant in the RTO. Look how the passenger seats become narrower and standing space becomes larger. Two people can barely hangon their asses on the seat. Remember these buses are inspected by the great RTO and Mangaloreans travel like BUTHAI. Show goondagiri and change how RTO functions beating a driver is of no use. Police needs to take action against the offending driver as well as the vigilante strong man.

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    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    The police have lost moral strength to face terrorists, goondas etc. The city buses ply in overspeed, stop in circles against green signal, stop in the middle of the road to take the passengers, but the traffic policeman ignores such incidents. They book people for small reasons like not wearing helmets.

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    Thu, Aug 12 2010


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  • KT, Managalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    walter, media plays a major role in developing the city, its good we have democracy where we can write good or bad things. There are several good points mentioned by several guys, you must brings these comments to people in local authority like DC.. etc. this will help them to bring new ides for development. Daijiworld can play a major role in passing voices of people of Mangalore.

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  • E.S. Pai, Dubai / Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    The best solution is to levy a heavy fine on Samatha since it is the duty of the bus operator to ensure that its drivers are well-trained. Suspending Samatha's license for a week or month is also appropriate. Mangalore has the worst accident rate and bus drivers are the biggest culprits.

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  • kegan D'Souza, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    These cops are hand in gloves , they get a huge chunks of hafta from this bus owners thats why they dont face any axe on them. First of all we common people should be united & stop the flow of bus into the city , then only we can achieve some thing , If I ever face like this my simple rule is just not allow the bus to overtake play around

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  • KT, Managalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    good to see many follow my words

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  • santana, Goa/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Is there speed limit shown on the roads? If so let the police catch the culprits. More lessons should be given by the authority. I am not in favour of drivers even if they are lacking knowledge. Lives are more important than admitting their ignorance.

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  • javeed, Kulahsekar /Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Its very sad to see the driver beaten by the local gundas. driver is helpless he have to maintain the and also the collection so what can he do. If he is slow the timekeeper will not allow to go him further.If collection is low he has to answer his owner.

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  • keneth fernandes, lalbagh

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    depu you are great you remind m of lal badsha keep up the good work

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  • Deepak, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    The District Administration is non functional. It has forgotten about the welfare of the psople in its blind agenda of urban transport network development in association with the builders lobby. Our friendly neighbourhood Deputy Commisssioner is only concerned about concretisation of roads, building bus terminals by acquiring land from all and sundry. He and his adminstration has no concern for the people. This will lead to people taking law in their own hands sooner or later.

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  • lukas, malpe

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Poor driver what will do, we should teach them by moral by respecting human beings not by force like some goonds did,all our spiritual leaders are busy with rich people they wont get time to reach these kind of people,

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  • JYOTHI DSOUZA, Kinnigoli/Israel

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    You are right Raj

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    If gov't bring straight & speed track road around the range of 100 - 120Km, how these express driver will Drive..?

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Well done guys, now he got actual Lesson of Driving License. from the public.

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  • sathish, mangalore,Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    This problem is because of private bus competition,life doesn't have value for them.As is a practice in many places ban heavy vehicles and trucks overtaking or travelling on the fast lanes.It is now high time for goverment buses to ply on these routes,as competiton will not be there,and many lives will be saved.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    "People gathered at the spot and reprimanded the driver, however, seeing that he was unrepentent as well as indignant, the people lost their cool and beat him up"
    Hope this explains the situation and if correct, the erring driver deserve what he got.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    Mr. Bhat, u r right, but how much should the common man suffer. the common man is being taken for granted and is given the impression that he has to get used to road accidents and exprerience untold miseries in his day-to-day life. The common man has to raise his voice and not get used to hardships. he has to seek justice, IT IS HIGH TIME NOW OTHERWISE HE WILL LOOSE HIS DIGNITY AND VERY PURPOSE OF SURVIVAL.

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  • Kiran, Udupi

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    If it was happend to ur brother or ur family members how it was feeling for u.rajesh is not a Don ,he can only hit these kind of poor pple like drivers,or drunkards ,if i meet him personally can he touch me,if he slaps one on me ill respect u,dont support these street falthu dogs,bye

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  • Ostin Pinto, Muscat /Sasthan

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    That is totally wrong. The people involved in this are themsleves so called local GOONDAS.But otherway, even if they hand over the driver to the Police also, make no sense, coz the Indian Police are much more worst than local GOONDAS !!!

