Media Release
Belagavi, Feb 26: Dr Edward Nazareth, renowned orthopaedic surgeon of the city and professor of orthopaedics at Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Mukka, Mangaluru, took over the post of president of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association, at the annual conference of the association (KOACON) held at Belagavi recently.
Karnataka Orthopaedic Association, affiliated to Indian Orthopaedic Association is a registered organisation with more than 2000 qualified orthopaedic surgeons as the permanent members. Dr Edward Nazareth has worked as the editor of the Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association (JKOA) from 2012 to 2015 and from 2015 to 2018 as the secretary general of the association. During the above two tenures he had worked immensely for the association. As a token of appreciation, Dr Edward Nazareth has been elected unopposed by the members for the post of president of the association.

Dr Edward Nazareth is known as a prolific writer in Konkani where 16 books written by him are published which include books on health, short story collections and novels. ‘Text Book of Orthopaedics’ written by Dr Edward Nazareth is published by CBS Publishers New Delhi recently. This book is prepared according to the competency based medical education syllabus for undergraduates by the National Medical Council.
Dr Edward Nazareth is well associated with Daijiworld. His column, ‘Ask Doctor’ was popular on this website for nearly 12 years. He had written several articles on COVID 19 during the pandemic educating the readers. He is recipient of several awards for his literary work including Daiji Dubai literary award.
Dr Edward Nazareth will be the president of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association for a year.