Pics: Kevin Rodrigues
Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi (JD)
Udupi, May 8: The silver jubilee celebration of priestly ordination of Fr Philip Neri Aranha, parish priest St Peter's church Barkur was held on Sunday May 7 in Barkur church with grandeur.
Fr Philip Neri Aranha celebrated the holy Eucharistic celebration.
In his homily Fr Leslie D’Souza said, “A priest is not invited but he is chosen. Every priest has to start his ministry work. A good priest should be with everyone especially with the needy people. Priests have to work in such a way that whatever he does should not be told to others and in this way many priests work or serve the needy ones at every level. Fr Philip Neri has been to many places during his priesthood and served as a priest. Today, he is celebrating the silver jubilee of priesthood. Our mission is to make good and speak good wherever we have been sent for ministry work. A priest will take holy concentrated Jesus Christ in his hand and tell others. We will get good priests who follow the word of God and do as he does. Every priest has his own weaknesses. As every family is not the same, every priest is also not perfect.”


Fr Philip Neri Aranha presided over the thanksgiving holy Eucharistic celebrations while Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, bishop, diocese of Udupi, Fr Henry Dsouza, bishop, diocese of Bellary, Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, vicar general, diocese of Udupi, Fr Valerian Mendonca, dean, Kallianpur deanery and other priests were present in the Eucharistic celebration.
A formal felicitation programme was organized after the holy Eucharistic celebration.
Fr Royson Fernandes, editor - Uzwaad Konkani fortnightly raising the toast said, “Fr Philip Neri Aranha is the only son in his family, but his family sent him for this holy work. He has served in many parishes of Udupi and Mangalore diocese in the past 25 years. He is not a popular priest, but he is a priest whom people admire and love. He never publicizes his works. He is a priest who turned unbelievable things into reality. He speaks from the heart. Fr Philip Neri is a very good guide.”
Fr Roshan D’Souza, chancellor diocese of Udupi said, “I congratulate all the parishioners for organizing such a programme. A priest should be humble, loving and a man of prayers. Fr Philip Neri Aranha has all these qualities. I wish Fr Philip Neri to celebrate the golden jubilee too.”
Dr Henry D’Souza, bishop diocese of Bellary in his message said, “It is my pride to be here. I congratulate Fr Philip Neri for his holy life. Barkur has changed a lot. People of Barkur are spread all over the world. Our children have also become talented. I thank Theresa Aranha for her sacrifice. We are brothers, our God is within us. He has called us for the betterment.”
Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves said, “This is a very unique and special programme. Fr Philip has led a holy life. I congratulate him on this great occasion. Priest is the representative of Jesus Christ. He has worked as a mediator between God and the people. His mother and family have supported Fr Philip Neri very much. May your silver jubilee turn to gold.”
Fr Rolwin Fernandes, resident priest, also congratulated Fr Philip Neri Aranha.
On receiving felicitation and honour, Fr Philip Neri Aranha said, “God has lived with me in every step. I thank Lord Almighty for choosing me as his servant. Late Fr J P Tauro was the parish priest of Pangla when I joined the seminary. I thank Dr Basil D'Souza, Dr Aloysius D’Souza and Dr Gerald Lobo for their guidance and support. I thank Dr Henry Menezes for taking part in this programme. I thank all the parish priests and the parish pastoral council and the parishioners of the churches where I served for their support and guidance. I thank the parish pastoral committee, finance committee, and all the parishioners of Barkur church for organizing this programme. I thank my mother for being with me with her prayers and also my family members. I thank people of all the communities of this area for their great support during my tenure.”
Fr Philip Neri Arnha was felicitated by the parish pastoral committee, various associations and wards of the church and churches he served. Representatives of St Peter’s association Mumbai, St Peter’s association Bengaluru, and Emirates Barkur also felicitated Fr Philip Neri Aranha. Theresa Aranha, mother of Fr Philip Neri Aranha was also honoured.
Second PU state level topper Jesvita Dias, PhD graduate Sr Vinisha Lobo, silver jubilee celebrants of their priestly ordination Fr Abel Lobo, Fr Nelson Furtado, Fr Dr Ivan D’Almeida, and Fr Stany B Lobo, parish priest Udyavar for celebrating golden jubilee of priestly ordination, Fr Vivian Noronha, newly ordained priest, and Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves, vicar general were also felicitated.
Herald D'Souza, convener 20 commissions Eric Soans, secretary was present.
Joseph Fernandes, vice president parish pastoral committee welcomed the gathering. Eric Soans, secretary, proposed the vote of thanks. Vivet Lewis and Jasmine D’Souza compered the programme.
Watch programme video: