Mangalore: Religious Conversion Alleged - Hindu Outfits Stage Protest

Mangalore: Religious Conversion Alleged - Hindu Outfits Stage Protest

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Sep 4: Members of certain Hindu outfits staged a protest in front of Kadri police station here at around 8.30 pm on Friday September 3, alleging that a girl had been converted into Christianity through a covert operation, and was then married off to a Christian youth. Although the Kadri policemen initially hesitated to register a case, later they relented and registered a case.

In a complaint filed in the police station, Tukra Poojary from Sakleshpur said that about 14 years ago, he had sent his daughter, Yashoda, to stay with a family residing in an apartment complex in Shivbagh here, for continuing her education. He says that the family did not send the girl to school as promised, but was restrained from meeting her parents, and was illegally confined and treated badly. He has also alleged that the girl was converted into Christianity by the family, and was married to a boy from that community a year back.

He has claimed that when he came to know that his daughter had been married off, he had come here to enquire, but that the family had avoided him by giving lame excuses.

When the police contacted the girl, she reportedly told them that she had married the Christian youth on her own accord and that the marriage had been registered. She said she is a major and has the freedom to take decisions on her own. She complained that her parents are pestering her because of the fact that she chose to marry a man from another religion.

The policemen have recorded her statement. Investigations are on.


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  • jyothi, surathkal

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    I believe the girl's sister was aware of everything and even encouraged the girl to to ahead with the civil marriage. Why cant the same so called moral policemen who backed the family at the police station create a rucus at the sisters place who lives in jeppu? The sister who was at the station should have been bold enough to say "I knew everything".

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  • Karunakara Shetty, Udupi/kuwait

    Sun, Sep 12 2010

    Most of friends feel that Bajarangdal is a one of the group of "KESARI TERROR"

    One of my christian friends daughter abducted last year and later got married to a Hindu boy ! Where were these bajarangis?


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  • D'Souza, Madanthyar, B'lore

    Sat, Sep 11 2010

    It appears that, the man who lived on his daughter's labour found a ruse to complain when his income stopped, when she got married. What a shameless creature.!

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  • Religious Conversion, Madanthyar, B'lore

    Sat, Sep 11 2010

    This is unnecessary juvenile debate. If there is a problem, it is to be solved by the couple, their parents if the couple wish to be them to be part of the solution and the police if there is a complaint from either of the party. Then, the court will decide if the police fail to solve. Where is the need for unending debate. Can avoid immeture approach! Do we not have enough problems to put our own houses in order ?

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 07 2010

    Balakrishna Shetty, your comment is very short and to the point. I liked it. I feel now, RSS,Bajrang Dal, Rama Sena should divert their attention to the poor boy who was beaten black and blue by the police they should stage their protest against such policemen who have no regards for a child becos he belongs to a poor farmer. what say mahendra,rajesh, pls. give justice to this poor child and show that you really care. tell us your achievement and ofcourse pls. donot disappear and come back again with hate comments

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  • Vasantha, belekere

    Tue, Sep 07 2010

    Mr. Kishore, I think you are far from reality. I am Indian and by religion Hindu. India is a democratic country and all have their rights to chose their partners on their likings. We are in 21st century please.

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 07 2010

    All what the police had to do was to give a tight "thappad" to the leader goon first. Other goons would have buckled and this news would not have been news at all. But do the Police really do their duty honestly?

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  • karthik kumar, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    these bajarangdala's are just showing the world how uneducated they are ....... they cant even understand a simple statement made by the girl ....... and yes the father just wants money and hence is making up things.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Geeta Kadri Toll gate has given the authenticity of this case. First and foremost the Villain of this full episode is girl's father who is now deprived the girls salary which he used to grab forcibly.
    Inspire the girl was away for 14 yrs he was not bothered for the marriage of his own daughter. Now he is raising this issue so that he can break the marriage and again his daughter can work as housemaid in some one's house and he will at the month end grab that income.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    I wish the comments of geetha, kadri toll gate were published at the beginning. If done so, many of the unnecessary comments would not have been there. When someone dies of hunger,no one bothers, when someone dies of some sickness like malaria, typhoid etc. no one bothers, when a female foetus is aborted, no one bothers. People feel that it is their internal problem. When a person gets converted from one religion to another, people get restless.

    The reason is very simple, the ego and the pride of the community gets hurt, especially if the girl converts to another religion. My brother in law's first and only daughter who is a post graduate got married to a Hindu. The father felt so humiliated and felt cheated that no amount of counselling and advise could calm him down. As a community we did not protest or went to the police station to lodge a complaint because we knew that the girl had every right to get married to the person of her choice. Let us accept the reality. In the years to come, more and more people will marry each other from different communities, especially the urban people of India.

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  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    What a shame to discuss this petty issue!!! Why r some miscreants trying to spread hatred and take away peace??? Police shd take strict action against these rowdy elements who disturb peace by fabricating useless issues. My own cousin from a respected rich catholic family has converted to hindu religion after marrying a hindu boy. whats wrong in this???? Let us all get together and teach these rowdy group of anti social elements a lesson. let us force the police to arrest these people who disturbed peace on auseless issue by painting communal picture.Jai hind!!