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  • athaulla umer mukve, puttur /mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    where were the police department.always they will come after fulfil the progrsmes what a pity.what r they doing?

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    It would have been better had the onlookers handed the driver over to police instead of taking law in their own hands. Every bus driver is rash in Mangalore. Its only due to competiton amongst them for getting more pasengers in their bus, a target given to them by bus management like one we get in our Company. The differnce is that to achieve it we work hard and spoil our heatlt, but in their case they drive fast and kill the padestrians.

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  • Sunil D'souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    If the District administration doesn't take any action towards the speeding vehicles, like these incidents will happen frequently & this will lead to angry people to take law in their hand.

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  • Norbert, Dubai

    Thu, Aug 12 2010

    I am not justifying what the public did is right. However, these bus drivers need to be taught a lesson. It is a nightmare to travel in city buses in mangalore. The drivers are so reckless, that only God has to protect you either while travelling or walking on the footpaths. Atleast this will be an eyeopener to other bus drivers.

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  • Bas , Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Is mangalore becoming a Bihar?? What is doing our police Depts??
    Concerned deparments has to fine the owner and driver of the bus strictly.

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  • Chetan.S, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Is it right to take law in our own hand...then all crimes like corruption , abusing of girls in the local buses ,etc should be dealt in same way..

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  • ABDUL HAI, UDUPI dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    You are right jagdish

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  • Deepak Kumar, Mangalore / Indian

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Page2/2 ....CONTINUED****

    These snaps remind me of a group of Hyenas attacking a sheep.
    Mangaloreans wake up!!! Arise!!! Do not encourage this kind of behavior... Today it’s this bus driver who lost control. Tomorrow it could be you .Accidents do happen... If it were you in the drivers place who lost control over your car or bike and you are with your family and some local people catch hold of you and thrash you in front of your family and the snaps come on the newspaper / online media ....... Would you be happy and comment the same you commented on this incident?????????
    Mera Bharath Mahaan…… Jai Hindh !!!!!!!!!

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  • Deepak Kumar, Mangalore / Indian

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Page 1/2
    Just have a few thoughts to share.........
    (1) The photos indicate clearly that the bus driver lost control.
    This could be due to carelessness / Rash driving or Malfunction.
    (2) The ruthless way the driver was handled.
    Agreed that the driver was at fault .But is this the way one human being is treated by another in Mangalore? I completely agree that the driver has to be punished...Let the Law do it. Either suspending his license or some punishment.
    If a neighbor beats up another due to some indifference, immediately a case is registered at the nearest police station and the offender is taken into task or at least is answerable for his abnormal act.
    Was any action taken against the person who thrashed the driver?? One can’t justify that the trashing was for his rash driving....
    Wasn’t this a public disgrace for the driver as his snaps were posted and this thought will haunt him until his last breath?????
    Looking at these photos, looks like after the Pub incident, public trashing is become the IN- THING in Mangalore.

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  • Raj, Udupi

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Instead of hitting this guy who is just working for his hit that bus owner........that is the real point.

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  • callen dsouza, bendur

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    well done rajesh anna.

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  • Anees, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Sometimes we justify vigilante justice and sometimes we oppose it, depending on our own convenience/benefit! Pretty strange!!

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  • Joel, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Mr. A Bayezeed , Dammam its a KA registration bus... i know what did hurt you... the bus is moving towards Kollam ( Kerala , and the news has not published the driver name and language... so please take care while commenting.. it's easy to sit far and comment you are welcome to Mangalore and take a ride in Mangalore to Kundapur bus..(in a private bus)
    then you write your comments

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Generally in Mngalore people are cool in the society and slow in reacting whenever such incidents occur.But every thing has a limit.In Mangalore people are experiencing the rude behavier of private bus drivers/conductors for several years and enough was not being done by the local RTO to conatain this.Now the janatha has woke up and reacted.This is exactly needed to tame the law breakers, in the interest of public at large.Let them take it as warning signal.

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  • I.J.S.Shet., Mangalore.

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    The harsh treatment meted to the bus crew may seem in order though an emotional manifestation. But, what the authorities the Admin/Police/RTO etc doing to safeguard the law? While certain quaters are making lakhs of Rs on turning a blind eye - these poor labouring workers are hardly getting a fair wage. With road conditions abs crazy in and around Mangalore, it's time the concerned get their acts together and break the conspiracy.Better late than never!

