New Delhi, June 29 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday said he doesn't "mind young leadership" taking charge, but the party and the government has to decide when Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi will take charge at the helm.
"I don't mind young leadership. But it is not my decision. It has not come on the party agenda or on the agenda of the government," Kumar Ketkar, editor of Divya Marathi, quoted the prime minister as saying during a media interaction here.
The response came on recent statements made by Congress leaders on Rahul Gandhi being ready to take over as the next prime minister.
Ketkar was speaking to reporters outside the 7 Race Course Road residence of the prime minister after a two-hour-long meeting with five senior editors.
"I was surprised that he was not offended or embarrassed (by our direct questions). He was confident of all embarrasing questions," Ketkar added.