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Dear Jason,
    Thank you for your compliments. There is a very thin line between sarcasm and humour you may consider it either way. I agree with you that chivalry died long ago, as we do not have Ghandiji for the rescue of poor. Let us all remember Ghandiji’s short prayer, “God make me as humble as dust under my feet”.

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Truth is always bitter. Out of 97 comments 87 commnets are from Catholics & Muslims. Good going. Hindu outfits keep close vigil on conversions.

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  • Sneha, sullia

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Shame on Mangalorean jobless rowdies and also to the police department. Are you all going to investigate all those who had and are going to have intercaste marriages and spend money to disturb them? Use that money and energy for the poor people to lift them up. God will bless you my dear ones if you don´t take the name of the religion and make people suffer. REally, you show that you are uncultured. Please think and act.

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  • wilson, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    All these matters just happpen in Mangalore (Mangalooru)

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    The history of civilisation is the history of technology, from the discovery of fire to the invention of wheel to the development of internet we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things. surely, few people still seek to live in caves.

    This is not the first intercaste marriage in India, most of the rich, famous celebreties already married to other religious people and living happily, Yashoda is matured to take decision about her life and marriage, this is not forced marriage, let her live her life in peace and dignity.

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  • Frank, Udupi

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Readers.. just read geetha, kadri ...comments the truth is front of you,..uneducated public orange colour guys create for nothing useless

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  • Madina, Srinagar

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    @Mr.Kishore...ur comment sounds illogical.......besides why you wanted to bring muslims here in the picture?people like u shatter the so called secular country of yours.

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    I would like to request every reader to focus on the comments of 'geetha, kadri toll gate'.

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  • Shridhar, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Dear Aboobakar Ismail Mata, Parliya Bantwal, Your comparison of religion to a cycle tyre looks inappropriate.. Still FYI I have a friend whose father is Gujrati Hindu, married to a Tamil Christian (His Mother). He got married to a girl whose father is Parsi and mother is Maharastrian Hindu. As per my friend they follow all the religions and celebrate most of the festivals at home and they are happy..

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/Sydney

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    It would be nice to see a law being enacted prohibiting people from protesting against inter-religious marriages or conversions, those who waste their time minding other peoples business should be put behind bars

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  • Jason, Dubai

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Dear Rolphy Almeida,

    hehe...Do I detect a touch of subtle sarcasm in your statements?

    I guess chivalry (by not taking a dowry and getting married to a poor girl), died among jathi-based rascals, a long time ago.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    This situation could have been avoided, had anyone of these protesting young men come forward to marry this poor girl. She would have been happier to marry someone from her own community. How come all these young men are not aware of her plight before her marriage? Next time let us advertise in the newspaper that there is a poor girl not in a position to pay any dowry wants to get married. I am sure all these protesters will come forward and offer to marry the poor girl their heart is bigger than their muscle.

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  • Daniel, Belthangady

    Mon, Sep 06 2010


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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Many of the comments here are off the mark and silly. The question here is how an illiterate father has been duped by a Christain family by promising education and better life but in turn used her for household chores and converted her to Christianity by fraud. Thers is no time bar to procecute the perpetrators of inhuman crimes. Do not victimise poor in the name of help and better life. You too were the victims of Portuguese atrocities and forced conversion. Better stop conversion and live happliy with your destiny.

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  • Brian d'souza, Puttur/USA

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    If the girl is a major, then as per the constitution she is free to decide her own future. She can always get back to Police or her parents if she is being forced by someone to do something which she doesn't agree. I am pretty sure, there will be thousands who would support her cause.

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  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Mr. Canute Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai Sunday, September 05, 2010 comment on Mr. Ashok Kunder, Perampalli is very funny, but sounds very right. We are all Indian and we must respect Indian constitution of religious freedom in choosing the faith according to ones choice. After all it is a “faith” matter and matter of relationship. Unless they (couple) invite to resolve the problem no one should forcibly interfere.

    Religious issue is never ending and unsolvable mystery! Better to leave on individual’s choice. As Mr. Canute Pinto said, “together we must build our nation” is the only solution. We are all human and no one can live independently with our neighbor’s help. We need helping hand of Western countries also. Millions of Indians in USA, Europe, and Australia and in other Christian countries earning their daily bread and enjoy the freedom. If Bajrang, Ramsen or Rss ask them to turn back to our nation will they come?

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Some parents are indeed greedy first of all they give birth to children so that they can earn through them and again when something good is happening to child and the child is happy, they try their level best to grab more money under the excuse of poverty they even put the children into begging and sometimes even sell them off for petty money.

    Does the Hindu outfit do anything to stop such crimes happening with small cildren and infants who cannot protect themselves ?????? Now when the girl is happy in choosing her lifepartner what is the problem of her parents and the Hindu outfits.

    The parents in the first place they have lost their reponsibility instead of the shamemeless father working and taking care of her and giving the girl education he has survived on the girl's income and now why is he and his wife shedding crocodile tears. I fear they might not even hesitate to sell of the girl.