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  • jeevan cornelio, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    What my fellow citizens have done is abosolutely right. And ppl who support the driver might not have visited the spot . please visit the spot and then comment . the bus was completly in wrong side and the driver drove intentionally in the wrong side to race other buses. keep it up mangaloreans!!!

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  • praveen, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    it is common to see people in mangalore on wrong side of divider. evrybidy takes shortest path even if it means going on wrong side.these things are bound to happen because of poor laws.tomorrow this guy will be back to business and day after tomorrow he ll be on wrong side.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    It is not my intention to justify the action taken by the public but it is time that that the reckless bus drivers know that they cannot take the law in their own hands. Some time ago I was driving from Mangalore to Kalianpur and it was an ORDEAL. The bus drivers literally push you out of the roads.

    In this context our Police force is totally inadequate to control the ever increasing crimes. It is therefore expedient that to support them we introduce Wardens with some powers to help THE LAW ENFORCEMENT BRANCH. Mr. Seemanth Singh is a practical man having lot of experience of Mangalore and it is my hope that he will take suitable steps to re-enforce the department.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Thanzeel , kuwait

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Mangalore is turning into Bihar........

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  • Edward R. Monteiro, Kulshekar, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    K.T., Mangalore, if you had seen the spot of the accident, you would not have commented like this. Had there been a speeding Loaded Lorry or any other heavy vehicle proceeding towards Uudpi side, would have rammed the bus and casualities....?...?..? This is the second accident at the same spot, a couple of weeks ago, when a KSRTC bus coming from Bejai proceeding to the KSRTC Depot, from the left side of the Flyover Service Road, instead of taking the other service Road on the side of the A.J. Hospital, it brushed a car which was on the right path of the national Highway 17, proceeding to Udupi and the car was damaged. Many vehicle users do the same mistake like the KSRTC bus, thus endangering the lives of others. With so many accidents taking place in Mangalore by reckless driving, and when the concerned concerned authorities are deaf, dumb and mute to this accidents inspite of so much of public outcry, then result is beating of the arrogant drivers. I suggest you to travel by these Expresses buses and move around the Mangalore city in your own vehicle either by two wheeler or car, I am sure your comments would have been different. Wake up concerned authorities, before it is too late.

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  • Ajit, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Hi Claude (i like), I agree with you 100%. People who want to be mother theresa can be but if you don't treat this guys with a whip they will never understand. When some one loses his dear one they feel it otherwise they only open the newspaper in the morning and read 2 killed, 3 killed etc. None in my family. Accidents never happen to us it is always the others who meet with an accident. This is the way we think.
    If the bus drivers get beaten this way then there will be a little fear but just for few days public memory is short.

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  • rocky, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    If do not like people taking matters in their own hands then we should not let these things happen.

    This is a civilised society , Right?

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  • Jagdish k, naringana

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Edu sakagalla swamy.Hale chappalili kodi swamy.I had lost newly mareid my close relation two monts before.

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    If the driver has committed a wrong, it is the duty of those present to hand him over to the law authorities, unless all those involved in beating the driver were sinless angles.

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  • Dr Prakash Harischandra, Mangalore / Los Angeles

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    A very justified move for a long standing menace. A self regulatory move. When anarchy prevails in Government naxalism sets in daily life.
    Our bus owners breed petty hooligans for their day to day affairs. Its absolutely necesary.

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  • Walter Pereira, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I recently travelled from Udipi to Mangalore by a private bus. The driver was very rash, neglinent and rude.The horn of the bus was like a hack-saw tearing through the ear drums.When I objected to these, there was nearly a fist-fight between me and the bus driver and the conductors.
    However, I feel that the RTO should give these chaps a brush-up leson.Vigilante justice is never justified.

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  • rudy, bantwal

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    i am sure he have no drving licence too if you check him properly,welldone the public. sometime we need to do this,

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  • Raj, Managlore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Owners of the bus must be taken into task. Its them who make these drivers to drive recklessly for their gain.

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    "Bitti hannu sikkidre maiyella Bhai" Shame on local people beating driver who is surrendered. I think public always target weak people, KT is right punishing driver like this in public is not a right way. What can he if the infra is bad and private bus timing GAPs. My sincere question to public Would you dare to beat a MLA or minister (there are many in list in the same local area) in public for their mistakes. The guy beating him doesn't look like Gentleman.

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Wed, Aug 11 2010


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  • Ajit, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Dear KT,
    I don't wish but if you lose somebody dear to you then you start thinking the broder way.
    We are Indians when we fear that we will get beaten if we don't follow the rules only then we come to our senses and deligently follow.

