Kabul, May 29 (IANS) Governor of northern Afghanistan's Takhar province died of injuries suffered in a suicide bomb attack on his office Saturday."Abdul Jabbar Taqwa succumbed to injuries this evening in hospital," Syed Ahmad, a doctor in the provincial capital Taluqan city told Xinhua.
Seven people, including two senior police officers and three German soldiers with the NATO-led troops, were killed and nine people, including the provincial governor, were wounded as a suicide bomber blew himself up in the governor's office, said spokesman for Takhar provincial administration Faizullah Tawhidi earlier Saturday.
Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which left provincial police chief Shah Jahan Nuri and commander of police in northern Afghanistan General Mohammad Daud Daud and five others dead on the spot.
Nine people were injured, some of them in critical condition, Ahmad said.
Taliban militants fighting Afghan and NATO-led troops have intensified attacks since they launched spring offensive from May 2, following Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's killing by US special commandos in Pakistan's Abbottabad city.