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  • martin, bantwal

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    this is outrageous..this exactly Chidambaram meant when he used "SAFFRON TERRORISM" word. Since when adults need Bajarangi permission to marry?..Ha..these Hindu-Talibanies out on a mission to reduce India worse than 21st century an adult can't marry on her/his will..Are we going back to medieval cast-ridden Brahmin only puritan society? Bajangies are anti national/anti-social..It's high time their antics stopped with all sincerity..& force.

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  • Manvit, Mangaluru

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Tommy Cat, I think first learn how to spell Kashmir before sending any funny comment. Its clearly shows you should have been in ZOO as your name itlsef suggest. Animals will not understand what is watch & what is close watch. Really pity on you Tommy

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  • madav nayak, udipi

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Why are we behind religion and caste ? People are commenting of western culture and about our forfathers era ...... Why dont these people just come out of their shells and see how much the world has progressed. We are still in the period of civilization where we are still confused or cannot accept that we are living in a modern world. Live and let Live guys. Every citizen has got their own right to live the way they want .Rest is destiny.There are so many westerners following Indian culture and religion. The latest Eg: Julia Roberts. Do you think here comunity or her country will make abandon her. All cheap behaviour is only in us,Indians. Fighting and creating havoc in the name of religion, castes, comunity etc etc............. When will we grow up with a broader mind ????????

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  • Balakrishna Shetty, Yellur/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Miyan Bibi rajee tho kya kare Khajee?

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  • naina poojari mulki, dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear alwyn lobo mangalore, USA. your comments is 100% correct,why like this things. I am poojari but I will see everyone in common.

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  • madav nayak, udipi

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Its best couples folow one religion .It can be any religion, for the good of their children so that they can folow one for their identity in the society.

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  • callen dsouza, bendur

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    when two souls meet relegion does not count

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  • Hari, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Some of the Comments are example set by readers the extent of religious hatred , very sad.

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  • Aboobakar Ismail Mata, Parliya Bantwal

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr.Sridhar,Will any two wheeler run with one cycle tyre and another Byke Tyre.So there should be a same tyre two run(Life) Smoothly.I hope you got it Now.

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  • Velyma, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    manish.k, mangalore
    First of all, do you know wht religion I belong to? I have not mentioned it anywhere in my message nor have I spoken about a particular one. Why do you have a guilty consious just because I gave you a name of a place, then you should be knowing exactly what is happening in Manipur. You want instances with names? I will quote them.I am not supporting any religion but just making you aware that each religion has its own grey areas and areas of improvement. Let us all work on them before pointing out to any particluar sect/ caste.Moreover, why have we started fighting over religion and caste? Isnt our country a democratic one. For all that we know,do we have any idea whether our ancestors were Cristians? Hindus?or Muslims? Moreover Mr will support your house while it is on fire before extinguishing your neighbour's blaze.... and that's why you have your say on everone's comments in this post!

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  • Arun, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    any comments on Mr.Shridhar, Mangalore views ? even am curious to know.

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Great befitting answer from Liberal hindu sister Mis.Geetha , kadri tolgate to the radical Hindu brothers , Ashok Udupi, Ashok Kunder Perampalli, Manvit Mangalore , ranjith D souza.. etc......

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  • Joel, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Guys then please protest this also...

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    It is time that Hindus, Christians, Muslims and people belonging to other denominations learn to live as Indians setting aside all biases against one another.

    The problems in Mangalore are on the increase where people try to find fault with one another for no reason at all.

    I do not know the facts of the case. If the young girl has married a christian of her own accord no one can find fault with any one. One who is a major has the right to decide.

    Once again let me repeat - set aside all prejudices and try and live in harmony and make this world a happier place to dwell in.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • anil, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Shridhar, Mangalore

    Once you try to get marry different religion then you come to know …..

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  • Simon Francis , Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    ಇ೦ದು ನಮ್ಮ ಮ೦ಗಳೂರು ಮತೀಯ ಗಲಭೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮತಾ೦ತರಗಳಿ೦ದ ತತ್ತರಿಸಿದೆ. ಯಾಕೆ ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಸರಕಾರ ಇ೦ತಹ ಮತೀಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮತಾ೦ತರ ಗಲಭೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಯಾವುದೊ೦ದು ಶಾಶ್ವತ ಪರಿಹಾರ ನೀಡುತಿಲ್ಲ? ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಏನು ಮಾಡುತಿದ್ದಾರೆ ನಮ್ಮ ಮ೦ಗಳೂರಿನ ಜನಪ್ರತಿನಿದಿಗಳಾದ ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಮ೦ತ್ರಿಗಳು, ಎಮ್.ಎಲ್.ಯೆ.ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಎಮ್.ಎಲ್.ಸಿ.ಗಳು? ಯಾಕೆ ಅವರು ಮೂಕ ಪ್ರಾಣಿತರಹ ವರ್ತಿಸುತಿದ್ದಾರೆ? ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಸರಕಾರದ ಸ೦ಪುಟದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುವ ಹಿರಿಯ ಮ೦ತ್ರಿಗಳ ಹಿಡಿತದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಈ ನಮ್ಮ ಉಡುಪಿ ಮತ್ತು ಮ೦ಗಳೂರು ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಇವೊತ್ತು ಏನಾಗಿದೆ? ಯಾಕೆ ಇಲ್ಲಿಯ ಮತೀಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮತಾ೦ತರ ಭಾವನೆಗಳಿಗೆ ನಮ್ಮ ಸರಕಾರ ಸ್ಪ೦ದಿಸುತಿಲ್ಲ? ಇ೦ತŅ