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  • Allwyn D'Souza, Udyavara, Tunisia

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Let us use the same treatment towards the authorities and the administration. In the real sense, they are the main culprits who allow such reckless drivers to flourish. What is the reason, that even after so many accidents and so many deaths on these roads, no action is being taken?
    How many more lives need to be lost before the authorities will think about making our roads safe and beating some traffic sense into these reckless drivers.
    Beating up the drivers is not the solution. The public did that because it was easy to do it than protesting against the authorities. They had to vent their frustration somewhere.
    I plead to all, lets not glorify this act of the public, instead join hands in protesting against the authorities to make our roads safer for commuters and traffic.

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  • carnalius, kundapura

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    KT, Mangalor what you talking about infrastrucre,yu knowwhere this happen near AJ hospital already There is double road (4 ways) th driver cross the Road Divider And Cross to wrong side luckily the poor pot seller survive realy god save them, very good treatment from public i have a plan to built a youngstar group to trakle these kind of roudiusm.

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    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    well done my friend MR.RAJESH ,YOU HAVE DONE GOOD JOB.

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  • sheik, dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    first go and hit the rto officers and bus owenrs, bus driver are not the victems, why rto giveng permit for these timeng which bus runing udupi to mangalore for every 10 second

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  • Ryan, Kuwait

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    As per Joe Dsouza, some youths are taking these rowdie drivers in to ride. why don't we create one more group of these kind of youths to tackle the BD, Ramsene group in Mangalore???

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  • Lancy Moras, Bendur - Jeddah, KSA

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I did not like the way that driver is treated. With anger anad angry mood we all will become heros once and later will repent for the act we did. I agree we are call "Janatha" but beating a fellow fr his crime is not our culture. Let we peaceful mangaloreans not make our south indian territory not like North india where a lot crime always found to hear and see (Delhi, UP, Bihar etc). Our political departments are responsible for these crimes and they should be tought a lesson. It is very easy to show goondaism and then take a name but it is very difficult to take back the respect later. I totally agree with KT's comments here and feel pity on the incident. But at the same time, I full hate the express bus management the way they are driving God save a local walker on the road. There should be something done by the police department by way of some rule implementing on the traffic so that the reckless speed can be stopped soon. I say bring back the spped breakers on the national highways even every 2 kms so that the speed can be controlled. I love my Mangalore home town and I would like to all the bus drivers to drive in a proper manner so that the incidents won't be seen in our peaceful loving city. Long live Mangalore home town as I miss too. Thanks daiji for the best info. and in this way all traffic drivers are aware of the incident and take care in future. Incidents will occur for sure if they are written to happen but awareness also is important isn't it ?

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  • alwyn, Dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I’am sure driver was wrong, but the mistake was not his, no one ever told him how two drive? our whole system is wrong, when i gave my test in Udupi the examiner was STANDING ON 1ST FLOOR and asked me to take a round, when i finished taking 4 left turns I got my license. I wonder on the way if I did put someone under the wheel, still I would have been passed. FUNNY, FUNNY FUNNY SYSTEM. No infrastructure, no self-respect, CHALTA HAIN????

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  • Karim V, Dubai / Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Sometimes vigilante justice is the best justice. I agree with the author that such errant drivers need to be taught a lesson like this. We have seen so many young lives being lost and the drivers getting away scot-free.

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    Wed, Aug 11 2010


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    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Really appreciate man holding driver , He is real gentleman . Like these people should become ministers and MLS and PMS . Who fight for public and protect them

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  • A Bayezeed , Dammam

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    If the local driver (tulu speaking) has commited the similar crime does these people treated him in same manner. I dont think so. instead of supporting goondaism, please pressure local authorities to improve the system.

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  • KT, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Jeevan, I always travel by bus. I agree driver is wrong but beating him what you achieve. One point you mentioned “If police can't stop them why not the public?” so you know already there is a problem with police, why not ask people to beat them up. You know and we all know we don’t want to do that (or can’t do that)so beat the driver and be happy for the day. Think in broader way. If public then it should be in big way as well. We Mangalorean’s need a happy life.

