Media Release
Mangaluru, Dec 17: The congregation of the Apostolic Carmel had the celebration of perpetual profession of 13 sisters on Saturday, December 17 at Presentation Convent, Maryhill.
Sr Paritha Mary, Sr Manisha Coelho, Sr Nismitha D’Souza, Sr Prathima D’Costa, Sr Monica, Sr Prabha, Sr Arockiya, Sr Priya, Sr Pramila, Sr Lucia, Sr Vijaya, Sr Jenefa and Sr Joicila made their final profession and offered their lives forever in the service of the Lord. Sr Nessa, the general councillor for formation and Sr Shilpa Maria, the tertian directress had played a significant role in their preparation for this great day.

Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore diocese in his homily preached on the theme ‘Walk the Love’. He cited that God has fallen in love with today’s 13 sisters and has called them to be partners with Him in spreading this most important commandment ‘Love’. To walk the love received in their baptismal commitment is always to fan the flame of love in their life. The love kindled by the fire of love coming from the heart of Jesus is to be shared with His people in their mission. By this everyone will know ‘you are my disciples’.
The superior general of the Apostolic Carmel Sr Maria Nirmalini AC, accepted their vows in the name of the church. For this solemn celebration, sisters of the generalate team, provincial superiors of the different provinces, the sisters, the family members of the finally professed sisters from different parts of India, their parish priests and well wishers gathered along with them in a spirit of thanksgiving to witness and share the joy of these 13 brides.
The celebrants of this great day were then ushered into the school auditorium which was splendidly and artistically decorated in tune with the celebration. The felicitation programme commenced with a welcome dance followed by a greeting song by the novices for the audacious step taken by these 13 sisters in offering themselves totally to the Lord and for His service in the church. As the sisters were introduced to the audience, Sr Maria Nirmalini felicitated them with a garland and welcomed them to the family of the Apostolic Carmel. Sr Nirmalini in her address, congratulated the sisters for their generous ‘yes’ to Jesus, their master and urged them to remain faithful to their commitment till the end. She also thanked the parents and family members of these young brides for giving them to the Apostolic Carmel and requested them to support them through their prayers and wishes.
The fellowship meal that followed gave space and time for the young brides of the day to bond with their loved ones and sisters of the congregation.
Click on the link to get a glimpse of the celebration.