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Vasco da Gama arrived in Indian sub continent initially as an explorer/missionary, led to the religious conversion, unethical trade, and colonization. Today it is the aid from western missionaries with lots of strings attached to it (quota to convert certain amount of people) coming from western countries. The rise of Hindu extreme right wing groups like Bajarang Dal, Ram Sene, etc is God's way of putting checks and balances.

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  • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore- USA

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Thank Mr. Manish K. Dear Mr. Manish I was born in Mangalore and for your information I donated money to BJP and other BJP members for their daily need and better life. Even some HIndu friends wanted to start a BAJANA MNDHIR I am the first person gave financial help. We must remember why and for what this type of issue are arrising in our country? What is the benifit? When there is hatred can any one say that they are happy? Finally I wrote the comments by my own experience and to my best knowledge. Thanks.

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  • Sameer D'souza, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Canute Pinto, I totally agree with your comment… many Hindu’s always comment on western culture, they themselves do not know what they are speaking about and really do not know what is Indian culture and western culture. In Indian no one these days purely follow India culture. If they fallow they really cannot make a good leaving in this century… If you visit the houses of those who protest against western culture you can find they themselves using and practicing western culture. Today if Indian is developing its only because western culture & systems. If westernization was not entered in our country, India would be zero. This does not mean that I am against Indian culture, I really have great respect on Indian Culture, but I am against those who behave like uneducated even they are educated.

    Jai Hind

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  • Shridhar, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    What is the need to get converted to one religion when the loving couples are from different religion.. Why can't they remain in their respective religion and get married?? Any comments..

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  • geetha, kadri toll gate

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    I know this case very well. The girl was not sent to study but to work as a servant. The father used to come often and take her salary. The girl has not been converted to Christanity, but she has got registered marriage. The Ram Sene people are simply making an issue out of it. Would any one of them married this girl. certainly no. Since she belongs to a lower caste. This rowdism is happenning only in South Kanara because the police are not taking stern action against the Ram Sene.When the servant herself has written to the police that she has not been converted, what right have these goondas to create commotion. Even if the girl is converted who are they to question the girl? High time that these goondas from Ram Sene are made to shut up.

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    since the girl confessed of her age and will then under what circumstances the police has to register a case. If so then who is the party for the case.The parents of the girl may be greedy and may be expecting monetary gains from the girl and the groom.

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  • joprashanth veigas, abudhabi,manjeshwara,vorkady

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Many Christain girls have married Hindu boys and even practice Hinduism .What is wrong ?. It is one's freedom to practice any religion, if he or she likes ,provided it is not done by force. India is a secular country .

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  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    There is no truth in Ashok Kunder, Perampalli's comment. These comments and self satisfactory but cannot win public appreciation or cannot benefit the society. Comments must be useful for the social welfare.

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  • Simon Francis Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    ಇವತ್ತು ನಮ್ಮ ಮ೦ಗಳೂರಿಗೆ ಏನಾಗಿದೆ? ಯಾರು ಕಾರಣ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ? ಯಾಕೆ ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಸರಕಾರ ಇ೦ತಹ ಮತೀಯ ಗಲಬೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಯಾವುದೊ೦ದು ಶಾಶ್ವತ ಪರಿಹಾರ ನೀಡುತಿಲ್ಲ? ಯಾಕೆ೦ದರೆ ಏ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗಳನ್ನ ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ನಾವೇ ದೇಳಬೇಕು.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Ashok Kunder, Perampalli

    Language used by you exhibits the quality of Indian Culture practiced by you. I cannot stoop to that level because the Indian Culture I know do not allow me to do so. You may be staying in the city and feel everybody is educated. You go to your Perampalli and see how many are educated people are there and how rich high caste people still use the lower caste people as slaves in their fields. Even though I am in Kuwait, periodically I have the chance to visit villages and know their conditions. So don’t pass judgmental comments.

    You seem to be from these pseudo Hindu organizations and that is why say that “They are all just fighting against foreign culture which is destroying our Indian culture”. My dear what is Indian Culture? Beating poor girls and unarmed innocents is Indian culture? I call these goons as cowards as they are not dared even to go near the strong people. Mogaveera community drive them out from Urwa marigudi temple and they just vanished.

    Caste is still a biggest disease in The Hindu religion and unless this is wiped out problems will still remain. Tell me how many higher caste people are ready to marry lower caste. Even in the temple you are told to remove shirts only to identify if you are Brahmin are not. Now this has become compulsory in every temple (if you have to go near Garbha Gudi) and everybody starts believing this as culture. Problem is people have limited knowledge of Hindu culture and the rich high class people exploits the lower class people in the name of religion. This is the reality and the pseudo hindu organizations may not like this.

    My dear brother, come out of your shell and try to understand the Indian Culture before making any sweeping comments.

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  • manish.k, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr.Alwyn lobo and Sathis kunder Ithink you people and others got answer from Mahendra Kunder.

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  • Billy Goat, Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Tukra Poojary probably never complained for 14 years when he sent his daughter to work as a servant in this Christian's house, as money was being sent to him to live his life.

    Suddenly he has got a hangover after all the drinking in Sakleshpur...and now wants some extra money from daughter... I suppose

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  • Zainudeen Mangalore, AbuDhabi

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Some youths making problem always.What is the profit them, They are no job please come to AbuDhabi,we have job here.

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  • Canute Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Ashok Kunder, Perampalli
    Stop Western culture!? What western culture you are talking about? These guys are dressed in western dress in photos (Pant and shirt) rather than wearing “dothi”!?

    I strongly support in banning western culture, but it should be banned along with the western technology also! Because that is not our culture too……..

    Watches, video, cameras, bus, cars, trucks, tar roads, phone, mobile phone, TV, radio, aircraft, eye power glasses, English hospitals, English medication, medical operations, pain killers, Anastasia, war planes, nuclear power, electricity, electric equipments like motors, AC, generators, suing machine, LPG gas, train, motor boats, computer, Internet and satellites should be banned in India because there things are derived from western culture including cycle also!?

    The day you ban these things in India, I am the first one to shave my head and convert to Hinduism wearing “dothi” and throughout my life I will sing the “hari kathe” and “bajane” in kashi temple and lead other Christians to Hinduism.

    Now this is your time to prove that you are a true Hindu!!! And to prove you do not maintaing double standards!!!

    If so, the day you learnt that you have a tumor in your stomach, you are the first one to stop applying "kadenj yenne" to your stomuch and fly to Europe as quick as possible in the interest of your survival. Therefore comment something sensible, through that we can togather build our nation. Is my comment fully?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Satish, Udupi. Julia Roberts a roman Catholic got converted to Hinduism. Did we make a big song and dance about it? We are not stupid. We have better things to do. Every one has the right to choose a religion he or she wants.

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  • m h rashid, udupi

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    "When the police contacted the girl, she reportedly told them that she had married the Christian youth on her own accord and that the marriage had been registered. She said she is a major and has the freedom to take decisions on her own." IN SPITE OF THIS STATEMENT BY GIRL, THE POLICE REGISTERED THE CASE.. after this statement by girl herself,the case should be dismissed... but our efficient DK police registered the case.

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  • ROSHAN, b

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    as i know a hindu girl converted to other religion it is not a big matter. but why the father of her could not come to know since how long? INDIA is a democratic country, we have freedom to practise our own religion . so it is her wish to choose other community.

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  • Donald, udupi/Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010


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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Ashok Kunder, Perampalli

    I have to politely tell you to mind your language while replying. You go to the village and see the atrocities on poor people of lower castes which is still existing and caste system is still prevalent. Can a higher caste person marry a girl from lower caste? Event though I work abroad, I go often to the villages and see their plight and help them whatever possible from my side. So do not make judgmental comments

    It is a known fact the rich class is using the poor people to fight in the streets in the name of religion. Like you, these people neither have full knowledge of Indian Culture or Hinduism. Do not make nonsense comments like “they are all just fighting against foreign culture which is destroying our Indian culture.”

    Do you know what an Indian culture is? If you know, then you will not support such pseudo hindu actions.

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  • rajesh, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    vyama you telling your riligion is good .other all useless

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    These Sangh Parivar people think that they are protecting Hinduism by such protests. Actually they are doing more damage to the Hindu Community because they do not have the full knowledge of Hindu Culture and are de-generating the values of Hinduism by their foolish acts.

    There is a need for all Hindus to keep out these elements and work towards peace and respect between all religion so that the unity of the country is maintained. We should follow the path shown by greats like Swami Vivekananda, Narayan Guru and not the distorted Hinduism preached by these pseudo Hindu organizations

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Well said Ashok Kunder, Perampalli. Hats off to you.

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  • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore - USA

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    It is funny story. How can a father don’t know sixteen years about her daughter? What about her & how is she living and her personal needs & social living. If her father truly loved her why he send her out of his home? His daughter is openly told to the Police officials that, she got married by her own wish. Now the Hindu group are protesting & trying making some issue and they can robe the private belonging by strikes. Why these Hindu groups can help the needy once. Let them learn from Mr. Veerendra Hegde, who is really good God fearing person & showing his helping hand to the needy. Other than him,

    I think no one is there in Karnatka State who helps the public in Hindu groups. Shetty’ will help only Shetty’s, Poojaries only to Poojary and Brahmins only to Bramins. This list will go on. Even in temple if you have JANIVARA you are treated as first class citizen & if not you are F……. Even the SC, ST & Back ward Hindu people are treated so bad, personally I feel very sad. In Christianity every one is created by God & we must respect every individual as God’s creation. Even in Muslims there is No separation in the Mosque. Dear Hindu friends please let every one live as they like & if you guys want to really help, support them by giving good help. Help the people supporting in education, in building house, for health & so many things you people can do. When things come to me I NEVER ask the religion but I & my Christians friend help Hindu, Muslim & Christians. Love one another.