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  • Vinod Dias, Bantwal

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Better to Cancel his driving license

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  • Yathish Kumar, Attavar/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    what is the secret behind the TRAFFIC DEPT POLICE not taking proper action when such crimes are taking place frequently specially the bus drivers reckless driving has caused death to innocent life's. Previous day the driver makes a major accident,next day he will be found in the drivers seat again to take some more life's.the traffic court proceedings will go on for years together.why not tough decisions taken on the spot to either seize the dr license till the court case is over and not let the driver to work till then with a huge fine which he will remember.I really agree with Jeevan Mangalore if anyone wants to see the doors of HEAVEN then travel by any one of the buses from Mangalore to UDUPI and back if you reach home back safely.

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  • Rohan, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    So sad that from bus drivers to people take law into their own hands.

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    By beating the driver, we can not train him safe. The RTO has to take the initiative to conduct any such road test for all the license holders. Safety measures has to be brought into action by the respected departments.

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  • Claude,

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    i like i like i like...did i say i like oh yes i like..this

    i know this not the rite way to do but.. some things has to be done with manner. n truly they deserve this

    @all ppl who dont like - you'll never understand this until u get killed by these reckless drivers. i know im being rude here but cant help it

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  • leonard, udupi

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Good work,well done This is the lesson for other drivers More collection more to driver and conductor Bike and cycle riders life is very small to them this is first time in Mangalore but other place this is common punishment

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  • Yathish Kumar, Attavar/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    what is the secret behind the TRAFFIC DEPT POLICE are not taking proper action when such crimes are taking place frequently specially the bus drivers reckless driving has caused death to innocent life's. Previous day the driver makes a major accident,next day he will be found in the drivers seat again to take some more life's.the traffic court proceedings will go on for years together.why not tough decisions taken on the spot to either seize the dr license till the court case is over and not let the driver to work till then with a huge fine which he will remember.

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  • Roy, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    This is the right way to teach the bus drivers. they think just because they are sitting in a big vehicle they can do anything.

    Its not just the bus drivers even auto's, and passenger car drivers act like they can do what ever they want on the road.. We have only managed to get license but not to drive properly.

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I support Zafar & KT Mangalore, stop glorifying Vigilante justice, and take the traffic department to task for failing to provide the necessary infrastructure, and for issuing licences without the proper channels, and totally ignoring the safety of the passengers by not installing speed reducing equipments in vehicles or giving road safety training to the heavy vehicle drivers

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  • Jeevan , Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Mr. K T, Just once in a life time plese travell in these bus, then comment. Almost you'll have a lifetime exprience of visting the heaven and comming back. Well done mangaloreans. If police can't stop them why not the public?

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  • sachin,

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Lottery Rajesh Shetty, Good Pix Daiji

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  • Deven, Mlore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I think like Kashmir people should have a mass movement against bus drivers. Their behaviour has always been lousy for numerous years now. They are the worst you can find anywhere in India. They are the new murderers on the roads.

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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    KT, Mangalore is right. secondly If RTO and police do their duty nobody dare do any wrong,instead of having police constables full spirit they depress traffic cops on streets.

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  • ida, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    well done locals, teach these drivers a lesson. The private bus drivers and conductors behave like they are the rulers of mangalore

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Almost no one in Mangalore follow traffic rules. Its like jungle raj.

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Thanks a lot guys for teaching a good lesson to these idiotes. May God Bless you. Just recently when I went to Kadri Station to file a complaint on a road rage bus driver, Traffic official told me that He wished that few youngsters will join together and smack these rowdy drivers. His prayers are answered. In this corrupt society this is the only solution left for Citizens.
    Some years back, group of Youths from New York city found a solution to stop violence in Commuter trains. They created a group called Angels and the members monitored subways,trains,stations etc. and caught the culprits of violence. Time is up in Mangalore to stop these lawless bus drivers before more Citizens will die or injure. I hope few daring young men will join together and start monitoring these lawless bus drivers and teach them how to drive.

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  • annaya kamath, carstreet

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Very good work by locals. I am sure many readers of daijworld will now blame either the local public for beating driver or clicking the pictures. But guys just assume, what would have happened if two bikers died on the spot?? ALL the readers would have commented HANG DRIVER!!!!!!!. I support public, now atleast other drivers will be careful.

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  • KT, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    shame on us. what you get by beating the driver? there is another driver will do beat him again? and again? Guys Think do we have proper infrastructure Mangalore to support so much vehicle on the road and do we have learned discipline to drive on the road. How many of you in the picture have taken the license in proper channel?

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  • Zafar, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Stop glorifying Vigilante Justice. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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  • Neil, TULU NAADU

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Dont Ever Try TO MESS With Mangloreans.

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