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010


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  • Denis, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Hadinaalku varusha vanavasadinda marali bandanu "Tukra Poojary"

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    It is sad to notice that this so called father of the girl did not bother about the welfare of his daughter..!!? Now all of a sudden he came to senses and realised that his daughter was not sent to school, not allowed to meet her parents, treated badly etc. etc....where was he so far and why he kept quiet for 14 years ?????

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  • Billy Goat, Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Looks like these pictures were taken in the late evening and Why no women in the pictures? Who wants to see these ugly men..This is almost like a Taliban women allowed near police station in the evening, or what?

    Or is it that most Mangalorean women are responsible and think about getting ready for their jobs the next day, where as, these jobless men must have been pulled out from some seedy bar to go and show their strength in numbers at a police station, after which they were promised "Mysore Lancer" Udupi Scotch Whisky?

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  • francis lobo, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    well said dear Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia, very funny

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Forget the Constitution, Secular, Uneducated , Unemployed etc. Think before what you are writting. Time will say. Then do not cry.

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  • Hidathullah, Koppala

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Kishor Udupi, the problem is of Hindu girl converting into Christianity, then why this " Unislamic in between ? Baba please dont bring any Islam here. Already we are tired with too many false allegations.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Manvit, Mangaluru, do you know what is a close watch, if not go and learn from Kasmir, if have a spine. Shame on you" and your close watch

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  • bil, mlore/dxb

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Kishore Udupi/Dubai,

    It is Un-Islamic to comment sitting in Muslim country, and giving baseless answers. If you are so much concerned, first try to resolve the issues in your community which is spreading hatred by few individuals against each other so called right /left wings. We all will support you then. Whereever it is wrong accept it and stand against crime.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Tukra Poojary from Sakleshpur is surely Rip Van Winkle. After drinking some of their liquor , he settles down under a shady tree and falls asleep. He wakes and returns to his village, where he finds fourteen years have passed. He finds out that his daughter no where or gone somewhere else. He immediately gets into trouble not knowing what has taken place.

    This time however nobody offers liquor/ money or he would have gone into sleep again. "Money money money always honey in Tukra Pujari world"

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  • veigas, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    these guys know only to create comunal riot.where are these people when terrorist attack our country...when a christian or muslim convert to hinduism why they dont raise their voice....

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  • manish.k, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Valyma I know what you are talking. People like you always support your religion if they are right or wrong. 

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mass support.It is just a joke. I live in the Hindu-dominated area, one does not like the presence of others. During house meeting, they show their true support of chopping each others suggestions. First let us us accept the limitations and weakness in one's community before commenting against others.

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  • Musthak Hameed, kulur/Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    These stupid guys have no job always creating problem in Mangalore.

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  • Ashok Kunder, Perampalli

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait you are still in your grand father's era. Do not bark in Kuwait. Come to India & see. There is no upper class, lower class nowadays. Shetty, Poojary, Mogaveer, Achari, Devadiga, Bhat, Harijan etc are all same now. People are educated. They don't mind caste. They are all just fighting against foreign culture which is distroying our Indian culture. They do not wait for your advice from Kuwait.

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  • John Dsouza , Chickmagalur

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Many Christain girls have married hindu boys and even practice Hinduism .What is wrong ?. It is one's freedom to practice any religion, if he or she likes ,provided it is not done by force. India is a secular country .

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  • Manvit, Mangaluru

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Good work guys, keep close vigil to everyone because now you have support of mass. Carry on, we will be with you always.

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mr. Sandesh, Mangalore you are right. If anything goes wrong to their religion they start crying it is un-Islamic. But in India anyone can play with Hindu religion & Hindu's sentiments.

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    When a guy MARRIED MANY (20 wives) and killed them later, where was this Hindu outfit...?...

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  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod/Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Live and let live. Where was the girl's father for 14 years. Was he in slumber and just woke-up? If the girl with her wish accepted the change of religion and agreed to marry a person outside of her religion, what is the problem for general public. Why these people do not enforce their jungle rule on bollywood celebrities and among them most of the Khans are married with Hindu girls and some are even taken two after divorcing the first. No complaints and protests seen anywhere.

    The problem only for girls from poor family can not choose her life partner outside of her religion. Comon guys, your dadagiri only in Mangalore because you guys easily get away after committing any crimes.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Mohan, Mangaluru

    “Yes! many Hindus will surely convert by their own will if Hindus discreminating with our own people belongs to different tribes upper cast and lower cast. First let us fixup our own problem.”

    I completely agree with Mr. Mohan and even today discrimination between castes exists and this is the main reason for the people to look for better options in other community. These Bajarangis only wake up when something like this happens. Why they are not fighting against caste system? Why they are not identifying poor Hindus and help them?

    These Sangh Parivar people can only exploit such situations for their political benefits. They do not have any guts to stand against the evils in the Hindu Society which still haunts poor lower caste Hindus who still lives with fear of atrocities by upper caste rich Hindus.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Satish, Udupi. do you know the ritual where people are given cow's urine and cow dung to re-convert to Hinduism in North India? When a person or victim is poor and powerless, all these criminal rituals get into effect in every religion, everywhere in world.

    The above incident is nothing but someone setting fire in peaceful life's of individuals. Shame on Bajarnghis and shame of HM, for doing nothing against the criminals.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    This is the issue between girl and boy. Please do not bang your head. Now the conversion issue is nothing but created issue. This is the reward looking after for few years, almost 14 years onwards and now the real greatful attitude is coming out. If this attitude continues, one will stop to help even to the needy in their difficult time.

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  • Vishwas Rai, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Brainless, Jobless...bunch of fools creating scene in front of the Police Station & our corrupt cops doing nothing about this.

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  • Satish, Udupi

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Mr. Maxon, please be aware there is nothing called converting to Hinduism.
    Have you ever heard that someone got converted as Hindu? if someone from other religion gets married to a Hindu he or she can call themselves as hindu but there is no procedure or ritual to get converted unlike other religion.

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  • Velyma, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    manish.k, mangalore...
    Please read the article carefully yourself:- First of all if the girl was sent to this family 14 years back and the father was not allowed to meet the girl, why did he not register a complaint? Was he asleep all this time or not aware that there was a law and a police station as well for 14 years.Secondly if the girl has married of her own accord then where is the qustion of conversion to any other religion or forcible marriage? About conversions:I have umpty number of friends who are married to hindus even brahmins and have converted. Why do you act and behave like deaf and blind? Have you known the background of the girls family? Probably she might have been happier here than her family...Dont assume and get sympathy...People are not fools! I believe unemployment is increasing in Mangalore that's why people are creating riots. The truth is that back in the north there is conversion happening and no one knows about it or we act blind. People who wanna check please go to places like Manipur and you would know the reality yourself. Stop fighting and creating this non sense..Do a reality check before you comment..!

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    These kinds of intolerance by the poisoned minds of Hindutva activists are destroying the peaceful atmosphere of this region. The members of radical outfit like Rama Sene, Bajrang Dal etc. intentionally take law into their hands to get cheap publicity.
    In this case, one should realise that the so called father, Tukra Poojary from Sakleshpur did not care to know whether his daughter Yashoda was dead or alive. After 14 years, suddenly he remembered his daughter when his mind has poisoned by these radical groups to create communal hatred among the two communities. Yashoda had told the police that she is a major and has the freedom to take decisions on her own hence she had married the Christian youth on her own accord through register marriage. On the basis of the confession statement lodged by Yashoda, those communal goondas should be legally dealt with. Further, she has complained that her parents are pestering her because of the fact that she chose to marry a man from another religion hence the police should take action against her parents for mobalising communal goons to terrorise her family.

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  • Iqbal Saeed, Kaup

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Girls father forget her for 14 years. Now he remembered his daughter. Great news!!!!!!!!!

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Actually these Hindu outfits are jealous as they did not get mamool wosuli, I bet if the girl had contacted the outfit and paid them something they wouldn't be protesting. These goons have taken refuge in the guise of a religious outfit to spoil the name of Hinduism, I know it because all my friends are Hindus, I studied in a Hindu school and college, lived opposite to a temple just 15 feet away for 25 years. When a girl who is a Christian marries a Hindu or Muslim nobody in the Christian religion bats a eyelid. Hindus should remember if they bring bad name to their religion ultimately they will suffer in the international arena be treated as pariah's. So my request to Hindu Wise to reign in your useless Hindu outfits called Sangh Parvar/RSS/Bagarang Dhal or time will come when you people will damned for ever

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmennu

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Sometimes I wonder what is the qualification of our cops?

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  • mcqueen, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Another case of moral policing.
    there have been so many christian girls/boys who have got married to hindu or muslims and the issues have been sorted out amicably beteen families.
    i know of a similar situation which happened 2 years ago in mangalore when the issue was among 2 professionals. both, the boys side and the girls side didnt have any objection to the marriage, but the left/right wing hindu groups had a problem!!! when both the families (one hindu one christian) didnt have a problem why does some ram sene, or a bajrang dal or a VHP have a problem? ITS SHEER NONSENSE
    in the present case, WHAT IS LEFT TO INVESTIGATE,after the police have recorded the girl's statement. Flimsy reasons.
    these guys should protest about shoddy road jobs,lack of cleanliness,pollution etc etc wake up guys! how much do you get paid to protest in front of a police station?
    Contribute positively to the society you live in. not negatively. do something constructive.
    May you be blessed in the name of Almighty most merciful, most gracious!

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  • Ranjith D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    If you try the same thing with a Muslim girl, then we would have seen a different story. All these are possible only with mild Hindu community.

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  • anil sheety, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    sandesh, mangalore
    Are you a bajarangi????

    These guys are uneducated & useless of our society. They will go behind any of them if they get call

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  • Mohan, Mangaluru

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Yes! many Hindus will surely convert by their own will if Hindus discreminating with our own people belongs to different tribes upper cast and lower cast. First let us fixup our own problem.

    Yes! many Hindus will convert if Hindus practice violence on the streets, because there are more Hindus who love peace and live in a good human respectful society. Educate Hindus will first come out of from Hinduism. Watch your deeds first!There are many good things to do.

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  • Jerry z, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    First of all under the Indian law anybody can convert to any relegion. Its their choice. This so called coercion and inducements are loose terms. If one is leading a miserable/sad life then he/she will look for a change to have a better life.
    2) When people get converted to jainism or buddhism no one utters a word but christianity or islam they get jealous and paranoid. Why?. Then they talk about culture but will jump at an opportunity to work in Arab countries or the West where they enjoy more cultural independence than here.

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  • aboobaker uppala, uppala/Holy Makkah

    Sat, Sep 04 2010


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  • jokim, saudi

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    dear hindhu brothers don,t brake the laws for this matter.One who marry legaly,let them live in this country freely.don,t spoil their life.thank you.

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  • lukas, malpe

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    these orgnisation where there is love and enjoyment they can"t tolerate.they wil come and hit them.but recently in banglaore in beggers colony so many beggers died. but i did't see any these orgaisation . if u have really like hinduism help these people and sponsor them each one like christian people yourself build big house and never help poor people around you.if these people go to any bad place you never stop them.if they going for some good place you beat them . any how government behind you people withdawing all case against you.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    The solution to this problem
    being created by a bunch unemployed
    youths who are ready to jump into
    action in response to every call
    of the politicians, is to put them
    to work. Unemployed people will
    have greater fun in meddling with
    other's life let it be marriage
    or religion.

    The police who are registering
    case againt grown up married couple, based on the allegations
    of the street people is the greatest paradox and stupidity
    ever heard.

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Stupid guys just go and ask Yashoda's father, why didn't he take care of his daughter for all the 14 years? She has been married for almost one year and her father is complaining now, creates some doubt about the cheap politics behind it.

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  • Frank, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    These guys should know the Constitution of India prior to protest against such issues. It states freedom of religion. I hope our policemen might be knowing or are aware of the Constitution. If they know our constitution then nothing to worry about it. If not then somebody must give a copy of constitution to them.
    Anyway, girl has the full rights to marry anybody as she is an adult. Gud luck to Yashoda. God be with you.

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  • manish.k, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Dear christian brothers read the passage clearly then you can understand the truth.Don't behave like blind.If you facing same problem you can understand that but this is others' problem. So doesn't matter for you.You people are know only to create the problems and spoil the relations.

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  • sandesh, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    @ajit: how u know that they are bajarangis may be they are YCS or YCM..if the same thing happens to any Chirstian then they'll sit quietly? It's not only about the girls statement it's also about converting mind forcibly.......

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  • Sujith, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    We can see a bunch of fools who have no work to do, also do not know anything about Indian Constitution.

    I guess most of them do not know why they have come to the Police station. They might have been sent by someone who wants to disturb peace of OUR MANGALORE again.

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  • Nitesh R., Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    If the Girl has stated that she has married on her own accord then registering a case is useless. It is eveident that these "100 Rs. per person" crowd are not aware of law.

    The Kadri police must realise that they have to abide by Indian constitution and NOT the "saffron constitution".

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  • Sequeira Roshan, Mangalore/AUH

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    I read an intresting article in today's daijiworld , before browsing this story all readers please read this link before reading this story

    Let us do something fruitfull before poking our nose into someone's life

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  • Maxon, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    These things are common in that people convert after marriage, a girl who was a christian got convefrted to Hinduism afeter she got married to a hindu guy, I didnt see any christian protesting for it where were these bajrangis during that time they should have protested for for it??? Isnt it? If you are fighting for the society fight even against who convert to Hinduism? Do you guys dare to do that?? when a person willfully converts religion its legal the statement by the girl justifies it.

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  • Laambert, Bijai/Kelarai

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    All Hindu/Muslim/Christian brothers please kindly give a hand together to bring the roads in Mangalore and the Outskirts instead of fighting for stupid issues

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  • Brie, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Here we go, fair enough on girls statement. Stupid youth wasting time without any reasons.Please send them to Taliban. Girls Father is an Idiot, realise about his daughter after 14 years. In what basis police registred complaint??? How much is the offer??

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  • F. Fernandes, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Those who protest about such issues are not aware of the Constitution of India, which gives freedom of religion to every major adult. Anyway here it is not the question of religion but two people living happily together. God is one no matter what your religion is, all religions teach to love one another and help the needy.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    After the girls statements, what the jobless people doing? Trying for some votes for the master of their standard?

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Girl gave statement.Now get lost Bajarangis.You have already become laughing stock. No more tamasha. Read Constitution and get educated.Stop behaving like relegious bigots.

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